Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 280: Only the blue sky is the limit (10)

Xu Qinglian, who was on the phone, turned her head slightly. When her eyes opened, Wiwi's hair stood up, and he snarled twice before turning back and leaping onto the top of the cabinet.

Wang Ai patted Xu Qinglian on the shoulder. Xu Qinglian responded with a smile. The flight back home was in the afternoon, so there was still time. So Wang Ai went upstairs to pack his luggage. After a while, Xu Qinglian came upstairs: "Do you think this will work?" I go straight to the Maldives to meet you after New Year's Day?"

Wang Ai buckled the suitcase of the Golden Globe Award and frowned, "Didn't you say it?"

Xu Qinglian graciously grabbed Wang Ai's arm: "Yesterday we calculated again. The original expectation was wrong. The orders before New Year's Day were much higher than the original estimate. The sisters and sisters were too busy at the time. After all, I started to do it. "

Wang Ai bowed his head and thought about it. He returned to China a year ago mainly to participate in the Football Association's Golden Globe Awards celebration party, year-end summary meeting, and public events agreed with major sponsors. In addition, there are some invitations from diplomatic, cultural, and educational personnel, and the kind of year-end summary meeting that you can go or not. Anyway, as long as Wang Ai wants to be busy, he will be able to stay busy.

With this calculation, it seems that you don't have to go back so early? Anyway, according to the original plan, it was only after New Year's Day that he took a few girls to go on vacation.

Xu Qinglian looked at her boyfriend with anxiety, for fear that he would not care about his temper. After a while, her boyfriend turned to look at her. Before she could speak, her boyfriend suddenly leaned down.

Xu Qinglian opened her eyes wide and still didn't understand what was going on. As soon as her waist tightened, she was kissed on her mouth.

After a long while, Xu Qinglian was let go panting: "What are you doing?"

Wang Ai still put his arms around his girlfriend's waist: "The self-improvement is admirable, the stronger you are, the more I..."

Realizing that her boyfriend's eyes are a bit dangerous, Xu Qinglian subconsciously wants to run, wherever she can run, she was pulled by Wang Ai and pushed in front of the chair: "The more I want you to drill the table for me, haha!"

Knowing that her boyfriend had agreed, Xu Qinglian started aggrieved. The two were fighting silently. Suddenly, when the door opened, Shi Wenjun came in with a stack of reports: "There is a big order, a collective order from the company, I..."

Shi Wenjun, who had already entered the door, looked at Wang Ai and Xu Qinglian, who was sitting in a chair with his thighs wide open, and Xu Qinglian who knelt in front of him, and turned her head back after hearing the sound...What was in her hand?

Shocked, Shi Wenjun turned his head and looked out the window: "I remember, this is daytime!"

The embarrassed Wang Ai and Xu Qinglian hurriedly took this opportunity to retreat. Xu Qinglian stood up and slapped the dust on the knees of her trousers. Wang Ai twisted her body to block it, and then stood up with her hands and hurriedly pulled inside. zipper……


Without waiting for Xu Qinglian to think about what to say to Shi Wenjun, Wang Ai's zipper over there was anxious...

Shi Wenjun finally reacted and hurriedly left a sentence: "You will go downstairs and talk later" and ran away. Xu Qinglian looked around and decided to help her boyfriend deal with the problem first. After ten seconds, Wang Ai sighed: "This is half the game. child……"

"Don't think about it." Xu Qinglian patted the accidentally injured part of her boyfriend through her pants: "If there is nothing wrong, you can go first, so that your sister will not be embarrassed."

"I've decided." Wang Aiang started: "Just do it before you leave!"

"Don't come to you!" Xu Qinglian was really anxious.

"Then..." Wang Ai looked down at his girlfriend: "Don't leave, do it!"

"Not leaving?"

"Yeah!" Wang Ai pulled his girlfriend to the bathroom: "Since you are so busy, it is still a few days before Christmas before New Year's Day. I just return home and there is nothing important. I will help you for a few days. So, to thank me you..."

"Since I'm not leaving, let's talk about it tonight!" Xu Qinglian reacted quickly and pushed Wang Ai out.

After a while, Wang Ai went downstairs and said to Kang Si: "Three days after you notify the airline to change the booking, I will stay here to help you for these three days."

If Wang Ai doesn’t go, naturally Kang Si can’t go, and Yan Zhu and Zhao Dan can’t go either. They stayed to help. This is a great help for the Milan Light supported by a group of women. There are three more capable workers...

For three days, Wang Ai really put on his hat and sat on the temporarily refitted Iveco as a laborer. He traveled between the four temporary parking spots and the Milan Post Company all day, earning money honestly for himself...

Three days later, when the sales peak came, the Chinese were celebrating New Year's Day after all, so Wang Ai changed the ticket for another two days. Due to factors such as policy, foreign exchange, quality, price, publicity, etc., the development speed of the Milano Light has far exceeded expectations. When the peak period on the 27th calms down, simply take stock of the two peaks of Christmas and New Year's Day. Up to more than 3 million euros, the net profit is close to 400,000!

Although it is a bit worse than Wang Ai's daily income of 300,000 euros, Milan Light has just been online for two months!

“I need to expand to all of Italy as soon as possible this year, and establish a domestic website as soon as possible.” Five days later, when Wang Ai was lying on a beach chair in the Maldives, looking at the blue sea and blue sky with a straw in his mouth, he still had lingering fears.

"Yeah." Xu Qinglian, who was lazy next to her, turned over and agreed, half asleep.

The five-day king Ai returned to China to participate in official and irresistible business activities. After New Year's Day with his family, he took Xu Qinglian to the Maldives. He also accompanied him to the CCTV Wutai and Xinhua News Agency Sports Department reporter team. .

After contracting a small island, the tired people can finally rest presumptuously. Not far from Xu Qinglian, Shi Wenjun, who had just arrived, covered his head and fell asleep, regardless of how charming the Maldives was during the dry season.

Not far behind Wang Ai was Huang Xin, who was sitting on a beach chair and looking down and reading. He heard Wang Ai's words and said, "Policies have to keep up. With such a rapid development rate, it is estimated that the window period given by superiors will be shortened rapidly. "

Wang Ai put down his drink with a sigh: "Anyway, I didn't expect tax evasion to make money. Italy has been settled this year, and it will be Germany next year. When our direct power reaches the limit, we will launch special product stores to open online stores on our platform! Now, in terms of personnel, our direct strength depends on the labor service company. Sister Huang Xin, you are ready."

Huang Xin stroked the hair that had been messed up by the sea breeze and nodded in response.

Just as he said, the sea crashed, Leo Ni, wearing a diving goggles and a respirator, jumped out of the water like a mermaid, holding a beautiful shell: "It's so beautiful!"

Wang Ai was about to go into the water too. In the thatched house behind, Kang Si ran up excitedly holding the phone: "Blatt's!"


Hearing this, no matter it was Xu Qinglian, Shi Wenjun, the guards who were resting nearby, or Duan Xuan and reporters who were playing football not far away, they all gathered around.

Wang Ai wiped his hand to answer the call, put his phone on the small table two minutes later, looked at his friends, and blew his whistle: "Go to Zurich, together, hahaha!"

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