Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 205: I just looked at (5)

The classmates and the teacher smiled together, and some even whistled. Wang Ai spread his hands: “Actually, I want to say that I want everyone to treat me as an ordinary classmate, but I know it’s impossible. If you want to chat with me , Group photo or something, please after class, I promise I will try my best to meet everyone's requirements. As for the class, I should be the one with the worst foundation among all of you. In the process of making up classes at home these days, I have chosen my major I have regretted it. I have a serious lack of confidence in whether I can graduate smoothly. So, during class, please let me try to catch up with you, thank you."

Wang Ai was not sensational, nor did he speak big words. Instead, he gave a few words of self-ridicule, and stepped down to the applause led by the teacher. Because he is relatively tall and because he is a big star, he is considered for class discipline. The position is behind, sitting alone.

A large part of what Wang Ai said to reporters at the school gate was true. For example, he went to school freely. From attending Renmin University in 1998 to today, he has been in university for ten years. He has become accustomed to this work rhythm of going to school while playing football. He has also become accustomed to learning new knowledge and meeting new challenges in his mind.

He really wants to study science. He thinks that the subject of higher Chinese science is a bit of teaching students according to their aptitude. Indeed, some talented students have shown talent in a certain field of liberal arts and science in high school. By sub-discipline, these people may lose the opportunity to receive further education. But other than that, most students' liberal arts sub-subjects are meaningless, and they don't have obvious talents. As a result, in terms of knowledge structure, after high school, half of them are missing, and they are not well integrated.

Of course, if it’s just an ordinary job, it’s okay to miss half of it. Some people have not gone to high school or even junior high school, don’t they live well? But Wang Ai always feels that one day China will popularize high school education. In theory, people with both liberal arts and sciences can look at the world more objectively. This is a normal pursuit for a scholar who does not need to consider the results and evaluate the titles. If he is not bad for money, then he needs to pursue it even more. If he is still a good, young philosopher, then he needs it even more.

After two classes, it was noon. Wang Ai took photos with his classmates, chatted, and talked with the classmates who said hello along the way, and then left the campus with his class schedule, textbooks, reference books and so on. Expensive textbooks are not stressful for him, they are all new.

It's the stuff inside, Wang Ai sighed, it's so difficult! His Italian is already very good, but he still doesn't understand half of it. Go home...Oh, all right, I found it myself.

Back home, after having lunch, Kang Si and Wang Ai ran away with Xu Qinglian and Shi Wenjun. I don’t know where the shopping enthusiasm is. It’s been a few days, except for Xu Qinglian’s visit. Except for Wang Ai's meeting on the first day, the other two days were spent sleeping with Shi Wenjun.

Wang Ai thought maliciously, and did not allow Qinglian to bend Shi Wenjun.

Okay, let's go together! How much I hold back, I will double my revenge and go back!

With broken thoughts in his mouth, he opened the textbook honestly in his hand, opened the calculation paper, and began to work hard against a bunch of mathematical symbols. Not to mention, Wang Ai has studied philosophy for many years. His logical thinking ability is very strong. While reading the book, he locked the meaning of the symbols, while learning axioms, and then continued to derive and calculate the exercises. He was fascinated without knowing it.

When I discovered that the light outside the window was dim, I discovered that one of the few books that the Milan consulate had unknowingly passed in the diplomatic package from the country, the third algebra, has been turned over!

Wang Ai stood up in the study and walked back and forth twice: I am very talented in science! Maybe I have to forget about half of it tomorrow, but today, at least, I understand it from beginning to end!

At this moment, an Iveco drove at the door. Wang Ai took a look at the house and stopped the car. Xu Qinglian, Tang Mudan and Liu Dingxiang got off first, then Shi Wenjun and her two female guards, and finally the driver. Kang Si, everyone is carrying a lot of things, tut, prodigal maiden! Look at me, the masters are still learning knowledge tirelessly!

