Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 527: Disorder (3)

Wang Ai went to bed early after sending away Robben, who was full of "picking up the bargain". The frustration of the club and other teammates is no longer in his mind. He has helped the team win a European championship last season, and he is still the Champions League golden boot. From any angle, he is worthy of this club and his teammates.

And Liverpool, which "should" win the championship last season, was eliminated as early as the group stage due to insufficient points. From this point of view, he was bruised by Gerrard, which is considered to be "a matter of heaven in the dark"...

Woke up in the morning, Wang Ai jogged on the streets of Liverpool for ten minutes. On the surface, he is now acting as usual, but in fact, he still feels a lot of pain when he stretches his muscles. The professor in Tubingen told him: Your strength is too great, and in extreme cases you will strain yourself. So next you have to increase the strength of your muscles, bones, and tendons, as well as increase flexibility.

In this way, the "practice of yoga" jokingly said before is really on the agenda.

After returning from the street, Wang Ai bought a lot of newspapers and went to the hotel restaurant to read the newspapers while eating with his teammates. In a big battle last night, the teammates were very tired. In addition to losing the game, they were not in a good mood. So this morning, only Wang Ai maintained the morning exercises. Seeing Wang Ai came back, they greeted them one after another. Those who were interested also took one. Read the newspaper.

There is still no good news from Chelsea in the English press today. At present, everyone knows that there are problems inside the club. The reporters outside don't even know as much as they know about the tapes. Everyone's will is a little depressed, and they can't get angry when they see bad news.

Back in London at noon, Jose announced a day off. Wang Ai went to the university in the afternoon to sit for an afternoon, discussed the term paper and graduation thesis with his supervisor, and returned in the evening.

Now that the Champions League has been lost, the club will then defeat Manchester United in the league and the FA Cup. At present, the league points are the same. The two sides of the FA Cup meet in the final. For Chelsea, there are three league games left this season and one FA Cup. Of course, Manchester United's life is not easy, and one more Champions League final than Chelsea.

The two Red Devils met in the Champions League final, which became another grudge for Manchester United and Liverpool.

In the evening, Wang Ai returned to Cobham's home. Since his actions were basically normal, he no longer hid upstairs to eat, but went down to the living room on the first floor to have dinner with everyone. There are more people and the table is not big enough, so it simply becomes a meal-sharing system. The seven people took turns cooking, taking breaks with injuries and illnesses. In this regard, neither Wang Ai nor Xu Qinglian was special. Relatively speaking, Wang Ai has a lot of games and time is tight, so Yan Zhu and Zhao Dan spend more time cooking. And Xu Qinglian is only going to school and is not so nervous, so she cooks more.

It’s just that seven people can’t eat together. The style of the three men is simply "big fish and meat", and the style of three women is "exquisite and multi-flavored". They have already endured the torment of "big fish and meat" for half a year. Kang Si "defected" in an instant. As a result, in the kitchen, it is decided that two people are cooking, the man is the man, and the woman is the woman.

The cooked meals are all placed in a large bowl, and whoever likes to eat what they put on their own plates. Although they taste a lot of each other, they generally follow their own tastes. Kang Si's Spanish meals are very popular with Xu Qinglian.

"Huh, the smell is similar!" Wang Ai ate his steak and looked at the women sharing Spanish buns with contempt.

The women gave Wang Ai a white look, and continued on. Wang Ai got up and went to the refrigerator to get a drink. He sat down and looked at the new foreign newspaper that arrived in the afternoon. He bit on the steak, and then, something inexplicable, went straight to his brain.

Wang Ai had a steak in his mouth, his expression was stiff, his neck was firm, and his eyelids were shaking. It took more than ten seconds to slow down. The beef in his mouth was reluctant to vomit. After chewing stiffly and swallowing, he let out a breath, and said dumbly: "What the **** is this?"

A few women wandered around laughing, Xu Qinglian pushed a small bottle: "horseradish."

Wang Ai hurriedly pushed back, his head even shook uncontrollably a few times, like Parkinson: "Hey, isn't this sick? Take this?"

"Eat seafood!" Kang Sicha came over a piece of sea cucumber to Wang Ai.

Wang Ai looked at the green sea cucumber with disgust, wiped out a large part of it and ate it in his mouth, and almost turned off the table because of the smell. If he doesn't eat this thing for a lifetime, he might forget the smell, but he must Will not forget that reaction.

It's so strong.

Today’s overseas newspapers were also very strong, with extensive comments on the game last night, and their words were very sharp. Probably because this year's Champions League semi-finals, the Premier League took three seats, and the final became a civil war in the Premier League, which made the journalists of the other five major leagues less money, so the attack was particularly fierce.

At that time, Maradona’s national teammate and Real Madrid’s powerful man Valdano attacked in the “Marca”: “Since the magical Wiwi left, Chelsea and Liverpool’s Champions League semi-finals have lost their suspense. Yes, win. There is still suspense about losing, but it is not my biggest concern. I hope that in the UEFA Champions League, which is almost the world's strongest club competition, I will not only see the outcome, but also football culture and football art."

"It's a very intense, very direct event, full of tactics. Both teams have achieved the ultimate according to the arrangements of the two coaches. But what about short passes? No, fake moves? No, variable speed runs? No, two over one? Passing through the crotch? No, heels? Stop talking! Nothing. This is an ugly and utilitarian game on the highest stage!"

"The best performer in the audience was Drogba. It was not that he showed some amazing skills, but that he had the best body. The talented Joe Cole was also lost in the fierce collision. If this is the reality of football, Then the genius and technology that have fascinated us over the past century will say goodbye to us!"

In the last paragraph, Valdano released a big move, almost attacking with personal attacks and professional discrimination: "This is not to blame the players of the two teams, the problem lies with their head coach. They are all the people who failed in the professional player stage. So their desire for honor is never satisfied. They despise football skills and football genius. They hate any uncontrolled factors. They don’t believe in improvisations and flashes of light on the pitch. They then turn those stars into their absolute hands. Obedient pieces. In short, Mourinho and Benitez, either jealous or incomprehensible, are killing art football."

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