Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 283: Son of the East (3)

The leisurely white clouds, the clear water, and the faint sea breeze are far away, and the people on the chartered plane are still looking back. The few days on the island are far away from the life of modern society, and it is rare for people to return to the beginning of life, with nothing but nature.

Kang Si was still swearing as she boarded the plane carrying a bunch of empty plastic bottles: Next time she must bring enough sunscreen!

Transferring back to Milan, the group of people also boarded the bus from the base with the laziness of Maldives. In order to go to Zurich to greet the glorious moment of Wang Ai's ascent to the top, whether active or passive, his "harem" gathered together this time without precedent. Except for one Kangsi, they have already reached the management of the company, so they brought their own guards. There were so many people in this move. Wang Aicai temporarily asked the bus from the base to pick it up.

Four Wang Ai, three Xu Qinglian, five Leo Ni, seven Huang Xin, three Shi Wenjun, seven reporters and seven family members, that’s thirty-six people, or how the island looks crowded What? These people, Iveco, definitely can't fit them, even if they aren't journalists, unless they kick them in.

At the foot of the mountain at Wang Ai's house, the bus stopped, and a group of people got off with their bags in turn. Kang Si was still in the car preparing to take the reporters to find a hotel in the town for temporary accommodation, and the house couldn't fit.

The bus left, Wang Ai took a step forward with his bag on his back and turned around. Hey, except for Yan Zhu and Zhao Dan beside him, Yingying Yanyan was 19! With a simple calculation, the four guest rooms on the second floor are definitely not enough. He can live on the third floor with Xu Qinglian and Leo Ni. The guest rooms on the second floor are all large double beds, at most eight people can live, and eight are left!

Fortunately, there are vacant rooms on the first floor, so that the guards cannot sleep in the study and living room.

"Let's go!" Wang Ai grinned and took the lead up the mountain.

Pushing the door into the hospital, the lady yelled twice and asked Wang Ai to "go" before wagging her tail. In fact, the time has passed and the guards of Huang Xin have also come to live.

Everyone entered the house one by one. Wang Ai saw Lin Jiao, who was sitting in the middle of a large number of orders and emails, with a haggard look. Seeing Wang Ai came back, Lin Jiao would cry, "I won't give you a job again next time. Up!"

Xu Qinglian and Shi Wenjun rushed to take over. Lin Jiao didn't want to appreciate the tropical gift Wang Ai brought her, and even dismissed Wang Ai's getting in the way in the living room. The three Wang Ai looked at each other and left the woman's battlefield silently. Wang Ai went upstairs to put the luggage, took Xu Qinglian and Leo Ni's by the way, Yan Zhu and Zhao Dan rolled up their sleeves and went to the kitchen to prepare a dinner.

When Wang Ai went downstairs, the girls were already busy in an orderly manner. The "customer service" of the guest room on the second floor was officially launched. Orders on the first floor were also sorted out. Even the impatient Shi Wenjun had pulled Kang Si to drive. Iveco went out to deliver the parcel.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, Lin Jiao took a nap and barely went downstairs. Shi Wenjun and others also drove back. After a few hours, more than a dozen people started at the same time. The backlog of work for several days was finally sorted out, and dinner was finally here we go.

"Eat and eat, talk after dinner." Wang Ai had to knock the bowl to interrupt the girls' heated discussion.

The dinner table was quiet, the guards did not dare to say anything. Xu Qinglian, Lei Oni, Shi Wenjun, and Huang Xin looked up at the same time, then turned to continue and said, the business is so hot, is it okay not to race against time?

Wang Ai's authority at home was strongly challenged, but he was helpless. Seeing Xu Qinglian and Huang Xin discussing the organization and management of temporarily deploying personnel from labor service companies to help south during the Spring Festival; Lei Oni and Shi Wenjun discussed the development of domestic specialty products and the management of dumb companies; Lei Oni and Huang Xin discussed the next step of expansion The construction of the logistics network outside Milan also attracted the participation of Xu Qinglian; Shi Wenjun discussed with Kang Si about the Chinese translation of Italian products, and Leo Ni expressed interest; Xu Qinglian asked Leo Ni to study the domestic website after the establishment of the Italian website. The publicity issue also attracted Huang Xin's interest...

In short, the current division of labor among several girls is basically like this: Xu Qinglian is responsible for strategic decision-making and strategic step control; Leoni is responsible for the establishment and connection of domestic products and websites exported to Italy; Huang Xin is responsible for manpower, organization, and logistics support; Shi Wenjun is responsible for the specific implementation and promotion of multiple goals; even Kang Si is eager to join in, responsible for translation, publicity, procurement negotiations...

And their defenders are assistants and executives of the Big Four. Both Huang Xin and Leo Ni have their own jobs. They will leave soon after they have been to Zurich, and the rest may not be enough. So halfway through the meal, Xu Qinglian has already started discussing with Lin Jiao about hiring help among Chinese students.

There are many universities in Italy, all over the country, and the number of Chinese students is not small. If mobilized, a network throughout Italy will be built. In this regard, Lin Jiao alone can’t do it. She can at best mobilize some Chinese students from the University of Milan...

Having said that, the girls finally remembered the head of the family, so look for it again? The head of the family has gone to the backyard to play with the lady.

Xu Qinglian and Leo Ni promised at the same time: get him done at night!

When Wang Ai returned from training at night, he greeted the security guard watching TV on the first floor and the security guard watching the computer on the second floor. After watching the work of Huang Xin and Shi Wenjun on the second floor, he unexpectedly saw another bedroom on the third floor. After being vacant, thinking about it and returning to the bedroom with a dark smile, she noticed that Xu Qinglian and Leo Ni had been waiting for him for nothing.

"Huh? So behaved today?" Wang Ai smiled and opened his arms: "Come on, drill down on the table together!"

Leo Ni doesn't care, Xu Qinglian is still a little awkward: "Are you familiar with the representatives of overseas students? We plan to..."

Halfway through hearing, Wang Ai smiled lasciviously, pressing Xu Qinglian's shoulder: "Come on, kneel and say."

Seeing Xu Qinglian about to roll his eyes, Wang Aiyang raised his chin: "You beg me, hurry up and have a right attitude!"

When Xu Qinglian resisted, Leo Ni, who was sitting on the bed behind the two, smiled faintly: "If you ask, you must have an attitude of asking."

Leo Ni's assist finally hit Xu Qinglian's knee. She knelt straight in front of Wang Ai and held her hands under Wang Ai's motion, like a little rabbit, and began to narrate her vision and requirements.

Wang Ai squinted, raised his head, and pressed Xu Qinglian's hair with both hands: "It is theoretically possible, but it is better to start with northern Italy step by step. I will go to the embassy to meet them when appropriate. We can also borrow some of the Moratti family relationship."

"You promised?" Xu Qinglian asked vaguely.

"Of course, haha, your business is mine...Huh?" Wang Ai asked unexpectedly: "Why are you stopping? Why are you still standing up? Come on?"

"I beg you." Xu Qinglian pointed to the door: "You can get out of here!"

Leo Ni stepped forward and hugged Xu Qinglian's waist with a smile: "Begging, you must have an attitude of begging."

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