The terrace above the garage on the second floor is the most commonly used occasion by the family. Wang Ai’s two guards live on the first floor and Kang Si lives on the second floor. After Xu Qinglian comes, she and Wang Ai live on the third floor as a guest. Shi Wenjun also lives on the second floor with her guard, so this terrace has become the most used place for family chats and afternoon tea.

The height of the second floor is just right, and you can see distant mountains, jungles, and small towns. It is also sheltered by trees outside the villa. The place is large and convenient for commuting, so today's dinner is set here.

The evening breeze is breezy, the girls are chatting, Shi Wenjun is rare to relax, and the discussions are in full swing. They are all in Italian, and Wang Ai does not understand a string of words. They are basically arranged for what they discuss. Anyway, it is nothing more than eating. Play, wipe your face, bah, low-level!

Looking at Wang Ai's unpleasant expression, Xu Qinglian still noticed her man's mood after all, and cut Wang Ai a rib from the grill and placed it on a plate, "How about self-study in the afternoon?"

Everyone's eyes turned around, Wang Ai proudly raised his hand: "I..."

Wang Ai, who was just about to brag, suddenly thought: I seem to have studied mathematics in high school?

Oh fuck! Mathematics is studied in both liberal arts and sciences, and I almost got a perfect score in the mathematics of the college entrance examination. What kind of genius was he who ran a math book that afternoon? Is this a review?

"Very good, very smooth, ha ha." Wang Ai's tears flowed silently in his heart, and his face was forced to smile, for fear that people would see that he was almost making a big mistake.

Oops, fortunately I remembered that, otherwise I can contract for half a year of jokes!

Xu Qinglian glanced at Wang Ai again, touched the boy's head pityingly, and turned around to chat with the sisters again.

Wang Ai silently ate dinner, and it was rare to turn on the TV with the lady in the hall on the first floor, watch a funny show, and then went out to practice at night without any movement. At the same time, the women's battlefield has also moved to the gym. When Wang Ai left, he heard Shi Wenjun yelling "Muscle Girl".

Wang Ai ran back in profuse sweat and said hello to the wiwi who ambushed him by the side of the road. He went to the gym to take over. The last batch of women had just taken a shower. Wang Ai went upstairs for half an hour. Xu Qinglian, who rolled her eyes, returned to the bedroom.

"Kneel down!" Wang Ai straightened his waist and pointed at Xu Qinglian's face.

Xu Qinglian squinted her eyes and stepped back and bent over. Just as Wang Ai was busy taking off her pants, Xu Qinglian kicked her feet and pushed her hands flat, Wang Ai grabbed her pants and fell on her back on the bed.

Well, let's talk about it. For more than two years, my author is more Buddhist, saying that a hospitalization is a real hospitalization. There is nothing to make everyone sympathize with me, no! I am strong!

I am very grateful for these two friends, but I hope you all appreciate the storyline under my serious reasoning and the characters in the book, rather than me as an anonymous author.

This is also the reason why I rarely write this chapter (I will not tell you that I have not played for a long time and understand how to write this, and you should really listen to what I say). I hope to use the storyline to talk and communicate with you. I always feel that I always talk about it in this chapter, which makes it easy for everyone to get out of the scene.

However, this thing is really enjoyable.

I will tell one more truth today, which happened today.

The nurse took my temperature at 7 o'clock in the morning. It is easy to get a fever due to inflammation after the operation. 37.1, it happened that I was leaving the window open at the time, and the nurse warned me to keep warm. The doctor came to ask. I just used push-ups to prevaricate me. The doctor reluctantly accepted what I said. I measured it again at noon. At 37.2, the nurse asked me with concern, and the attending doctor asked again. I said that I hadn't had a cold in 20 years and it was all right. The doctor couldn't shake my head. Don't be careless. Measure again at night, 38.1! The nurses were in a hurry, and I was still wondering: I'm really fine, I don't feel anything at all.

The nurse took the thermometer suspiciously and mumbled if there was a problem with the thermometer. She gave me another one. I took it and stuffed it under my armpit. The nurse frowned and pointed at me suddenly, "Why don't you shake it? !"

Activate my childhood memory!

I've forgotten the **** long ago, it scared people this day!

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