Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 521: White Moonlight in London (7)

Wang Ai hurriedly tore off the quilt, "Why should I wear clothes? You didn't say you are coming? Besides, you are really coming, what more clothes should I wear?"

"Can you wear it?" Xu Qinglian said loudly.

"No!" Wang Ai said in his heart. He didn't dare to say: "Yes, you just think I'm bullying..."

Xu Qinglian then glared at Wang Ai. Wang Ai took out a big nightgown from the bedside table, sat on the edge of the bed and fastened it, and turned around: "Is this all right?"

Xu Qinglian snorted, got into the bed and lay down with Wang Ai on her back. Wang Ai looked at the narrow surface of the bed, only one-third of it, and then at the big beauty who was still unable to move on the other side. He sighed and lay down. As soon as he stretched his arms, it was all under the forearm. Clang outside the bed.

Wang Ai rolled over, pressed his arm, and then the other arm went out again. All the year round, a person sleeps on a big bed alone, and he must not be asleep. When someone suddenly arrives, he is not comfortable.

"Let's discuss it, you give me another ten centimeters." Wang Ai said from the back of Xu Qinglian's neck.

"Then my feet will go out." Xu Qinglian said with her back.

Wang Ai stood up and took a look. Xu Qinglian was curled up with her arms around her chest, but one leg was straight and her feet were beside the bed.

Wang Ai sighed, and fell on his back on the bed, with his hands behind his head: "You said that we will finally sleep together in the same bed, but in the end we didn't say anything, and we fought for the size of the room. Am I a small family member? ?"

Xu Qinglian chuckled, behind her back.

"Anyway, you finally got into my bed, and I've come to my bitterness. Hey, I found that my sleeping position occupies a small area. Look, you can also learn to learn, so that we still have room for somersault in the middle of the night." Wang Ai gently touched Xu Qinglian's hair with his elbow.

Xu Qinglian finally turned over, following Wang Ai's appearance, putting her hands behind her head, laying her body flat and straight: "So?"

Wang Ai lifted a leg and swayed: "Look, how can I do this? Take the height but not the width. Isn't it the logic of building buildings in the city?

Xu Qinglian followed Wang Ai's way and raised one leg and dangled it twice, unexpectedly the quilt fell off.

"Don't look!" Xu Qinglian grabbed the quilt.

"Okay." Wang Ai promised, withdrawing his sight, there was also a landscape above.

Xu Qinglian finally retracted into the quilt, showing a face and ten fingers, staring at Wang Ai warily. Wang Ai shook his head, turned face to face with her, and leaned together again. The skin on her face rubbed together and Xu Qinglian's fingers were loose.

After a long while, Wang Ai took the initiative to let go, and clicked his mouth: "It tastes good."

Xu Qinglian took a deep breath and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand: "Disgusting."

Wang Ai smiled and said, "This is the first time we lie down and kiss. How do you feel? When I kiss you, I always feel that the closer I kiss you, the weaker you are. I have to hold you a little bit. This time I don’t worry about falling. Right?"

Xu Qinglian pinched Wang Ai, pulled the quilt upside down, and looked at the simple ceiling of Wang Ai's bedroom. She lowered her head and sniffed with her head sideways, before relaxing: "How long have we been...?"

"We are the same age, and you are one month younger than me. We first met in August 1998. When was August 10?"

"August 13th." Xu Qinglian added softly.

"Oh, by the way, didn’t I get the top pick in the college entrance examination? Walk around, to your broken school, and you still have a little fat guy who is a student representative. Since then, we have become pen pals. Then, the next year you have to go to the overnight school , And then I went to Yingkou."


"Well, I can remember that day, I arrived at Yingkou at noon on May 12, and I specially asked for leave from the National People's Congress. Then on May 13, you went to Liaoyang with me. Oh, you said it was a good day, 512, I I didn't even think about it at the time, is this destined?"

Xu Qinglian didn't say a word, with a smile on her mouth.

Wang Ai leaned over and kissed again. Xu Qinglian responded, shook her head and avoided: "Say something."

"Okay." Wang Ai threw himself on the bed with a loud cry, "You can't use it anyway."

Xu Qinglian punched Wang Ai with her elbow, then looked at the ceiling and said, "You said, when did you fall for me?"

Wang Ai took a long breath and reached out and touched Xu Qinglian's head: "I said it was in the previous life, you definitely don't believe it."

Xu Qinglian chuckled, "I'm not one of those silly girls, I will give you everything if I ask you to say a few words."

Wang Ai also laughed. The backs of the index and middle fingers of the hand rubbed Xu Qinglian’s smooth face lightly: "Speaking of it, you can actually feel it. After all, you have been beautiful since childhood. Boys are right. You don’t know what a beautiful girl thinks, right, I'm no different from other boys in this respect."

"That is to say..." Xu Qinglian caught Wang Ai's finger with her backhand: "You also have a bad intention when you see me the first time?"

"Not all." Wang Ai's hands were not honest yet, and he squeezed Xu Qinglian's palms: "Well, it's the first time I met. Of course I think you look good and your personality is okay, but I don't know anything else. I thought at the time, so beautiful. Girl, if we can live together well in the future. But it's only that. I didn't think too much. You know I was the top pick in the national college entrance examination at that time. I'm telling the truth, I'm not worried that I can't find a beautiful wife. This is the truth. ,Right?"


Wang Ai looked at Xu Qinglian and said with a smile: "I heard that most girls don't like to listen to the truth, but they like to listen to good things. The more you treat her as a fool, the happier she will be. Are you?"

"No." Xu Qinglian shook her head seriously and looked at Wang Ai: "I don't want to be a fool, I don't want it since I was a child. In fact, it's just that the details of this face are just in line with the aesthetics. If I was born, I fell face down. Isn’t I me anymore? But it’s definitely not pretty. Therefore, things like beauty are fake, and talents are real.”

"Well, I like you like this." Wang Aishu said heartily: "I hate all intrigues, especially with my family. I don't want to bother to think about what my family is thinking. I think the family should be a more free space. Free and easy. I can think about the metaphysics of the cutting edge of human thinking, but I don’t want to spend any effort at home. I want to be pure. You are just like me."

"Well, two weird people." Xu Qinglian concluded with a chuckle.

"Well, actually I didn’t think much about you at the beginning. I just have a general direction. You can be together, you can’t be together, and you have a good life. It’s not right to say that being beautiful is meaningless, beautiful people I can’t have it, and I hope she has a good result. However, your going to boarding school is a big change."

"Are you worried that I will have no good results in boarding school?" Xu Qinglian asked.

"No." Wang Ai smiled and shook his head: "I think, I don't care about this, and my things may just run away from others."

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