Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 233: Future (3)

Two days later, Inter Milan's home game Meazza faced Bremen.

Ibrahimovic started with Balotelli and Mancini, while Wang Ai, Cruise, Quaresma and others sat on the court, watching the match in their coats. The schedule is getting denser, and Jose's rotation strategy gradually exerts its power. The absolute main force and absolute shooter like Wang Ai can also have a chance to watch the game in the competition, even if he is only slightly injured.

Oh, in fact, it's not even an injury, it's already healed.

But Jose was kind, and Wang Ai didn't fight for it. He really likes Jose, and is willing to maintain Jose’s authority. As the saying goes, once the emperor is a courtier, with the arrival of Jose, the ignorant stars who have always been coaxed by Moratti within the team are also trying to Jose attacked to gain their benefit.

Even if Jose’s impression of the stars is much better than that of Mancini, but just like Wang Ai also hopes to be able to score more goals and save effort in the league, these stars also have a conflict of interest with Jose. , Even an irreconcilable interest dispute.

For example, Cruise.

As the "dean" of the Internazionale Nursing Home for the elderly, with the "Vice Dean" Crespo approaching retirement, it is becoming more and more difficult to stay and continue to earn high salaries, even the 28 of Mancini. Year-old strikers are 7 years younger than him! As for Wang Ai, he is 7 years younger than Mancini.

Although Cruise scored third in the team last season, it is also appropriate to say that a major striker. However, this is the case with veterans. Coaches are more willing to give young people the opportunity to exercise because they tend to slip too fast. Similarly, the boss didn't trust him, for fear that the veteran would lie down for half a year, lie down and earn a high salary, and then retired after he finally recovered.

Therefore, some veterans are clearly in good condition, and can still score more than 10 goals in the next season, but the playing time is greatly compressed, and it is impossible to maintain the state when compressed to a certain extent. Conversely, there is no state, which will further compress time.

The retirement of many veterans is naturally due to the decline in physical function, but there are also reasons why the team controller no longer places hope.

Cruise is currently so difficult that he kept his face stern while listening to Wang Ai and Quaresma chatting.

He can't blame the Chinese youth next to him. The Chinese have learned his temper after half a season in the team: this super shooter, a more important star than Ibrahimovic, exists in the team's daily life. Feeling weak. He never scolded his teammates, nor was he too close to anyone. Apart from having been to Julio’s house several times, he was said to be “interested” in Julio’s wife Susanna... But then the news came out that the Chinese were Promoted Susanna to sign a Chinese brokerage company and used her great influence in the 98 World Cup to carry out some business cooperation in China.

It’s not a plot that everyone "please see"...

In addition, the Chinese youth are smart enough to avoid all factional disputes and stay away from all the spotlights off the court. Everyone doesn't like him much, but no one hates him. On the contrary, when the team needs results and everyone needs bonuses, the first one will think of him.

When I think of this, Cruise is also a little frustrated. Even when he is at his peak, he has no such value. His style is a sinister assassin on the court. Although there are always surprises, he can't bear the responsibility. The Milan Derby a few days ago is still a popular match among Inter Milan fans. It is said that when the Prime Minister left the field that day, he forgot to shake hands with Moratti.

Wang Ai could feel the anxiety of the Argentines around him, but he couldn't imagine it. The encounter between Cruise and Crespo also reminded Wang Ai. Football things are so cruel, it is so deceiving the old and not deceiving the young. It is clear that Cruise's current offensive ability is still much stronger and more stable than the black boy, but Jose is willing to give Balotelli more. Chance, even if he has now revealed his poor professionalism.

Even the boss didn't say a word, and even pacified Balotelli, who had not enough to take advantage of it, and said: Crespo is a few days away...

What if I become a veteran one day? Can I bear this kind of disregard and humiliation? Either retire altogether, or transfer to a promising small team, desperately lead the team to fight their faces, or rely on the support of big brands to still get a stable playing time...

It seems that future big-name players, as long as they are in good physical condition, can still play the main force in their 30s...

In the minds of Cruise, Wang Ai and even the recently attacked Quaresma, the first half ended with Maicon’s long-range shot leading, and the second half sat for another 10 minutes, Bremen tied. Scored.

Jose, who had a small flat head, was stunned, but this did not prevent him from looking back to the bench, everyone's eager eyes, he nodded the names of Cruz and Wang Ai, obviously, he was very concerned about the current team The offensive organization is very dissatisfied.

Cruise and Wang Ai took off their coats at the same time and warmed up on the sidelines with expressionless faces.

The fans in the stands saw them both on the big screen and cheered. Cruise is the pride of the team in the past, always surprises the fans, Wang Ai is the team's biggest gain, rising unstoppable superstar.

Waiting for the dead ball on the field, before going on the field, Wang Ai deliberately turned around and glanced at the fans who were shouting at him loudly nearby. One of the female fans shouted and jumped so loudly that the loose T-shirt inside the denim jacket was taken away. The shoulders were torn off, revealing the purple underwear...

I don't know if she is a stamp collector or really can't help it. Wang Ai, who was eye-opening, made a "take a breath" expression before smiling and turning to the scene.

It may be that the stunning scene before going on the field gave Wang Ai a lot of encouragement. He was in a very comfortable mood. In just half an hour of the game, he made two passes and one shot, assisting Cruise and Cambiasso successively. Success, and then hit a small angle lob at the buzzer, bringing the game to a completely different result.

An hour ago, the two sides fought a tie, and Milan's veterans were exhausted. In the second half an hour, with the appearance of Wang Ai, it seemed to have injected strong vitality into the veterans, helping the team finally defeated the visiting Bremen 4:1, thus achieving two consecutive victories in the European team!

At the press conference after the game, Jose was in a good mood. He joked to reporters and pointed to his head: "My hairstyle? Oh, I am learning from Wang. You can also understand it as paying tribute to him. With him by his side, I can leave work an hour early every day!"

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