Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 193: Way of Heaven (3)

After the program was recorded, Duan Xuan sent Wang Ai and his party downstairs, holding Wang Ai's hand when he parted and said, "The state of mind is different."

Wang Aihaha happily said: "What's different, I just can't be too direct now, and I can't fight them like I did in the past."

Duan Xuan shook his head and smiled: "I still have a deeper thinking than before, and my realm has improved. I have time to go to your house and have a good chat with you."

Wang Ai nodded: "Okay, but you are going, you have to go to Italy. I have to go after the qualifying matches in two days. You know, Serie A has started."

After leaving CCTV, everyone in the National Olympic Games has their own destinations. Like Zhao Xuri and Chen Tao, they will stay in Beijing and wait a few days for the first game of the second stage of the national team World Cup qualifiers to come, and plan to transfer. You have to go back to the club to go through the formalities. Those who stayed in the Super League and did not enter the national team should go home.

Wang Ai has other things. In the afternoon, he took his four golden boot trophies and went directly to the National Expo. It was said that tomorrow was just Wang Ai's ambush. He had already agreed with Guobo to go ahead and sneak in. In addition, the Olympic Museum is still under construction, and the museum under the Bird's Nest is still on the design drawings, so the National Expo temporarily borrowed the golden sneakers worn by Wang Ai.

Of course, the gold medal did not go. For Wang Ai, gold medals are more rare than gold boots, but for the country, gold boots are more rare than gold medals.

As usual, the National Museum reserved Wang Ai for dinner. There were still a lot of dishes with various names and very elegant but ordinary taste. Wang Ai and a group of old gentlemen had a very happy conversation. Now in the contemporary achievement exhibition area of ​​the National Expo, Wang Ai's personal professional achievement exhibition booth has become a mecca for fans across the country. The trophies that should have been hidden at home are listed here for everyone to see.

As long as Wang Ai does not provoke the country's anger and is not publicly criticized by the country, then his achievement exhibition will still be a drain for the National Museum and even local provincial museums.

It just so happened that during this period, whether it was a teammate or leader, whether it was a friend or a comrade-in-arms, all felt that Wang Ai was not as sharp as before, but rather rounded up. Although friends from the Academy of Social Sciences said that he was hiding his head and showing his tail, most people supported Wang Ai's transformation.

It's not that I'm afraid or unable to fight anymore, but the realm is different. When a person's level is obviously higher than that of the opponent, his casual words can point to the opponent's vital points, and even if the opponent is crazy and helpless, now Wang Ai has reached this level.

On September 4th, Wang Ai, Shi Wenjun, Kang Si, Liu Guanchang and his guards arrived at the center of the Communist Youth League at No. 10 Qianmen East Street. Originally, Wang Ai planned to go directly to No. 1 Houyuan'en Temple Hutong. The Youth Foundation, which is where the Hope Project Office is located. However, because the matter was of great importance, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League temporarily decided to upgrade, and invited Wang Ai, the former member of the "Ten Communist Youth League in the country," to visit his hometown.

This time, it is the first major event that Wang Ai’s personal charity activities no longer go through the channel of the Stupid Fund, but the channel of the Wang Fund. At the end of last year, the Stupid Fund announced that it would stop the Stupid Student Loan. Shi Wenjun contacted the Hope Project Office. It was just a matter of great importance. Wang Ai was the only funder of the Wang Fund. So when the cooperation between the two parties officially began, Wang Ai Make time for a visit anyway.

As the superior management unit of the Hope Project, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League also solemnly because of Wang Ai's generous work. Although there were no news reporters, the Communist Youth League still sent photographers and the reception standards were quite high.

The content of this cooperation is very simple. On the whole, it is a continuation of the past cooperation between the Stupid Fund and Project Hope, but the scale is much larger and much more direct. Wang Ai decided to donate 300 million yuan to the Hope Project every year from this year to build 100 large rural schools of the level of "central primary schools". In the past 19 years, the Project Hope has raised nearly 4 billion in accumulated funds. Last year, it upgraded the simple aid model to the aid plus development model, and upgraded the simple construction of school buildings to the comprehensive investment of teacher training, library, and computer room. No matter how the model changes, donations are still the source, especially large donations.

Wang Ai's donation is the largest personal donation of Project Hope in the past 19 years, and it will last for at least ten years. If Wang Ai’s donation is equal in the amount in the future, then he will become the most individual donor of Project Hope in ten years; if Wang Ai’s donation is equal to the number of schools, his total donation will even account for Hope in ten years. Half of the total donation for the project!

Calculating the ten-year cycle, on the one hand, is that after Wang Ai joins, the country’s rural school buildings will be resolved in ten years. On the other hand, Wang Ai’s career will reach the late stage in ten years or has already retired.

He can't make that much money, so he can't continue. After all, Wang Ai is a personal donation, not a corporate donation so sustainable.

I am afraid that with such a big deal, it is really easier to make personal donations. For people like Wang Ai who earn so much, as long as the personal expenses are controlled, there is really no need to think about too much. But if a company earns 300 million yuan a year, every one of them will be struggling. After all, such a large amount of money will definitely cause the company's capital flow to strain and even reduce its competitiveness.

If this plan takes shape successfully, then in a few years, Wang Ai will surpass Run Run and become the individual with the most charitable donations to the mainland.

This year, Mr. Shaw was awarded the "China Charity Award Lifetime Honor Award" by the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

If one counts Wang Ai's investment in idiot student loans over the past ten years, Wang Ai has donated RMB 1.5 billion!

In other words, he has caught up to more than half of the "match" between him and Mr. Shao. And how old is he? 21 years old! How old is Mr. Shao? 101 years old!

It will happen sooner or later that he catches up with Mr. Shao, and it may happen a few years later, in the donation of Project Hope. Therefore, from any angle, this is a major event in China's philanthropy community.

The leaders of the Communist Youth League delivered an enthusiastic speech and highly praised Wang Ai's behavior. Then the two sides signed a memorandum of cooperation and directly handed over the funds. Wang Ai took out a bank passbook of 300 million yuan to hand over.

After all, Wang Ai still listened to Shi Wenjun's words. It was not called "Wang Ai Primary School". There were more than a thousand seats and too many to be too swagger. But it's not completely without personal traces, that's too modest.

In the end, Wang Ai used the "Hongqi Primary School" he attended as the name of the school he donated.

In the memorandum of cooperation, Wang Ai's message on this naming is: "I hope these schools can cultivate qualified talents who will never fall the red flag in their hearts, and hope that the red and professional education model will shine."

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