Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 183: Style (3)

Next to the Nigerian player who sat down, was the collapsed Chinese team member. Everyone was exhausted to the extreme. Even Zhu Ting who came on the bench in the second half didn't want to move, even Wang Ai, who had always been physically weak, sat on his knees. On the ground, clenched fists with both hands, listening to the praise from the audience.

That is the best voice in the world!

From the player channel, Chen Tao and Zhao Xuri appeared together, as well as Guo Liang, Feng Xiaoting, and Dong Fangzhuo who walked slowly, and Zhou Haibin, Wang Yongpo and Hao Junmin who slowly stood up. Chen Tao and Zhao Xuri pulled their teammates to the sidelines one after another, hugs Lao Gao and Lao Liu, the two mentors, and Lao Feng and Lao Zhu, who have been with them for many years. The foreign teacher hugs.

Amid the applause of the audience, the Chinese Olympic team held hands and bowed to the stands. Six games, 18 players, tried everything, and finally turned into a gold medal, embedded in the gold medal list of the Chinese Army. This is the 48th gold medal of the Chinese Army in this Olympic Games, the 260th in the entire Olympic Games, and the first in Chinese football!

Amid the applause, Wang Ai and everyone held hands and bowed to everyone.

Before leaving the game, the Nigerian stars greeted Wang Ai and exchanged his jerseys.

The organizers of the tournament came over with a smile and urged the Chinese team to go down and change their clothes. After a while, the award ceremony will be followed by the women's handball third place match. The leaders, VIPs and fans in the stands did not leave the stadium, but they still waited happily.

Wang Ai raised her head and looked up when she walked to the players’ aisle with Zhou Haibin. Among the jubilant family members, Xu Qinglian shrank on the chair, holding her hands on her chin. Her face was a little red and relieved in the heat of August afternoon. In the incredibly intertwined smile, both eyes stared at him affectionately.

The quietness of her and the joy around her are just like two worlds.

Wang Ai barked his teeth and pointed his fingers at her, her face, and her mouth.

Only then did Xu Qinglian wake up, shook her fist in shame, and secretly measured a scissors gesture.

In the lively player channel, various leaders and staff members who knew or did not know continued to congratulate each other. Everyone shook hands and went over with their cameras. In the locker room, Zhu Heyuan urged everyone: "Hurry up and go back to celebrate."

Except for injuries and discomfort, everyone swarmed into the bathroom, washed it with splashing water, wiped shampoo and soap, wiped it after washing, and then swarmed out to find their own sneakers. Wang Ai's is easy to find, the color is different.

After the repacking, everyone returned to the stadium under the leadership of the Olympic Organizing Committee officials. At this time, the long podium was ready.

Different from the time in Athens four years ago, Wang Ai reluctantly boarded the shortest one. This time he was very proud, wearing a Chinese team jacket, standing in the middle of the crowd, watching and waving to the square stands. .

The Argentines in the classic blue and white striped shirts took the lead on the podium. After receiving the bouquets and medals, they turned curiously to see the dark green circle. Then the grass-green Nigeria team boarded the podium, and after receiving the silver medals in turn, they also turned to look at the light green circle.

The Beijing Olympic gold medal is so creative! Put them together and call them Jinxiangyu, and separate them as Yuhuan!

In the highest cheers, Wang Ai took a step forward cheerfully, and then...

"Why aren't you on?" Wang Ai put one foot on the table and asked Zheng Zhi beside him in confusion.

"Hurry up!" Zheng Zhi urged.

Wang Ai blinked and laughed, "Is it necessary?"

He understands, this is the tacit understanding of his teammates, using a small time difference on stage to create an instant when he first appeared on stage to "praise" his contribution.

The distinguished guests and the award-giving lady in front of the podium were still waiting with smiles. The Argentina and Nigeria teams on both sides were also "waiting". Wang Ai shook his head and took a deep breath. As soon as his legs were hard, he was the first to board the podium.

In the sound of the mountains and the tsunami, the teammates took the stage one by one.

One after another received the bouquets from the award-presenting ladies, accepted their congratulations, and accepted the gold medals presented by Mr. He Zhenliang himself. When he arrived at Wang Ai, Mr. He also said something to Wang Aiduo, and Wang Ai nodded seriously after hearing this.

Zheng Zhi beside him heard clearly. What Mr. He said was: "Xiao Wang, next time you bid for the Olympics, it's your turn."

Wang Ai's answer was: "I will, senior."

Under the flagpole in front of him, the three national flags spread out, and Wang Ai took the time to say in a loud voice: "Stand up straight and sing! Who else should open your mouth, I will let you sing for a night!"

But everyone was singing the national anthem, serious, excited, and crying, but his thoughts diverged uncontrollably. He didn't know whether he would have a second chance to raise the national flag for him in his lifetime, and let the national anthem sing because of him.

When I thought of this, I regretted it a little: If I had chosen swimming, would there be more opportunities? That fish named Phelps actually made "Stars and Stripes" sing for him eight times, **** it!

Why is football so strenuous! So many talents at once!

After the national anthem, the Argentine team and the Nigeria team left the field after completing the group photo. After all the Chinese team took a group photo, showed the gold medal together, and launched the old high together, they were also ready to leave.

No matter how brilliant the game is, there will be a time when it ends. Today’s excitement can be tasted slowly in the future with a gold medal.

Stepping onto the runway, various reporters rushed up, facing Liu Jianhong who was approaching, Wang Ai shook his head rare, and pushed Chen Tao past him. He is now exhausted, for fear of saying the wrong thing. Anyway, Chen Tao is also the captain and qualified. There is no game today.

When he was about to wave his hand and leave, he held up a stack of national flags from the player channel.

Wang Ai took over the development. It was the familiar color of the jersey, the most affectionate color, and the hottest color.

Holding the national flag in hand, looking at the stands, layer upon layer of people, layer upon layer of cheering, overwhelming passion, and singing from all directions.

For some reason, it was only then that Wang Ai became excited afterwards.

Wiping the corners of his eyes, Wang Ai carried the two corners of the national flag, leaned back, and tied it on his chest, and he quickly tied it into a red scarf.

"Come on, brothers, our Olympics are over, let's run one last lap."

Wang Ai greeted the teammates who also learned that he had fastened the national flag, pulling 12 people who could still run, divided into three rows, shouldering each other and jogging along the track.

Wherever you go, where does the victory song sound.

The national flag fluttered behind them, forming a red wave, and each of them was a moving flag pole!

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