Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 492: Fight for yourself (8)

When Sheva came to Chelsea, he was so high-profile that every time he did not score a goal, he was increasing his psychological burden, making him unable to adjust in place. Chelsea's high salary, the praise of British society, the boss's expectations, and the team's status, all made Sheva quickly lost.

Before the season, goals in low-intensity events such as the Community Shield Cup and the FA Cup made him despise the Premier League. As a result of the lack of preparation before the season, the face of a sudden and fierce competition was temporarily frustrated during the season, and eventually various negative factors accumulated, and "parallel imports of 46 million euros" appeared.

He was holding a magnifying glass to look at Chelsea's Fleet Street, and he did not hesitate to use this big hat to humiliate Mr. Roman, and buckled it on Sheva's head. Even Chelsea fans have gradually lost interest in him. Just a few months ago, he was able to attract cheers every time he played, and every time he dribble the ball, he got applause.

"My dear, you are so ruthless!" The lonely Sheva chanted lonely in his mansion in London.

For Wang Ai, Sheva’s greatest value now is to warn him with painful facts: no moment can relax! Whether it is the media or the boss or the praise of the fans, it is not worth relying on. The only thing that can help him exist in the center of the spotlight is ordinary training.

The score of 3:0 was kept to the end, and the Sky TV commentator analyzed: "Recently questioned Chelsea, with the impeccable comeback performance of Chinese foreign aid wiwi, won a big victory, which will also allow Chelsea internal The suffocating atmosphere is relieved."

The "Daily Telegraph" published the next day said: "Compared to the busy Ukrainians, the Chinese are still so good. In yesterday's game, he presented three goals that were the best goals of the round. The performance once again proved Jose's selection vision with strength, which surpassed Abu's selection vision. I just don't know whether Abu is willing to accept and embarrassed about all this."

"The Sun" has no bottom-line rumors: "Abu was angry and wanted to take the opportunity to expel Jose, but Wiwi's performance last night delayed his plan. He will also put Wiwi on the cleaning list."

Chelsea, who was out of the dilemma of the two consecutive companies, did indeed as the outside world confirmed, the air in the team was eased, but this was not in the interest of Fleet Street. Only the explosion of Chelsea in place can make the newspaper sell. Therefore, after the "Sun" took the lead, other media followed up. On the third day of the game, they vigorously advocated Chelsea's internal division, claiming that: Abu led the club management, Jose led the players, and Chelsea was splitting into Jingwei. Two distinct camps.

Others said: According to the news of people close to Jose, Jose does not rule out leading a large number of main forces to leave.

Of course, Wang Ai is well aware of the changes in the club. The original Roman-Peter Kenyon-Jose triangle relationship became turbulent with the arrival of Eindhoven's Anesen and Van Wieser. Peter Kenyon, who was willing to center and mediate the relationship between two strong personalities, fell into power. The two Dutch people neither like Jose's tactical play-probably because of the boss's advice, nor like Jose himself-maybe Because of a bad relationship between Jose and the Dutch gang, they became a fuse that worsened Roman's view of Jose.

They touched the heart of the board with a set of sophistry: why do we always buy large sums of money? A healthy club should rely on his youth training!

This is very appetizing for Mr. Roman, who has already achieved the goal of the first phase. After all, he has spent £276 million in three years... too much.

However, Jose's response was: "It is said that we have to rely on a group of young people aged 16 or 7 to win the championship?"

Cobham has just been established for three years. Although there are a number of good young players on the team, they are still too far away from growing up. The Dutch's suggestion is to stand and speak without back pain.

Jose is applying to the club for a buyer and finding a substitute for Terry, but Mr. Roman, who is supported by the Dutch, said publicly: "The history of the club's big purchasers is gone."

In short, this time seems to be the time when Chelsea’s various conflicts broke out. The turbulent situation even made Terry who was preparing for surgery in France unable to sit still. During the training on the 5th day, he called Apply to postpone surgery, hoping to help the team survive this dangerous period.

Of course, Jose refused, and told Terry to work hard to cure the injury. The team can withstand it. It's a big deal. We are not going to attack. The implication is that although you are injured, which affects our protection ability, our wiwi is excellent and can offset the lack of defense caused by your absence on the offensive side.

Wang Ai sees no signs of stabilization within the club. It is likely that the conflict between the board of directors and the locker room is still developing. During this time Jamie called several times to hope that Wang Ai would say something, but Wang Ai refused. Although he is inclined to Jose in his heart, he does not want to choose the side. He has enough performance on the field, which is the strongest support for Jose.

At noon on January 6, Chelsea faced FA Cup opponent Maxfield at home. Because the opponent's level was too low, Wang Ai was not sent out. Jose once again gave Sheva a chance to find a shot on the underdog. Unfortunately, even if the team scored 6 goals, he still had no results. Instead, Lampard staged a hat-trick, Wright Jr. also rarely scored goals, new foreign aid, Mikel, who was always late, also proved himself, in addition, Carvalho, the central defender, also entered one.

In the pouring rain, Sheva's lonely figure was extremely pitiful.

After this battle, the turmoil inside Chelsea continued. The news from the board of directors: Since we have won so much, it means that our team strength is enough, can not catch up with Manchester United can only be the head coach's platoon formation problems.

Jose’s response was: Sheva was excluded from the big list in the League Cup semi-finals to be held in the middle of the week!

The opponent is the Welcombe team of the English Premier League! I could continue to find Sheva's opponent!

On Wednesday night, the semi-finals of the League Cup began. Because of the opponent's poor strength, even the biggest dark horse, Chelsea underwent a large-scale rotation, Drogba and Carvalho suspended, Cech, Cudicini, Chocol, Terry, Robben, Bollaruz and others were injured.

Therefore, Essien became a central defender and formed a new pair of central defenders with Ferreira. Barack, Makelele, Wright starter, Bridge, Mikel, Karlo and other players who are difficult to play. As a big player, in the end, even the youth team's forwards Sahar and Sinclair got the chance to play.

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