Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 186: Style (6)

Only in front of his own, did Wang Ai completely remove the arrogance of the big star, shaking his hand with the more than one hundred dollars blackmailed, dancing with joy.

The men are more reserved. Kang Si, Tang Mudan, and Liu Dingxiang have put on various poses and took photos with the gold medals.

This is Wang Ai's Olympics, but it is also their Olympics. When Wang Ai's career map is getting bigger and bigger, he can prepare for the battle wholeheartedly and cannot do without everyone's efforts.

Yan Zhu, who was driving, smiled and looked at the dancing demons in the car through the rearview mirror. With a move of his hand, he turned on the speaker on the car, and a happy music flowed out, and the atmosphere in the car became more joyful.

When the gold medal passed a round and returned to Wang Ai's hand, he put it on Xu Qinglian sideways, looking at the red lips, red face and red face, touching the markings on the gold medal in his hand, loosening the gold medal, and adjusting the ribbon, Wang Ai I couldn't help it. I stopped my hand on the chest of the white dress and didn't want to leave.

Xu Qinglian turned her head, did not move, her brows were slightly frowned, and her clear eyes shot directly into Wang Ai's heart.

Wang Ai wakes up, and withdraws his hands quietly. After sitting back, he chuckles in his ear. He can't help but feel embarrassed. He turns out the phone, typed a few words and handed it to Xu Qinglian. It said: "Scare Me? Fuck you to death at night!"

Xu Qinglian slapped Wang Ai's hand and turned her head away. In this regard, she really didn't dare to talk to Wang Ai, so many times she ended up begging for mercy.

Wang Ai didn't quench his thirst, and then typed a few words and handed it over. Xu Qinglian looked down and said: "Your mouth is going to be unlucky, let you laugh at me."

Xu Qinglian twisted Wang Ai, grabbed the phone, wiped it and wiped it, before letting Wang Ai look at it. It took him a long time to put the phone in Wang Ai, and then leaned one arm on the car window, looking at the night view. He didn't speak, only the gold medal on his chest turned gently in the night breeze.

Wang Ai took the phone and said: "The gold medal belongs to me."

This time, Xu Qinglian finally did not resist, repent, and did not play routines. Originally, Wang Ai thought she would continue to shirk with oral ulcers or something. Unexpectedly, hehe!

Wang Ai's hehe sound made Xu Qinglian's face hotter and heartbeat faster. Subconsciously, she touched the gold medal with her hand and dragged her boyfriend for a whole year. She really couldn't drag it anymore, and she shouldn't drag it anymore. Especially after Leo Ni’s several demonstrations, the resistance and obstacles in her heart have almost disappeared.

Only one thing is that she is going to tell Wang Ai at the beginning of the evening that now is not the time.

The car parked outside the Peking University Gymnasium. Wang Ai took out five special passes, one for him, one for Xu Qinglian, and one for Kang Si. These were inseparable, and the other two were to guard. Wang Ai shook: "Who is going?"

Yan Zhu shook his head first: "I won't go."

Zhao Dan also shook his head: "I am not suitable to show up."

Finally, it was decided to let Liu Liang and Tang Mudan accompany. Anyway, there is no good position. They have watched a lot of games these days, and they are not as busy as Wang Ai, and it is not unusual.

Wang Ai sat down high in the stands, but was quickly spotted by the on-site camera and by surrounding fans. Fortunately, Xu Qinglian didn't want to be public, so she was behind with Kang Si and the others.

The game on the court is the end of the third place competition between Wang Liqin and Persson. In the end, Wang Liqin won the opponent in straight sets. After a short break after the game, Wang Ai also used this time to shake hands, take photos, and chat with the fans who came up to wait for the start of the final.

The final was between Ma Lin and Wang Hao. Wang Hao, the second of ten thousand years old, lost again. In the end, three Chinese national flags were raised at the same time. Wang Ai followed the audience and stood up and sang the national anthem loudly. Because of the communication in advance, after the award ceremony, Wang Ai ran backstage to visit friends, and temporarily "borrowed" the gold medal from Xu Qinglian.

After meeting and chatting with Wang Liqin, Wang Hao, Ma Lin, and Zhang Yining who also came to cheer, Wang Ai Cai said goodbye to his friends.

Speaking of it, Wang Ai and Yao Ming have not seen each other for several years, let alone Zhao Hongbo and Shen Xue in the Winter Olympics.

I can only look for this kind of similar opportunity and see for a few minutes in a few years.

Back to the Football Association, the banquet is still going on. In fact, the time is not too long. It started at 6 o’clock in the evening and it’s only 9 o’clock now. According to Chinese habits, a banquet is normal for four or five hours. Social. The big TV in the cafeteria is still broadcasting live sports on CCTV, so as soon as Wang Ai comes back, everyone will know what he did.

The close-up feature was given to him several times just now.

After greeting teammates and friends a few times, Wang Ai was worried about things and was going back to punish Xu Qinglian at night, so he hurried to the leader’s table and sat down, and waited for the leader to finish talking to others before asking: "I’m back. , Leadership, what task?"

Yan Shiduo didn't drink much, and he was sober: "Tomorrow is the closing ceremony. You and the whole team will participate."

"Am I the standard bearer?" Wang Ai asked with a smile.

Yan Shiduo pointed to Wang Ai: "You know it's impossible. The flag bearers of the closing ceremony are all female athletes. But, the flag bearer is also right. You will really be a flag bearer tomorrow."

"Oh?" Wang Ai came with interest.

Yan Shiduo pondered: "At the closing ceremony, you know that there was a handover ceremony for the Olympic flag, right? We were in Athens 4 years ago and took it from the Greek Olympic Organizing Committee. This time it's our turn to the British. The Mayor of London is here."

Wang Ai thought for a while: "Oh, that's Johnson, right?"

Yan Shiduo nodded: "Yes."

Speaking of this, Yan Shiduo took a breath of toothache: "This person is not very good, he is... maverick, he... can't figure out what happened."

Wang Ai deeply agreed: "Indeed, this person has a strong personality."

Yan Shiduo looked at Wang Ai: "You are the most well-known Chinese athlete in the UK and London, so the organization research believes that if you act as the flag-bearer for the flag transfer, he should express kindness to you. As long as he expresses it to you What do you think is that if you are goodwill, it is equivalent to expressing goodwill to China, which eliminates the hidden danger of his troubles?"

Wang Ai nodded: "Actually, I have met him several times in London, and even briefly talked about it. Although I can't talk about friendship, I think it should be fine."

"Well, you performed very well in this Olympics. Your superiors sent you to perform this task, not only for trust but also for affirmation. You represent the Chinese Olympic team and even the Chinese Olympic spirit, understand?"

"I understand." Wang Ai nodded his head.

"That's good." Yan Shiduo said gratifiedly: "Go back to the Olympic Village and rest early. Someone will tell you the procedure tomorrow morning."

Wang Ai got up and said goodbye to everyone, walked to the door to meet Xu Qinglian, suddenly remembered what happened at night, and suddenly regretted it.

Xu Qinglian looked at Wang Ai's lost face, covered her mouth, and laughed loudly.

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