Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 512: Boxes at Stamford Bridge (8)

The next day, the article by Xiao Li named "The Personal Records of Front Reporters" published on also had the last paragraph: "In the Tottenham match, he and Carvalho scored goals separately. I listened again. Arriving at the thunder of Stamford Bridge, I heard the vibration of the box, and even witnessed the two occasions where the boss Abu and his friends high-five to celebrate the goal. Wang Ai's current league goals have reached 33, which is infinitely approaching 34. A historical record. Although I regretfully returned to China and cannot witness his record-breaking scene with my own eyes, as an ordinary Chinese, I will be waiting in front of the TV, waiting for him to give me a heavy blow to my soul again. My blow of happiness!"

Reporter Li's report is only one aspect of what happened. In the second half of the Premier League this season, apart from Manchester United and Chelsea's battle for hegemony, Wang Ai is about to break the historical record. As each round of the game progresses, a large amount of media resources are occupied.

In the second half of last season, due to the lack of focus on Chelsea's early championship, Wang Ai teamed up with Henry to take over the layout. And this season, Henry has been injured frequently and Sheva has lost his glory. No one in the entire Premier League can compete with Wang Ai for the golden boots. For example, the second highest scorer is actually his Chelsea teammate Drogba, with 18 goals, but 15 fewer than him.

Opening the current league goalscorer list can clearly see that Wang Ai alone formed the "First Army" that is far ahead. Then came Drogba's 18, Cristiano Ronaldo's 16 and Rooney's 12.

It seems that for Wang Ai, scoring has never been a great problem. His opponent has also changed from an active player to a historical god.

It is not only the current fans, but also many older generations of fans and stars that are making the sensation. Although many people still sneer at Chelsea's playing style, they still patiently go to watch Wang Ai's game. They hope to witness the birth of a great record with their own eyes, and to pursue Andy Cole in the 93-94 season and Alan Shearer in the 94-95 season!

Perhaps the outcome of the confrontation between Chelsea and Manchester United might be unpredictable, but in the personal competition, Wang Ai overwhelmed Manchester United on behalf of Chelsea, which made Ferguson once again couldn't help but strongly complain about Chelsea's "regardless of the overall situation." If it weren't for Manchester United without Abramovich's money, perhaps today's Wiwi would be fighting for Manchester United between Rooney and Ronaldo.

"Ah! What a wonderful game then!"

It is precisely because there is no money for Abramovich, so even today's Manchester United is already in full swing, but still staggering forward. This great young man who came out of a small Spanish fishing village is using his omnipotent skills to forcefully attack Manchester United's dream.

After finishing the league match with Tottenham, Wang Ai also knew that he was only one step away from breaking the record, so he "shrinked" uncharacteristically. To reporters at the door, he only politely offered drinks and food, and refused to accept it. Interview. His agent Kang Si stood up and began to take care of Wang Ai's media affairs slowly and cautiously.

"Every major event has a calm atmosphere", this is a compliment sent by Lao Gao to Wang Ai in Tubingen.

However, Lao Gao didn't know. In fact, it was not Wang Ai deliberately creating a news trough, but he was carefully maintaining his "information wall" mechanism. In the last three games, he has "entered" before the game, expelled distracting thoughts, and concentrated on the game, so he was afraid that the turbulent information wave from outside would destroy his "separation wall".

In order to avoid reporters, Wang Ai even moved to Cobham for his persevering evening exercises.

As for the fact that he had applied many times before and almost succeeded in moving Xu Qinglian to live with him, he simply forgot! From this perspective, Xu Qinglian's hesitation is not unreasonable... Can you forget it? !

The second round of the upcoming Champions League quarter-finals is very important. After losing a 1:4 at Stamford Bridge, the Spaniard was not convinced. Not only did reporters openly provoke Jose after the game, they also publicized the so-called "Mestalian tradition".

The Chelsea’s response naturally had the tough style of Jose and the Premier League. When the press conference after the match, the Spanish reporter threw out: "You Stamford Bridge deliberately cheated our Spanish team, and the visiting team’s locker room gave two showers. After the problem with the nozzle and a mirror, Jose suddenly got up and left the press conference.

But when the host of the press conference embarrassedly announced that "the press conference is over," Jose actually came back, scanned the reporters in a circle, and immediately pointed to a Spanish man and said: "What did you just say? Two sprinklers? Me. I just went to see it specially, 10 nozzles! There are also two mirrors!"

The reporter was in an uproar: Do you want to be so serious?

Facing the so-called "Mestalla tradition", the "serious" Chelsea also made careful preparations. Not only did they lead by three goal difference, they still placed Wang Ai on the starting list, but also recognized Seriously and really worked out tactics.

It should be said that Valencia is due to lack of strength, so it hopes to interfere with Chelsea's confidence in the occult. The English team has indeed not won in that stadium for 40 years, but what about that? Chelsea fans can respond with a classic face of Jose poking his lips.

Are there fewer records broken by the Portuguese? Did the Portuguese's general Wiwi break fewer records? In Deportivo back then, Wang Ai scored a lot in that stadium and didn't see how you resisted.

Of course, Jose didn't lose his mind, and sending Wang Ai to the court was mainly to prepare for the sudden situation of his opponent going crazy. Wang Ai's scoring ability is the source of his confidence, even if he does not score this time, the psychological deterrence of Valencia cannot be underestimated. The current Wang Ai completely replaced Sheva's position in the hearts of opponents, even if Sheva is now tied for the number of goals scored in the European War, like Raul.

If the opponent does not go crazy, the result of the discussion between Jose and Wang Ai is: come down at halftime and save some effort. After all, the league is still behind, Wang Ai smiled and agreed.

He currently ranks first in the Champions League goalscorer list, scoring 8 in 5 games, and the second is the original six, but in the first round of the quarter-finals, he scored a goal in the course of Bayern. 7 **** are temporarily second. Then there are teammates Drogba and Ruud van Nistelrooy with 6 goals. But because Russell Van Nistelrooy was eliminated from Real Madrid, he also lost the qualification to compete for the Golden Boot. After the four of them, there are Valencia forward Morientes, now five.

Most of AC Milan's goals in the Champions League this season were done by Kaka. This thin Brazilian boy with a charming face is swiftly climbing to his peak.

From the perspective of Wang Ai's "One-Year Plan", Kaka is Wang Ai's biggest opponent this year, and their competition will also start from the second half of the Champions League in the first half of the year.

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