Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 216: The stars are bleak and the moon rises (6)

At noon on the day of the game, Ibrahimovic was walking on the street in the small town of Appiano, holding the newspaper published that day in his hand. The front page photo, Wang Ai is in blue and black, and the opposite is Kaka, Ronaldinho, and Sheva in red and black! This makes Ibrahimovic, who has a high self-esteem, quite unhappy, even if he understands that this is an identity bonus for the two awards.

It's just that he has no opinion on Wang Ai himself. He and Wang Ai are still very comfortable playing football, so he can only suppress his irritability. Another reason that irritated him was salary.

Wang Ai was busy at the Olympics this summer and delegated to Schlappner to renew his contract with Inter Milan. The Germans traveled to Milan for many times and had close consultations with Inter Club. Because the "double golden boots" was created by Wang Ai at Chelsea and Inter Milan, but because Wang Ai is currently at Inter Milan, the commercial benefits brought by this world-shocking achievement have also flowed into Inter Milan's account. Therefore, the two sides are in the honeymoon period, and the negotiation is considered smooth.

Probably after Wang Ai's team moved from Shenyang to Beijing, as Wang Ai's performance in the Olympics detonated again, the agreement between the two sides has been reached and the public has been released through Inter Milan: in the new season, Wang Ai's weekly salary has increased by 20% compared to last season.

After the news came out, it attracted much discussion. Originally, Wang Ai had already been Inter Milan's maximum salary last season, but what people are discussing is: too low.

Because last season Ibrahimovic called out 12 million, and Wang Ai only got 8 million. After the "double golden boots" and the entire bonus of the four major golden boots last season, the salary increase was only 20%, which is less than the whole 10 million, of course, is low.

After the salary was passed out, it was Ibrahimovic who was the most hit.

With Wang Ai’s performance, he got 9.6 million annual salary, which is even lower than the opposite Kaka. Why do you Ibrahimovic ask for 15 million? As a result, Ibrahimovic can only lower the asking price to complete the contract renewal with Inter Milan, with an annual salary of about 9 million yuan. Because the salary negotiation and payment system is very complicated, in Chinese colloquial terms, the boss can’t keep up with secretly stuffing red envelopes behind his back...

However, after Wang Ai came back some time ago, the insiders of the Inter club were bribed by the media and released a big news: Although Wang Ai's annual salary is less than 10 million, Inter Milan secretly changed the image authorization agreement between the two parties: in the new season, Wang Ai is global Shared with Inter Milan, half of each, but the ratio of the two parties in China has been adjusted to 8:2. According to outside estimates, Wang Ai received no less than 4 million in advertising fees.

This new news made the Ibrahimovic feel fooled. Others’ advertising authorizations are all 50%, so why does the Chinese have a place here that has become 80%? Ibrahimovic found Moratti angrily and questioned him. Moratti was also good-tempered. He denied it first, and then he missed it...

He was very eloquent at first, and he was very protective of the players. After he said that he could not do anything, but he did not adjust the distribution of Ibrahimovic but explained to him: China is the world’s most populous country, and China is another one. Football is a weak country, so Wang Ai's influence in China far exceeds that of our Inter Milan club, a large developing country with a population of more than one billion, which is equivalent to his "random wallet".

We can't grab, we can't grab it. For example, if we insist on insisting on his motherland with him, it is half and half. Then he has to go back and tell the Chinese sponsors that I will give half of the money you gave me... and the sponsors charged him. The identity of the Chinese is not the identity of the players of our club. We want to take the ones that do not belong to us. The result is that people can completely bypass the image authorization agreement and use alternative methods, such as bypassing the channels of the Chinese national team. If he takes out 5% or less of our 20%, he will succeed!

Ibrahimovic also asked, Moratti sternly said: "Your advertising cooperation in Sweden, not all of the contract to the club."

Moratti also told Ibrahimovic that Wang Ai’s Adidas and Coca-Cola advertising agreements were signed during Deportivo. Wang Ai’s agent said that the contract with Deportivo was signed once a year, so it was signed during the renewal. All of the advertising agreements belong to Wang Ai. Why is this happening? In the final analysis, the small club of Deportivo has no ability to turn face with Wang Ai. You have to sign once a year, but Wang Ai will leave. On the contrary, the club has to keep Wang Ai on the one hand to increase the ratings to make money, on the one hand to promote money in China, on the other hand the club pulls some advertisements for him to divide the money.

"The same was true for the Chinese when they were in Chelsea, half of the global advertising family, he took all of the Chinese advertising, and Chelsea recognized it. There is no way, because of the strength, the rules are like this, it is impossible to force it."

After Moratti's explanation, reassurance, and promise to get the Champions League next year, he will definitely raise his salary, Ibrahimovic can only leave unhappy.

Any football star has this advantage in his home country. People are national stars. There is no need to ask about the attitude of other countries up and down. China, the five permanent members of the United Nations, must really play hooligans in its homeland. A family with billions of assets. Foreign football clubs? Large multinational companies fine you billions, don't you have to suffer?

Do not say China, Shevchenko is in Ukraine, and the boss and the Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi, dare to check his account? Just check it, can you understand it? Is there any intangible income besides tangible income? Therefore, everyone is almost able to get it, not too much, just open your eyes, after all, the most extensive is the international market.

It's just that European and American countries generally have a small population, or Brazil's economic strength is poor and there are many stars, so this problem is not prominent. Switching to Wang Ai seems to have a particularly large amount and a particularly prominent problem. But no matter how prominent it is, it is not your club, and you can't get it.

After this incident, Ibrahimovic had some thoughts about Wang Ai. This is also the reason why Wang Ai was a little overreacted when he picked him up after a goal in the last game.

Of course, Ibrahimovic didn't conflict with Wang Ai, because it was useless. Wang Ai also knew about Ibrahimovic, but he also pretended not to know how to get along with Ibrahimovic.

After all, everyone is a teammate. After all, everyone has to rely on their own strength and ultimately have a higher common interest. Ibrahimovic has been in the five major leagues for many years, but he has never won the Champions League. This makes him understand that it is not easy to rely on himself! Now the long-time Champions League champions Ai and Jose are here, and he is reluctant to leave.

When the newspaper Ibrahimovic had in his hand was communicated to China via the Internet, fans became active in various forums and met to watch football! In recent years, everyone's taste has been elevated by Wang Ai. No matter how high they are, they also know that Wang Ai was mixed in Europe. He won five Asian football players, but he has not even played in the Super League in one day.

So the affirmation of European football is their favorite news.

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