Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 473: Attacking Demon King (9)

In this vanity fair, there are some things that you can't help yourself, and you are in constant struggle, especially for foreign households. Everyone except Terry is competing for position on the field. Of course, the club is not specifically aimed at Wang Ai, but the arrival of Sheva and the club's strategy objectively pose a great threat to Wang Ai.

Now, as Sheva has not shown his Milan standard, Wang Ai has more goals than the same period last season and the recognition of the two grand prizes. It does not make sense to say "two men stand side by side". Next, Wang Ai's side will fully attack in the areas of salary, advertising cooperation, new contract terms and so on. This is the power of the winner.

Of course, Sheva, who was in his 30s, has still had a top salary and can still be nourished by life. It is just that his dream of being king in the new map is undoubtedly broken. The next step is to see whether he is willing Accept the reality.

Arrive in Liverpool at noon, warm up in the afternoon and play in the evening.

The toffee was as hard as ever, actually fighting with Chelsea for a full 90 minutes, or even leading twice, and it seems that Chelsea's recent fatigue has also been detected, so it is necessary to bite hard. It is a pity that after all, the strength is worse. Wang Ai, who returned gloriously, is extremely fierce, scoring twice to tie the score. Although in the 70th minute of the game, he was replaced for protection purposes because he was violated too much, but then Drogba, who was replaced, "shame and be brave", kicked two more heads, and finally broke the toffee. sugar.

After this thrilling game, in the Premier League standings, Chelsea finally made a difficult step forward, narrowing the difference between the points and Manchester United to 1 point. Next, let's see who is better between the old Scottish man and the Portuguese madman.

Since Jose came to Chelsea to advance the Premier League's championship rhythm from the second half of the season to the opening stage, the work pressure of the old Scottish man has skyrocketed. He has to chew gum faster while scolding and poisoning the working environment. Portuguese. The long season, strong opponents, and fierce competition that can't breathe, can't be ignored by either party.

Chelsea had a brief low tide some time ago and was overtaken by Manchester United. However, this round of Manchester United also seems to have encountered problems. Chelsea has taken a step closer, just not knowing how long Manchester United's low tide will last. But the probability is adjusted quickly. Ferguson, who has been coaching for 21 years, has enough experience.

Once Manchester United lead, no matter who it is, it is the most troublesome thing.

On the second night back to London, Wang Ai went to the embassy to attend a party held for him including Chinese and overseas Chinese and representatives of overseas students. The process is similar, taking photos, chatting, performing arts, eating a big meal, and having a drink, but the whole ear is full of Mandarin and still a lot of kindness. After the party, Wang Ai left the two trophies in the embassy, ​​and it will be a year after seeing him again.

After the meeting, the Xinhua News Agency reporter in Europe also asked Wang Ai for a joint interview. It is said that there are dozens of media in China to participate. This news surprised Wang Ai. It seems that he still underestimated the influence of Mr. World Football on Chinese society.

China in this era is "honor and thirst", Wang Ai won the World Footballer, especially among the public, not less than Chinese scientists won the Nobel Prize. In Japan and Switzerland, neither is the home of the Chinese, and Wang Ai left in a hurry, so that the various media have to add funds to send reporters to London.

After thinking for a while, Wang Ai asked Xinhua News Agency reporters to convey his opinion: The road is too long. Everyone tossed about for an hour or two to interview me. Why don't we make an appointment for an online interview?

A reporter from Xinhua News Agency smiled and asked: "Will you go to our Xinhua Internet Cafe. Let's build a chat room for netizens to ask questions?"

Wang Ai thought about it and shook his head, "I think it's a good idea, I like it too, but this time it doesn't matter. I can't do it one by one, wait for the next time, and next time there is any chance we will make an appointment. You are always based in Europe, so you can travel easily."

After tentatively agreeing to interview through text dialogue, Wang Ai left the embassy with Xu Qinglian, Kang Si and others. When he was ready to get on the train in the courtyard, Wang Aila held Xu Qinglian and said, "Go to my house to play?"

"What is fun in your family?"

"I am fun."


"Eh, don't go, you forgot the gift? Don't look at the trophy, I will keep the gift for you."

"...Gold medal?"

"Yeah, pretty old, golden!"

Xu Qinglian subconsciously licked her lips as if she were a seduced girl, afraid and unable to help herself, and finally nodded into her car.

Through the prosperous city center and the road to the south, the neon lights on both sides of the street are gradually scarce, and the moonlight in the stars slowly emerges. The latitude of London is actually higher than that of Liaoning. Like Heilongjiang, this may surprise many people, because London does not look like Heilongjiang, and it freezes hard.

This is actually because London has a maritime climate.

There may be snow tomorrow, and many Londoners are looking forward to it. Wang Ai is very much looking forward to seeing the scene wrapped in silver outside the window after waking up with Xu Qinglian tomorrow morning.

…Since it's snowing, don't go out. Morning exercises can be changed!

The two cars were parked side by side in the courtyard. The three-story villa was brightly lit. Wang Ai sat downstairs and drank a cup of tea. He chatted with everyone for a while and took Xu Qinglian upstairs to his room.

As soon as Xu Qinglian entered the room, the lights went out, and then the door shut with a click.

"What are you doing?" Xu Qinglian asked crisply.

"The headlights are too bright, and they are only dark enough to make Jin Cancan look good."

Under the faint wall lamp, Wang Ai took out the gold medal and placed it in Xu Qinglian's hands, and the golden light scorched. Xu Qinglian held her hands closer to distinguishing the letters on the top, but before waiting to see clearly, she was suddenly thrown on the bed by Wang Ai.

"You... uh, uh..."

For a long while, Wang Ai was long, with one hand propped up, and one hand touched Xu Qinglian's nose tip: "The gold medal belongs to you, you belong to me!"

Speaking, the hand went down, sliding across the open down jacket and sliding towards the pants. Xu Qinglian struggled weakly twice: "I'm not ready yet..."

"Ha!" Wang Ai sat up proudly, reached out a small box from the bedside table, and shook it in front of Xu Qinglian: "But I'm ready! Half a year!"

Xu Qinglian, who bit her lip, looked at the straddle. The proud Wang Ai suddenly smiled shyly: "I am also prepared."

With that, he lifted his upper body and took out a bag of things from the satchel and threw it to Wang Ai.

Wang Ai took it in doubt...

Wang Ai, who turned over, thumped on the bed board: "It's inconvenient for you to say early!"

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