Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 175: Long Road (5)

Because he learned from Huang Xin the relatively neutral and objective attitude of the German media that was rare this time, Wang Ai reciprocated, and through Jamie contributed books to the major German sports media "Kickers" and "Sports Pictures".

In the letter published in the full text of the former, Wang Ai wrote: "As my Chinese Olympic men's football team has reached the top four in the Beijing Olympics, I hope to use your publication to report to the city of Tubingen, Baden and Germany expresses my respect. In the past year or so, our team’s training in Germany has received warm reception and strong support from the German football community. We have been tempered, trained, and tempered in Germany. Attentive readers may I found that our head coach Gao Hongbo has strong German characteristics, and we also have the team doctor Mr. Schubert from the Tubingen Medical School. Not to mention myself, many of the team’s main players, and even the head coach. I have lived in Germany for a long time. I think more than 20 years ago, the first foreign head coach of Chinese football was German Klaus Schrappner. He is now my agent. Since then, German football has The friendship of Chinese football has continued to this day. Chinese football has a distinctive German football idea and German football style. Every time we make progress, it is also the progress of German football culture. For this reason, my team and I have played against German football. I am very grateful, I will never forget my days in Germany."

In the letter to the latter, Wang Ai didn't say much, but he sent a lot of photos during the training period of the Olympic Games in China, especially when he was in Germany, and they were also selected and published.

Just as the Chinese media always reprint the praises of foreign media to China, the German media will not reject the praise from Wang Ai. Who will let their team not enter the Olympics at all? Without saying anything, the sincere gratitude from last year's Golden Globe winners became a timely rain.

Working in Europe for many years, and often dealing with the media of various countries, Wang Ai gradually came out. The media temperament of each major European country is different, just like their citizens. Therefore, Wang Ai also slowly tried to "divide and conquer", adopting different attitudes towards the media of different countries.

Germany was the main defeated country in the two world wars. The German nation has struggled to death twice in the face of the first-mover countries, and both failed and paid a painful price. There is a heavy sadness hidden deep in the German souls. In order to cover this sadness, they have to show people with extremely tough faces, or "face". Once they touch their sore spots, they will be hysterical.

Britain used to be an empire that never sets in the sun. Even if its power declines to the three islands that quarrel every day, it still maintains a huge influence in the world, but because of its long-lasting decline, the British remain rigid on the one hand. On the one hand, he is quite indulgent in private, with a taste of entertainment to death. The French have also passed away. They are also the victors of the two world wars. They are now the center of the European continent, so they have stronger confidence than the British, and they are quite cynical. As for the Italian and Spanish media, because of the influence of Latin culture, the emphasis on "face" is even more dispensable.

So you have to "chuck" to the Germans, or else their glass heart is broken, and the crazy Germans can't make any sense. Only if you cheer them up, you can have a normal conversation; to the French, you have to "chuck", If you don't smoke them, they will have endless hippie smiles. After you smoke them, they will calm down before they can talk. For the British, Spanish, and Italian media, it's a bit simpler. Just play hard. Don't be boring. If you have good material, even both parties can join forces to make hype and get what they need.

Of course, for the American media, we still have to "endure the chatter", the United States is awesome! Not only have mouths, but also fists, unlike the old European men who have only their mouths left.

Apart from this incident, Wang Ai recovered with all his heart during his recovery. Unfortunately, the effect was not good. Schubert made it clear to Gao Hongbo the day before the match that Wang Ai could not play, and even Wang Ai himself felt that the pain was unbearable with a little effort.

Therefore, before the semi-finals on August 19, the first time the reporters got the starting list without Wang Ai's name. Of course, there are only 18 people in the Olympic football game, so he is still on the bench. However, combining his injury last time and the analysis of experts from all walks of life afterwards, people all know that the National Olympics is in danger.

An "Era without King Ai" has come, even if there is only one.

At 18 o'clock that evening, the match between Nigeria and Brazil was played first at the Shanghai Stadium. As a result, after 90 minutes of fierce Nigeria and exhausted Brazil, they won 4:2 and advanced to the final.

This is another big defeat for the future Brazilian national team in this Olympics, making the future of Brazilian football not optimistic, even if their history is extremely glorious.

At 20:50 in the evening, at the Beijing Workers' Stadium, the Chinese team and the Argentine team shook hands respectively, and the acting captain Chen Tao exchanged team flags and guessed sides with each other. Every Chinese team member has a serious expression on his face, which looks really like the Germans.

The live footage repeatedly swept the bench of the Chinese team, and Wang Ai was left empty there.

Wang Ai is at the National Olympics, watching TV while doing rehabilitation, only Kang Si and Zhang Guang are with him, and Liu Liang accompanied the National Olympics team to the work.

At 21 o'clock, the game began, Wang Ai's arm on the parallel bars stopped involuntarily, and the Chinese team unsurprisingly put on a 451 defensive counterattack formation. But the first to break the goal turned out to be the less powerful Chinese team.

In the 13th minute of the first half, winger Wang Yongpo made a pass from the bottom. Chen Tao, who was originally outside the penalty area, suddenly accelerated to the front of the goal. Finally, he nodded ahead and changed the course of the ball. He successfully scored from the far point.

This attack was also the only attack by the Chinese team that threatened the goal in the first half. After scoring the goal, the Chinese team increased their defensive efforts as a whole. Only one Gao Lin remained in the frontcourt to maintain deterrence, and the rest retreated. It's halftime.

Zhao Xuri, who successfully restricted Ronaldinho to Brazil last time, was given another important task in this game: to restrict Messi!

Barely supported to the final whistle, although the score is still 1:0, but the discerning people can see that the Chinese team's physical fitness has been almost consumed, and the second half is likely to be a collapse. Especially Zhao Xuri, facing the extremely flexible "little flea", he did not have the experience of Zanetti, and he was already shaky when he left the field.

"Help me up." Sitting on the floor of the rehabilitation room in the Olympic Village, Wang Ai was dazed, and suddenly waved to Kang Si.

"Dr. Wang..." Kang Si held Wang Ai's arm with concern.

"Go, go to Gongti!" Wang Aichong commanded Zhang Guang, who came over with a cane.

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