Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 218: The stars are dim and the moon rises (8)

A Tianya netizen once asked such a question because he collected Wang Ai's photos to make a picture wall: "Who has a photo of Xiao Wanger angry? I have two thousand photos in my hand, I can change it!"

However, the reward was offered for many days and nothing was gained.

A netizen’s answer is quite representative: “If I were him, I would not be angry, with an annual salary of 100 million and advertising of 1 billion. “The fans are holding them and the leaders are coaxing (this is not my slander, this is what he said). What kind of anger, I can't be happy!"

Indeed, Wang Ai seldom gets angry, it's really impossible. Thinking about the lives of ordinary people, there is nothing to get angry at. He gets angry less often than catches a cold. Only when the Korean team broke his shin guard many years ago was really angry.

However, anger or anger has always been the source of strength, so that time he played a 10:0 for the South Korean team.

This time Maldini’s "hugging" was a bit excessive, but it was much stronger than black feet. It was just a bit shameless. It was not malicious to people, but malicious to the team. So amid the applause of the home team fans, Wang Ai turned around and left without arguing.

Whoever makes me unhappy, I make him even more unhappy! This is Wang Ai's law.

Wang Ai, who suffocated his breath, stood ready and concentrated, but the most threatening one failed. His opponent's morale boosted and he soon planned an extremely dangerous offensive: Kaka burst into the penalty area and then blocked his shot. Ronaldinho from outside the area shot a low shot, extremely tricky, but fortunately Julio's **** bounced in time and fell to the ground with one hand to block the bottom line.

There was another exclamation in the stadium, both sides.

This scene made the VIP Berlusconi nodded with a smile, Moratti's face was not pretty.

A few minutes later, it was the cooperation of Kaka and Ronaldinho that made the Nerazzurri fans in the stands couldn't help their heartbeats speeding up. Fortunately, Maicon cut his feet midway at the last moment! The two best Brazilian forwards played together and were intercepted by one of Brazil's last defenders. Maicon had a very strong idea of ​​playing the World Cup.

One minute later, Ronaldinho responded, Kaka took the ball to the danger zone and passed it to another Brazilian forward Pato. Pato stopped the ball in his chest and turned to hit the goal... The whistle blew, offside!

For a time, the constant threats centered on Kaka, attacking Inter Milan's defenses one after another, with great momentum, Inter Milan had to increase its forces in the midfield, and the stadium showed red and black pressing on and blue and black retreating. The overall situation.

Wang Ai also had to withdraw to the center line of the wing to look for opportunities. Fortunately, full-back Qi Wu dribbled the ball in the 32nd minute of the game. After passing with Wang Ai several times, he was brought down by Pato in the frontcourt of AC Milan. , Got a direct free kick.

The applause broke out suddenly, and many fans shouted together: "Desiderare (Italian: Hope)!"

The momentum was huge and shocking, including Wang Ai, who was standing nearby discussing how to serve with Quaresma and Ibrahimovic. He wiped the sweat from his face, inexplicably: I really wanted to, suddenly there was a nickname? Is it me? Is it me?

Ibrahimovic spread his hands: no need to discuss.

Quaresma patted Wang Ai on the shoulder: Come on, brother.

This position is a bit off, about 29 meters away from the goal. Wang Ai looked at the goal and waited for the opponent to line up the wall, then casually glanced at the Mardini in the wall, Maldini... Yeah!

When the whistle sounded, Wang Ai made a run-up, with extremely stretched limbs, and his body tilted greatly. The experienced goalkeeper immediately judged that this was a big arc! However, the big arc is a big arc, and only the kicker knows where it will fall.

Unsurprisingly, the football flew over the heads of Maldini and others. Apiati knew that with Wang Ai’s power, it would be too late to pounce after seeing the impact point clearly, so he subconsciously judged from the angle of Wang Ai’s body when he touched the ball. :near-point!


Further! Apiati went out and the football fell into the "empty goal"!

Wang Ai patted his hands and was happy. I think how do you guard me this time? My hit rate is close to half! I shot you all!

After the kick-off, AC Milan continued to attack. As a result, Inter Milan was negligent and quickly equalized the score. This time it is still Ronaldinho. Since he couldn't mix in Barcelona, ​​he didn't dare to say that he learned from it. At least he can be honest with the new owner, plus he needs to perform well, so he worked hard.

So, under another pass from fellow Kaka, he shook his head before Cambiasso, and the score became 1:1.

It took just over two minutes before and after, to even out Wang Ai's goal. Compared with Wang Ai's personal outbreak, AC Milan's group offensive is more stable and more threatening.

A few minutes later, Quaresma broke through and was brought down by Gattuso, and another direct free kick in the frontcourt. However, this time Wang Ai failed to hit the goal and went slightly wide. A sigh of regret and rejoicing sounded in the court.

In fact, if it was Wang Ai in normal training, a direct free kick 30 meters away from the goal would not dare to say that a hundred shots and a hundred shots would be the same. The hard training and daily tempering effects of the year were always there. But in the game, you have to consider the wall, the goalkeeper, the wind direction, and even your own physical condition in the confrontation, so the hit rate is between 40% and 50%.

Before Wang Ai, there were also many opponents with superb shooting skills, including goalkeepers, walls, defenders, coaches, etc., among them, constantly thinking about how to block them, forging each other and advancing at the same time. Wang Ai was more accurate than others, but the opponents The defenses are still effective.

Wang Ai finished his attack here, and AC Milan began to attack again. This time it was Pato’s breakthrough shot and was blocked by Julio.

The two sides drew 1:1, ending the first half.

The fans inside and outside the camera are still somewhat unsatisfied. Today's four superstars, except for Shevchenko, who is not on the field, performed close to perfection. Kaka's breakthrough, dribbling, instigation, Ronaldinho's running, support, and goal, Wang Ai's speed, breakthrough, free kick!

In the derby, which was already the focus, and after a long period of deliberation and hype, everyone showed their housekeeping skills.

In the Inter Milan locker room, Wang Ai was sweaty sitting on a chair and took off his shoes. The bones on the outside of his left ankle were a bit painful. It was the product of a collision between him and Ronaldinho in a midfield battle. At that time, Ronaldinho fell in "grief", and Wang Ai also squatted down and felt for a long time.

Fortunately, Wang Ai's reputation in the game is very good, so even if he does not perform exaggeratedly, the referee is still not deceived by Ronaldinho, but it is still a bit uncomfortable after the end.

The team doctor squatted nervously in front of Wang Ai and touched with his hands. Wang Ai shook his head and said that it was not too painful, but asked the team doctor to give him gauze and wrap it with gauze.

Jose also frowned and stood aside watching. After hearing Wang Ai's reason, he wanted to speak but didn't say it.

He knew that he, a "student", had a great idea!

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