Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 494: Fight for yourself (10)

"Hi, what are you doing?"

Standing in front of the bedroom window and looking at Wang Ai of Cobham, he was awakened by Xu Qinglian's hello. When she turned around, she saw that she was turning over the draft she had left on the writing desk. That wasn’t Wang Ai’s graduation thesis, but a chart that he observed recently at Chelsea and built for internal and external forces.

Chelsea has been turbulent recently, and Wang Ai can't avoid being completely involved. He released a message through Jamie yesterday: We can only beat Manchester United if we are united.

"Do a little analysis and see what works best." Wang Ai said, shaking his head and walking to the desk: "The recent volatility in Chelsea has given me a good lesson and gave me a Opportunity to spy on the regular operation of quasi-majority."

After sitting down, Wang Ai took over his manuscript from Xu Qinglian: "A stable state will cover up many problems. Only when it is turbulent can people be seen as ghosts. This wave includes bosses, general managers, chief engineers, excellent employees, and foreigners. Employees, foreign manager assistants, the complex interaction of at least six variables is not only valuable to me, it is also valuable to you, you also have a look, I am also ready to organize and give it to Leoni, Huang Xin and other cadres to make a case Analysis?"

"What's the value to me?" Xu Qinglian sat beside Wang Ai and took a pen to doodle on Wang Ai's paper.

Wang Ai looked at her in amusement, and did not stop: "For our family, the body is too big now, and we will always enter some new fields and new areas in the future. It will always become a national event. So when we are bigger, like now Chelsea, will we still be as patient as the beginning? Communicate with all parties like the beginning? Will it? Has become arrogant, arrogant, rude and rude?"

Seeing Xu Qinglian's attention attracted, Wang Aicai came back with memories: "When our family started, it was like a groundhog who ended hibernation. The probe probed the brain and was cautious. No one would dare to offend. Every time I went out to find Food has to be calculated repeatedly and borrowed from various potentials. The government, workers, customers, wholesalers, even relatives, gangsters... didn’t feel much at the time, and later felt stumped. But today I watched Chelsea recall this and found that the embarrassment was Correct is not only correct for the past, but also useful for the present."

Xu Qinglian's eyes were not very focused and muttered: "Tell me what these are doing."

Wang Ai thought for a while: "What are you going to do in the future?"

"Future? I haven't figured it out yet. What about you?"

Wang Ai understood that this was to ask him about her future opinions, so he said: "I always thought you would go to work in a certain company at home, so I told you. If you don’t want to go, or don’t want to do this business, then It really doesn’t make much sense.”

Speaking of which, Wang Aid paused: "My way is basically determined. I will play in Europe before retiring. This way, I can only return to my country in my thirties. After returning to China, I will most likely go to the Sports Bureau and the Academy of Social Sciences. I continue to hang up, but I’m unlikely to go to a leadership position. The real working state should be to be a godfather inside the football gate and a mascot at the national level. The focus should be to gradually take over the home business. You know, two more times In ten years, my parents are getting older, and I have to hand over the company to us slowly. In this way, from now until I retire for more than ten years, your job is really a bit difficult."

"What's the problem?" Xu Qinglian asked with a smile.

Wang Ai also laughed: "You have to be by my side for half a year every year? I may go to another country in the future, so you can't do any fixed work, basically you have to be dragged around by me, so you can be confused about the future. Understand, I know you are not a person willing to be my background."

"No." Xu Qinglian lowered her head and played with her fingers. "Actually, I can be a housewife. I don't need to think about anything. What's wrong with doing what I like every day?"

"Is that true?" Wang Ai said in surprise: "I always thought you were independent."

"Independence is character, values, not identity, wealth." Xu Qinglian seriously said: "I admit that these external things will help many women to achieve independence, but I am already independent."

Wang Ai laughed dumbly, and while taking the manuscript, he photographed Xu Qinglian’s head: “There are beautiful women in the north, peerless and independent. Well, a truly independent woman should be free. You, you are such a strange woman. A strange woman who is independent in her soul. I am going to the club, how about you? Will I go to Stamford Bridge with me? There will be a game this afternoon."

"No." Xu Qinglian shook his head: "It's too cold outside. I want to stay at your house to watch TV. Well, it's better to be in your bedroom. The living room is too big. It's a little cold, is it okay?"

"Ah? Of course it's okay, mine is yours, you can use it and play as you like." Wang Ai stood up and pulled away the cupboard next to the bookshelf: "But I only have coffee and tea, nothing delicious, Kang Si There are a lot of snacks in the room."

"No, it's yours. It's good to have hot tea." Xu Qinglian refused: "Yes, you will come back to dinner at night? I want to eat with you."

"Well, wait for me." Wang Ai put on his jacket, put on his sneakers, and went downstairs to Cobham.

At five in the evening, Wang Ai returned home with the best player trophy and champagne in a single game. He accumulated a lot of similar things. He usually gives away champagne without hesitation. Anyway, it's not expensive. Teammates, neighbors, and even Kobham's janitors have all got it. But today Xu Qinglian wanted to leave a meal, so I took it back.

Today's game was very smooth. He started with long-lost Robben to form Chelsea's "two wings" and took turns to attack the penalty area of ​​Wigan Athletic. In the end, the two teamed up and contributed four goals. In addition, Lampard and Drogba also had one goal each, a 6-0 victory.

After dinner, Kang Si dragged Xu Qinglian in the living room, and Wang Ai stayed in the bedroom. Later, he ran to the study room to organize his manuscript until 9 o'clock in the evening. Wang Ai Cai, who was immersed in the manuscript, was in Xu Qinglian’s Reminder ended the study.

"Sleepy, it's time to go back." Xu Qinglian walked to the window: "Yeah, it's snowing?"

"Yes?" Wang Ai stretched his neck: "Then... drive slowly when you go back."

Xu Qinglian quickly walked away, and Wang Ai changed clothes, held the ball downstairs, and was blown outside by the wind and snow, suddenly stunned: "I seem to have missed something?"

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