Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 466: Attacking Demon King (2)

Wang Ai's voice echoed in the conference hall. Whether it was his influence in Japanese society or the height of his speech, Japanese journalists kept a great respect. Only Jose beside Wang Ai showed great interest.

"That would threaten Japan, wouldn't it?" a young Japanese reporter suddenly stood up excitedly.

Wang Ai looked cold. After listening, he swayed down with one hand. The young Japanese reporter sat down involuntarily, as if he were in a university class.

"Country and country are different, and civilization and civilization are different. Some countries will run everywhere when they are developed, and build one..." Speaking of which, Wang Ai shrugged: "In short, their flags are flying everywhere. Or knock on the customs of a sovereign country. But this is a country, my Japanese friend, when you study the problem, you want to combine history, but don’t put...

Wang Ai spread his hand again: "The behavior habits of other countries are put on China. For thousands of years, China has organized three cross-sea expeditions in the Yuan Dynasty. The other Qin, Han, Jin, Sui, Tang, Song, and Ming dynasties have more than two thousand years of history. , Has always been stronger than Japan, can it invade Japan? For thousands of years, the people on that land are still writing square characters, eating grains of grains, still respecting the elderly and loving children, the times are different, the material is more Enriched, but that civilized behavior has never changed. We don’t want to be bullied, so we must have the power to defend ourselves, but we will not go to other people’s houses to bully our neighbors in the name of self-defense. China must be a powerful, civilized, prosperous, and friendly neighbor. It is strong enough to defend itself, it is civilized to a hundred rivers, it is prosperous to generosity, and it is friendly to others.

Speaking of which, Wang Ai said with longing: "The Tang Dynasty was so powerful, but the Tang ambassador was able to become a friend with the great poet Li Bai. Li Bai did not look down on his friends, bully his friends, or even squeeze him because he was weak in Japan. Friends. If you have time to go to China and look through Chinese textbooks, you will find our respect for the Tang Dynasty. This determines that our people will be like Li Bai from generation to generation. So, what the **** are you worried about?"

Wang Ai broke his finger and continued: "China’s national policy, history, and civilization are not strong enough to bully Japan. Where does your fear come from? When was China... some countries? On the contrary, when you put some When the bad guys who killed many Chinese people were worshipped as heroes, we had to worry that you wanted to bully us. You can’t find any basis for China to bully Japan, but we can see that you want to bully China."

Some reporters have to stand up again, and Wang Ai waved his hand: sit down for me! The Great Devil's words!

"Some of you may argue that this is our culture." Speaking of which, Wang Ai shook his head: "No, this is not culture. I would like to ask you to look at this issue from the Chinese perspective, or I fight For example, suppose that China has established a monument to the US military pilots who bombed Nagasaki, Hiroshima, and commemorates each year in high-profile, calling for learning. What will the people of Hiroshima Nagasaki think? What will you ordinary Japanese think? Then you put the undoubted invaders , Bad guys, butchers are commemorated as heroes, what do you want us Chinese to think? How do you explain that you have no intention of invading China again?"

Wang Ai shook his head again at the excited Japanese reporter. Today, he did not intend to have a one-on-one debate with the Japanese reporter. The relationship between the two countries is very sensitive. He said that he can control it, and he can't be sure once or twice.

"You don't quibble, don't play smart, don't think that you can deceive 1.3 billion people, no one in this world is a fool, and I am not." Wang Ai almost reprimanded: "I roughly know your true intentions, I will not say it. Yes, but my characterization of this kind of thing is: provocation. I must remind you to think about whether there is only one way to success. For a purpose with unknown success rate, we will sacrifice great prospects and reap huge Sino-Japanese relations. In the end it's not worth it."

"Are you educating the Japanese people?" Finally, a reporter couldn't stand Wang Ai's attitude of giving lectures and got up angrily.

Wang Ai listened to him, and smiled and asked, "Which university did you graduate from?"

The reporter flustered: "Nagoya University."

"Famous school." Wang Ai smiled again. "Then I ask you to recall that in your elementary and junior high school, when one of your courses fell behind, you were scolding every day who you want you to study, and pulling you every year. Who is going out to play?"

Speaking of which, Wang Ai leaned forward and poked at the table with his index finger: "I criticize you because I am using you as a friend or even a brother. Yes, the textbook is the internal affairs of Japan, why? Am I still criticizing you? That’s because we still treat you as friendly neighbors and friends! We don’t want you to make mistakes and don’t want you to do stupid things! If you want to understand, only your loved ones and friends will risk making you not Happy risks warn you!"

Wang Ai’s unexpected answer made Japanese reporters stunned and opened eyes for Chinese reporters: Can you explain it this way?

Although Wang Ai is still eloquent, in the eyes of the Japanese reporters under the stage, the shadows of his father and brother and professor overlapped inexplicably and sternly, and it was so similar! Although Wang Ai is smaller than most of them.

"Perhaps the difference in body size between our two countries is too great, so just like the elder brother's admonishment will always make the younger brother think that he will kill him. But this younger brother is not only timid, but also a little paranoid. Imagine in the direction of the enemy, and then frequently anger the elder brother, making the relationship between the two sides more and more tense, and finally the younger brother is assured: the elder brother is indeed my enemy, and I am right!"

Speaking of which, Wang Ai shook his head and nodded with his finger. Suddenly he sighed and said: "Today's press conference is over. I don't want to say anything."

Having finished speaking, Wang Ai got up and left, leaving a dull reporter. After Wang Ai came to the entrance of the tunnel, a reporter asked aloud: "Why is Japan a younger brother, and China is a younger brother?"

Wang Ai turned back and pointed at him and shouted, "Did you go to college, has your brother become your brother? Has your mother retired, will she be your daughter? ばか (八uga)!"

A word of national scolding for export, combined with Wang Ai's straight, cold back... more like a university professor. Many Japanese reporters subconsciously wanted to bow and say: "Sir, さようなら (teacher goodbye)."

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