Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 499: Shuanglong Winning the Pearl (5)

Before New Year's Day, the National Olympics returned to China on holiday, and the Football Association had done a lot of work before, so many Olympic team members were transferred from various clubs to follow Lao Gao in long-term training in Tubingen. Under Leoni's needlework, from September to November in less than three months, he played a friendly match with three Bundesliga teams and three Bundesliga youth teams.

As for the youth of Tubingen, it is a daily sparring, not to mention Gao Lin, Feng Xiaoting, Zhao Xu are from Japan in Tubingen, Lao Gao, Lao Liu, Lao Shen, Mai Chao, the four most famous youth coaches in China They are all there. In addition, Tang Yaodong also joined in. Lao Feng, the top leader of the domestic youth competition, is also resident. In addition, Schrapner, who brought advanced concepts of German football to well-known coaches all over China, is even though Wang Ai has not gone during this time, the preparations for the Olympic Games are still in full swing.

When Wang Ai went to Abu Dhabi to participate in the Asian Games in November, Lao Gao discussed with Wang Ai and said that someone suggested that we go to Chelsea when we retrain at the end of January. What do you think? Wang Ai thought for a while and said: "If you want to see Cobham's luxury, that's okay, but if you pay attention to the effect of the warm-up game, the Chelsea youth team can't mention it, it's meaningless. Besides, there are too many games in January. , The pressure is great. You have to count on Mourinho to give me some advice. I’m afraid he doesn’t have much time. Even if he has faced me, because he really has no time."

So, this proposal turned around in the Olympic Olympic team of four, and it was not turned over to Yan Shiduo. Looking at it now, Wang Ai had to boast about himself: True TM wise! You look at what Chelsea looks like now, how can Jose have the leisurely mind about the Chinese Olympics? You can't give money, he really has no time, let alone how much can you give? The contract damages of others are 36 million yuan, which is the top fund of our football association for ten years!

There are few money thieves and big heart thieves. At the end, they will touch the Chelsea and Jose ceramics. Apart from comforting the fans and fooling the leaders, there are no practical benefits. It's different when you arrive in Laco. Laco, who is now ranked in the middle, very much welcomes the visit of the Olympic Games. In recent years, with the help of Wang Ai, Lao Hao, Datou and others and the conscious development of Rondoiro, Laco is approaching Tubin. Root's popularity in China. Every year, hundreds of thousands of euros can be found in China. Of course, there is little money for the accommodation fees and training fees for the Olympic Games, but the added value of the impact will become money.

Football is also the number one sport in China. Although China is a bit poor, it has the benefits of being poor, such as Real Madrid and Barcelona. Although they also regularly go to China to get gold, but in fact, they have not really invested in market development. Most of the time, I just take a quick sum of money and leave, taking China as a wild leek field.

But Raco is different. Those who come out of the backcountry can bear their temper. Ever since Wang Ai opened the door to the Chinese market for them, Toronto Elo has made great efforts in the past two years, and has gone to China at least four times a year. At first, it was a simple business negotiation, which later became an in-depth investigation of the Chinese market. With Huang Xin’s advice and help, Lunduoluo realized that in China, football is not only a sport, but also entrusted this The revival dream of a great nation that has been humiliated for a hundred years.

In this way, the goal of commercial development has suddenly expanded from the narrow sports goods field to the whole society and the whole industry! Huang Xin took out Wang Ai's list of advertising partners and showed them to Lunduoluo. Among them, professional sports products accounted for only 5%, and other food, home appliances, automobiles, clothing, mobile phones, everything! In other words, the acceptance of football stars in China is much broader than in Europe.

As a result, Lendoiro, the already courageous and luziye club president, made an amazing decision: He attended the Donation Ceremony of the Hope Project in Beijing on June 1st Children's Day in 2006 and announced it to the poor and old of China District, donate ten Hope Primary Schools!

European professional football clubs donate Hope Primary School to China. Can you believe this?

This is super magic! But the effect is also super good! In fact, there is not much money, only a total of 200,000 euros, but the problem is that Laco is not a wealthy club. So many giants have come to China in the past 20 years, who has donated to China? And is it a kind of public welfare undertaking that only the Chinese can notice and care about?

Lundoiro's hand, at least in terms of online search volume, Laco is on par with Real Madrid and Barcelona. The Chinese are not stupid. International friends say two beautiful words and do real things. Everyone can tell clearly. This incident shows that the club, Lako, really intends to take root in China, and is really considering the issues from the Chinese standpoint.

If it's not that there is not much money, plus the short time, a hat of "old friends of the Chinese people" can think about it!

At the same time, this matter is also extraordinary in politics. Usually sports organizations in China do not intervene so deeply, so the 200,000 flowers of Rondoiro were actually received by the leader! Is it 200,000 euros for this area? No, it's because Lako set a precedent!

Lunduoyi Luomei's failure, even Huang Xin benefited from it, accompanied him to be received. Although this incident was entirely a surprise for Lendoiro himself, but without Wang Ai's guidance and transcendence before, Lendoiro could not see the potential of the Chinese market.

So now Lako has quite the meaning of the second Tubingen. The Olympics did not dare to say that Bin Bin is at home, but it is certainly stronger than other places. In the powerful five major leagues, if China wants to gain a sincere friendship, it can't catch up with the giants, and people look down on you at all. On the contrary, it is easier to achieve breakthroughs in the “weak zone” of Laco.

Wang Ai and Lao Gao called to ask if there was any need for him. As a result, Lao Gao replied: "You are far from training in China, Tubingen is cold, and you want to go to Chelsea. You are too expensive! Now we It’s neither far, nor cold, nor expensive when I arrive at Laco. I’ll give you three options. Are you here? Come? Or come?"

Wang Ai told Lao Gaodu that he had no choice but to promise that Nanlako and the National Olympics would practice together during the International Competition Day at the end of February.

As the number one star in the National Olympics, it is impossible to explain. Of course, this time I went to Lake for training, but also a little care to take care of Chen Tao. Guo Ori, overseas players, like the national football team, generally do not participate in training, while Wang Ai and Chen Tao are in the top competitions, the "privilege" is greater, during the training in Tubingen, Chen Tao only went for two weeks.

In Lako, Chen Tao was a substitute for Belleron. After half a season, he has scored three goals.

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