Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 487: Fight for yourself (3)

Wang Ai, who went upstairs to take a shower and was going to give Xu Qinglian and Leoni next door a surprise, was prepared to put down too much thinking at least for a while and become a simple and happy fool. As for martial arts, he never thought about practicing, otherwise he would have practiced long ago, Li Linke is also a master, Sun Yi's equipment is even more extraordinary, and at that time Wang Ai was still young, and it was too late to practice martial arts. But as he said himself, the rules of football have shaped his body, and his body is fully adapted to this set of rules. If you want to practice something else, there must be conflicts because of different rules. There is no room for that.

As for why I suddenly mentioned this topic today, one was that after Wang Ai started to think about himself last night, he noticed the threat of injury, which would not only reduce the game, interrupt the state, but also lead to a decrease in athletic ability. For example, some complicated techniques and movements are difficult to use because they are injured.

The other is that after all the burdens were removed, he initially got rid of the anxiety and worries, so he was in a good mood, so he and the two buddies made fun in the morning.

After the shower, it was half past seven, and it was too late last night, so apart from the security staff waking up to perform their duties, the others were still sleeping. Wang Ai crept to the side of his bedroom on the third floor, took out the key and opened the silent "Lion Tiger Cage".

Don't ask why Wang Ai has the key, this is his home!

The curtains were drawn in the room, and under the bright light of a wall lamp, Leoni faced the window and pillowed his arm, Xu Qinglian's head was facing the doorway, but he was lying on his stomach. Wang Ai was distressed and flattened!

Take away Xu Qinglian's arm resting on Leoni's back, Wang Ai looks around, turns around, and sits on the big quilt between the two. He falls backward, Lei Nioni on the right, and Xu Qinglian on the left, in the middle A little empty, Wang Ai swayed from side to side, squeezing the two talents out and lying down.

The two in their sleep thought that the other was making trouble again, and subconsciously moved away.

Wang Ai didn't dare to dig into the quilt. It was good to lie on the quilt. Seeing that neither of them was awake, Wang Ai simply spread her arms and pressed it on their heads, touching them with some hard but smooth hair. Along with two different daughter fragrances... With joy, Wang Ai fell asleep.

At nine in the morning, Xu Qinglian and Leoni invited everyone to eat in the living room. Kang Si asked: What about Dr. Da? Xu Qinglian didn't lift her head: still asleep. Everyone didn't care, just as if he was back to sleep. If you can eat half of it, just listen to "Boom, Boom, Boom!"

Li Jue looked up suspiciously, Yan Zhu and Zhao Dan glanced at Leoni and Xu Qinglian, and immediately bowed their heads to continue eating. Kang Si looked up from the left with a spoon, and finally chose to shut up. The other four defenders knew that Wang Ai was not the biggest in this family. Since the "female head" did not speak, they did not squeak.

The sound of "Boom, Boom" is getting closer and closer. There is a big bug appearing on the stairs, jumping up and down one step at a time, and finally jumping in front of Xu Qinglian and Leoni. Me? The person who wants to eat is invincible!"

After being informed by Leoni, Kang Si couldn't help but stepped forward to help Wang Ai untie the quilt bound by the rope and release Wang Ai.

Feeling ashamed and shameful, Wang Ai abnormally did not retaliate on the spot, but ate a low-key meal. The only thing he did wrong was that he had fallen asleep just now, and these two "cats" didn't scream when they woke up, but teamed up and tied him together.

"In other words, when I woke up and found that there were more men in bed, why didn't they scream? Is it already a good psychological construction? Or is it that they wake up when I go in?"

After breakfast, Leoni will return to Tubingen, and Xu Qinglian will also follow. It is said that the elder sister is here and accompanies the elder than New Year's Day, so Xu Qinglian wants to see her sister. For this reason, Wang Ai could not stop it, and asked Xu Qinglian to find a gift from her home to bring to her sister. It's not easy to see my sister now. She works at the Football Association. Even if Wang Ai sometimes goes to the Football Association, she comes and goes in a hurry. The last time I met was during the Olympic training in Beijing, she met when she came to give the medicine to Lao Gao.

As for what kind of illness Lao Gao had, from Wang Ai's observation, it should not be mental illness, but the mental pressure can't be small.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

This afternoon, Chelsea resumed training. The inhumanity without the winter break is reflected here. Other people get together for a family reunion. It takes more than four hours of heavy exercise here.

"Seriously consider my suggestion last night." Leonei pinched the boarding pass in the passenger hall of Heathrow Airport and looked at Wang Ai.

Wang Ai nodded: "Another round of reincarnation has begun. I have to work **** the first day. Tomorrow I have confirmed my starter. Remember to watch my game."

Leoni giggled and turned away happily, and Wang Aila passed Xu Qinglian: "It's fun to go to Tubingen, anyway, there is still a week to go to school. Winter there is similar to our hometown, and there are many acquaintances."

"Well, come back to bring you delicious food."

As soon as he said this, Wang Ai recalled the German elbow and the Munich barbecue, oops, drool!

There are no classes this morning.

Wang Ai muttered the melody I heard from nowhere and walked into Cobham. He rarely came to training in the morning. Judging from the people present, Terry didn't come back, Robben didn't come, Joe Cole didn't come, Barack did come, but he couldn't play the red card tomorrow, and this time he missed four generals.

Jose's frontcourt lineup is Drogba, Wang Ai, Wright, Lampard, Essien, Makelele. Of course, the strength is not bad, but there is no fixed way to play. Wright is completely out of attack now, but when a winger is still quite satisfactory. Shevchenko has actually been given up. As long as there are enough front-court players, he can only play as a substitute. This is still the face of the boss and the sponsor.

During the training, Wang Ai's performance was average, and Jose expressed concern. Wang Ai explained that he had drunk too much, and Jose nodded in understanding: "Don't drink tonight."

In fact, not only Wang Ai is in general, the team's status is not very good, throughout the December, the team played 10 games, and caught up with Christmas and New Year. So much so that after the last game, Jose under heavy pressure publicly criticized the players: "We have four or five players who have never performed, Shevchenko, Kaluga, Wright, and we will not defend. , Gremi? Ferreira?"

Subsequently, the club received unclear news. Mr. Roman said in an interview: I am not a friend of Jose, and he gave the team an internal order: "End this chaos, immediately!"

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