Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 516: White Moonlight in London (2)

Xu Qinglian probably knows the frustration in Wang Ai's heart. In his words, "I have missed you for a long time". And most importantly, he has always been proud of the highest IQ of active players in the world, and now his IQ is being mocked. Xu Qinglian was terrified that Wang Ai would remember what would happen if he hadn't been deceived last time, so after Wang Ai got angry and went back to her bedroom to play online games with Kang Si, she quietly went out and went home with the guard.

Before dinner, Wang Ai and Kang Si had been playing the Empire Era all afternoon. They were about to reopen the game. As soon as the door opened, Xu Qinglian walked in. Wang Ai turned her head and said angrily: "Why are you here? Medicine time."

Xu Qinglian ignored Wang Ai and drew the door a bit bigger. After pulling into a trolley box, he took a breath, glanced sideways at Wang Ai, turned to the closet, Carrara opened it, looked up and down, and disgusted Wang Ai. Pushing his clothes aside, most of them are free.

Then he walked to the trolley case, squatted open, took out the stacks of large and small clothes and put them in the closet. Wang Ai stretched his neck and looked at Xu Qinglian, "Don't look!"

"Hey, let me see if I can help."

"No!" Xu Qinglian replied crisply.

Wang Ai scratched his face and didn't stand up. He was indeed inconvenient to move around. Wang Ai hadn't seen those little clothes or anything. It is estimated that Xu Qinglian was fine at home and dressed beautifully. She has never been told about her dressing. The style is deeply influenced by Shi Wenjun, and he is orthodox, generous and dignified. Wang Ai is really hard to get started, she will really become angry.

Fortunately, although there are many things in the trolley box, Xu Qinglian is also very quick, hanging and stacking. Four-fifths of Wang Ai's closet is empty, except for two formal wears, a few training wears, two new sneakers, socks, and shin guards. There is nothing. Although he will be exchanged for jerseys in every game now, the jerseys he has exchanged, including some of the best trophies he won, have been put in his storeroom specifically, including many of the **** he got, which are all written. The sessions are placed in the warehouse.

In less than 10 minutes, Xu Qinglian finished cleaning up. Seeing Wang Ai grinning silly, he kicked a football against the wall without angrily, and turned around proudly.

"Why are you going?"

"The book hasn't been cleaned yet."

When Wang Ai heard this, he hurriedly stood up with the handle of the chair and walked out with difficulty. His study is usually not used, but it is very precious. Inside are mainly philosophy extracurricular books that are not usually used, classical masterpieces and classic masterpieces brought from China. For example, the selected works of Lenin and Stalin can not be bought, mainly from the waste paper collected by domestic paper companies from various abandoned libraries.

So Xu Qinglian can toss about his closet, but can't move his study casually.

Xu Qinglian's book has two trolley cases, and it is so heavy that Yan Zhu and Zhao Dan both put their hands together before they got to the third floor. The study room is not big, it looks like a dozen square meters, a chair, a table, and then all bookshelves and bookshelves. Wang Ai consciously divided half of the places for Xu Qinglian to put the books, and he put the books that he didn't usually read but were reluctant to let go of and put them in the bookcase.

After a long time, after finishing sorting it out, Qing Yishui’s books on philosophy, sociology, military science, economics, and political science have added a large piece of shining history books. Wang Ai couldn’t help but curl his lips and said, “I said you can learn this stuff. Don’t be silly. Every book has the personal will of the author. We have to break away from the author’s emotional inclinations in order to have our stuff. This is what we have learned."

"You say it!" Xu Qinglian pointed to the modern European history written by Chinese scholars, Soviet scholars, British scholars, German scholars, Japanese scholars, and American scholars side by side on the bookshelf. Wang Ai even saw Greek scholars. The work of Romanian scholars, this is probably the special contribution of Constance and Anika. Xu Qinglian understood that when she studied the same period of history, she compared it with the research systems of multiple countries.

Wang Ai sniffed, and suddenly said, "Come here!"

"What are you doing?" Xu Qinglian resisted, but walked with a twist in Wang Ai's persistent gaze.

The two tired people hugged each other as the first contact after their substantial relationship changed, the first to thank and the first to communicate. Wang Ai, who had been wandering away since childhood, and Xu Qinglian, who had been wandering away since childhood, finally moved together on April in London.

Only the breathing of two people and the ticking of the clock in the study were quiet. Xu Qinglian timidly placed herself on Wang Ai’s dinner plate, while Wang Ai carefully tapped with his fingertips and tapped with his fingertips. , Stroked her palms, then opened her arms and gave her a warm heart.

After a long while, Xu Qinglian's arm turned back, and she took off the majestic arm that was holding her waist, and her voice curled up: "No more."

Wang Ai loosened the other arm holding her back and put his hands on her shoulders: "What's wrong?"

The big beauty looked up at Wang Ai, her face resembling peach petals, her bright eyes looked straight at Wang Ai and smiled: "Stop eating?"

"Hold another five dollars?" Wang Ai reluctantly left, with a long aftertaste.

"The days are still long." Xu Qinglian left categorically and opened the door of the study. The fragrance of the food downstairs was already floating up. Today is a big day, for two people, for Kang Si, and even more for the four guards, which means they will work together from now on.

Arrangements and shifts must be coordinated. Fortunately, both parties are well prepared.

Wang Ai followed Xu Qinglian out of the study. He wanted to go downstairs, but Xu Qinglian asked to eat in the room. The reason was that Tubingen experts said that Wang Ai would not conduct recovery training within a week.

At the top of the stairs, Wang Ai said grinningly: "It's okay!"

Xu Qinglian's arm was firmly grasped, Wang Ai looked at the big beauty in surprise, and the big beauty bit her lower lip stubbornly, staring at her without letting go.

Wang Ai twisted his neck and looked at the ceiling: Oh, I see. He chuckled, turned and went back to the room, hitting his back. If it weren't for them, if you changed to an ordinary young couple, you would live together, but there are five "outsiders" in this family. Xu Qinglian is stubborn, calm, and even stubborn, but she is not thicker than ordinary girls.

Xu Qinglian yelled when she was halfway through the meal. It turned out that she was just busy getting clothes and books. Her cosmetics and toiletries in the bathroom were still not cleaned up.

After the meal, Kang Si took the initiative to help. After taking the tableware, the two girls chatted about cosmetics together, and sent things to the bathroom of Wang Ai's bedroom as the ants moved. Over there, Wang Ai is still urging "Hurry up."

"What are you doing?" Xu Qinglian groaned.

"What are you doing?" Wang Ai's eyes lit up: "Four years, four years! Since I left Tubingen, I haven't been online with so many people in four years!"

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