Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 460: Glorious Road (6)

Wang Ai sighed: "Senior, the problem is here, if Liaozu is not mine, I can really shoot. But it is mine, how do you say I shoot? How thick do I have to be to brag?"

"Xu Genbao, Gu Guangming and even *** these young and young are all OK, why is it me? And that pony in Sichuan, he has also been very high in recent years." The old man nodded his finger.

"Before me, we have scored a lot of goals in Chinese football, and have more wonderful performances. But it is said that it is a little known in the international arena. It has a number one in the history of sports in New China, only the "Zhixing style". You Don’t be humble, the people you pose can indeed shoot, but who is the first to shoot, this is very particular. Shooting you, everyone is convinced, shooting others, is that not waiting for the fight? As the first in Chinese football I have to be cautious and consider all aspects of this film and television work. If I haven’t waited for it to be filmed, I will scold it or make a quarrel. How can this film have a future?"

The old man frowned deeply and was speechless for a moment.

Wang Ai then persuaded: "Senior, football is not fake, but it is also a spiritual civilization. If you don’t have this feeling and pursuit, you will do whatever you want to win, so now we have the appearance of Chinese football circles, fake ball black whistle everywhere It’s all, the fans are constantly scolding. This commercial football cannot be purely commercial, without spiritual pursuit, and reduced to a pure economic animal, then the national team can’t be formed. For example, why should I join the national team ?Salary is only a few dollars? At your height, you must have considered the value of football to the country and the nation, not just to our personal fame and profit. Now what I want to do is to let the fans realize that Chinese football is not only There are the results of my generation and the sentiments of your generation. Only when the results and sentiments are combined are Chinese football and healthy Chinese football."

The old man nodded: "It's rare that you want to be so long-term."

Wang Ai smiled shyly: "Isn't this, and I have touched the edge of your level then? The ancients said that Daze can help the world."

Rong Zhixing nodded Wang Ai with his finger and shook his head with a smile. He wanted to say that you are much stronger than I was back then, but think again, this child's grades are enough, but in terms of historical status is indeed not as good as him. As the two spiritual treasures juxtaposed with the "women's volleyball spirit" in the history of sports in New China, the height of "Zhixing style" is really not touched by Wang Aineng now.

Wang Ai is also very clear about this. Because this thing is not what you want to mention, nor is it successful if you mention it. It must have a reputation, nod from the leadership to the masses, pass the test of history, and be innovative. For example, the spirit of the women’s volleyball team, which represents the spirit of “stubborn fighting and courageous fighting” of athletes including the old women’s volleyball team, is only the most outstanding performance of the women’s volleyball team, so it is named after the women’s volleyball team. Once it is put forward, no matter how many achievements others have made, no matter how brave and hard work, they can only count as "women's volleyball spirit" or general "sports spirit", and will not come up with a new vocabulary.

Similarly, the "nobleness, civilization, excellence, dedication" and so on represented by Zhixing's style have also passed the judgment of the public and the test of history. After its appearance, there will be no similar generalization.

From the comparison of the two spiritual wealth, the spirit of the women's volleyball team is more beneficial to the sports industry, such as improving performance. Zhixing's style is more conducive to the outside of the sports world, such as establishing a good image and even strengthening the country's soft power.

In comparison, Xu Haifeng’s history is first, Li Ning’s gymnastic prince, Liu Guoliang, Deng Yaping’s ping pong slam, even Ma Junren’s long-distance running team, Liu Xiang’s sprinting, etc. The reputation is enough, and the results are enough, history The status is enough, but in terms of spiritual wealth, there is nothing unique.

As the country’s economic strength increases, there will be more and more records and gold medals, and it will gradually become less and less rare. When you look back at that time, you will notice the scarcity of spiritual wealth. So two!

What a precious thing! How important is it to Chinese football! There are dozens of categories and hundreds of sports in Chinese sports!

"Then do you want to make commercials, arts, or documentaries? Do I need to appear in an oral memoir, or..."

"Senior, did you agree?" Wang Ai stood up in surprise.

Rong Zhixing waved his hand and asked Wang Ai to sit down. Many people in the cafe.

"You have talked about this height, how can I agree? Is it the future development of Chinese football, and the quality of the will of Chinese football, where can I refuse it. Since I have enjoyed this "Zhixing style" praise, I have the obligation to promote it. Although I am the same as you, I am also a party, and it is not good for me to say anything, but others have to say that I still have to support it. But you can’t hold me too high in the film, you need to pay attention One thing, it was not just me, not only Chinese football, who had this quality of will at that time, but a large number of people and a large number of sports."

Seeing Wang Ai nodded frequently, the old man said again: "You can't sit still by deification, so I can't sit still. So you can't shoot like that, or listen to me, don't blame me for breaking the contract. Well, we have to sign the contract Well, you have to add such a contract."

"You can rest assured that my initial idea is to shoot a feature film with you as the core, but with your growth as a clue, it brings out such a big proposition as Chinese football and even Chinese sports, and shows the style of the older generation of athletes through your story. , To show the pursuit of our Chinese athletes. In short, you have a say in the script, we want to make this story as beautiful and exciting as possible, otherwise it will not play a role, but at the same time, we must definitely stand firm and stand firm. "

"Well, when will it start? Should I stay in Beijing for a while? By the way, has the superior approved it?"

Wang Ai nodded: "You can rest assured, I have greeted you already."

"Well, let's hurry up."

The old man also simply, immediately agreed to refund the ticket, and then got on Wang Ai's car, drove all the way to Beyond Entertainment headquarters.

The arrival of Rong Zhixing was warmly welcomed beyond entertainment. This project has been organized for half a year, and the scripts have been written five or six times.

The old man did not read the contract, first read the script, and after a long day of watching, he suddenly looked up and found that Wang Ai was still with him. , Just take it back and show me."

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