Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 287: Son of the East (7)

Participation and winning are two different states after all. In the past few years, Wang Ai knew that he would not win a prize every time he came to participate, so he had a relaxed attitude and a relaxed mentality. And this year, the world knows that he will reach the top.

From Los Angeles on the other side of the ocean to the Cape of Good Hope on the edge of the mainland, from remote Moscow to the motherland of Beijing, Tokyo, Seoul, Shanghai, Taipei, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Hanoi, Bangkok... Countless people are looking forward to it!

Wang Ai's ascent to the top is no longer his personal business, it is a matter of China, it is a matter of Chinese people all over the world, and it is also a matter of the yellow race. As the world's second-largest race, after whites, blacks, and mulattos have all received it, only the yellow race has no results. Now, this lesson is finally going to be made up.

Football is no longer a sport for whites and blacks, but a sport for all mankind.

Wang Ai, who reached the top in this antagonistic and highly competitive sport, will greatly boost the morale and heart of the Chinese and even the yellow race. They will have more courage when facing whites and blacks.

This is also the deep reason why the news in the Far East is far more popular than Europe, the center of football.

The award ceremony scheduled to be held at 4 pm will be broadcast simultaneously at 11 o'clock in the evening in Beijing!

This is already FIFA’s greatest adjustment to the ratings in Asia and the Far East. More journalists and cameramen with yellow faces than in previous years appeared outside the Zurich Opera House, ignoring the cold winter in Switzerland. Excited.

Arrived at the hotel as usual. After lunch, Wang Ai took a nap in the room until two o'clock in the afternoon. Then, under the crowd, he washed his face, dressed, meticulously, and made no difference. Because of Gucci's money, Wang Ai's youth clothes regretted "retiring". Gucci prepared two identical black suits and two different styles of casual wear.

Wang Ai arrived at the entrance of the Zurich Opera House punctually at 3 o'clock in the afternoon in casual clothes, and stayed for three minutes after getting off the car, allowing reporters to take pictures. Moratti always waited with a smile on the side, and then the two entered the venue together, followed by the Jose family. But Xu Qinglian was still reluctant to show up in public, and was secretly brought into the venue by Angelo along with Leonie and Cons, and gathered with Yan Shiduo, Gao Hongbo and others.

Huang Xin and Shi Wenjun stayed in the hotel to watch TV, even if Wang Ai invited them.

The lounge that enters the venue is not meeting, and people greet you. Those who are selected to the final top five list this year will go out together and be interviewed.

This year's awards have made a lot of changes. In previous years, it was the top three and this year it was the top five. At the same time, the first three were given trophies. This year, only one first person won a trophy. The second silver cup and third bronze cup were cancelled.

Judging from these changes, especially the latter, it shows that FIFA is moving closer to the Ballon d'Or, trying to balance its accusations of "not professional enough". After all, captains and coaches all over the world vote, which is too susceptible to media and even political influence, and the Golden Globe model is relatively better.

Of course, the Golden Globes are also easy to be entangled by "shady" accusations.

Loose black trousers and tight brown tops are the clothes Gucci selected for Wang Ai. When Wang Ai came out of the room, Ronaldo in a jacket and denim in the next room just came out, Wang Ai stepped forward and greeted Ronaldo happily.

Just like last year's Wang Ai, Ronaldo, who knew he would not be able to win the prize, also behaved calmly, and the two were chatting. When the door beside him opened, Messi, who was in the same jacket and denim, walked out. The only difference between him and Ronaldo was that he was dressed in a black jacket, while Ronaldo was grayish brown.

The three people have met in different competitions and even business events. Although they regard each other as their biggest rivals, they have no personal hatred. When Messi received the European Golden Boy Award, Wang Ai gave the award, so the conversation was very pleasant. While chatting, the skinny Torres also came over, which was even more lively.

Finally, the handsome Kaka also walked out of the room and joined the group of five chats.

Kaka, dressed in black and black pants, greeted Wang Ai first, and Wang Ai shook hands and embraced him. Although both parties were a little angry in the dispute last year, Kaka and Wang Ai did not personally end the game, so Wang Ai couldn't remember if Kaka took the initiative.

In front of the reporters, the five people took a group photo with each other on their shoulders, silently, Ronaldo and Messi stood beside Wang Ai's left and right hands, Kaka and Torres stood at the outermost periphery, and Wang Ai was not modest. Now these five people know the final result and know their own rankings, so no one is going to grab the middle position. Torres in fourth and Kaka in fifth will not grab the positions of Ronaldo and Messi.

After the group photo, everyone sat relaxedly in the conference hall to accept interviews from various reporters. The curved gilded copper trophy similar to last year's trophy was placed between Wang Ai and Ronaldo.

Everyone knows the final result, but FIFA still hopes to convey a little suspense to the outside world. This is also FIFA's measures to strengthen commercialization. Of course, the five people must cooperate. Wang Ai, who wears the simultaneous translation headset, and the other four expressed their yearning for the trophy and admiration for the others.

The order of the interviews was set by FIFA, so no one was left out. Of course, Wang Ai and Ronaldo got more.

After this session, everyone returned to the dressing room to change their clothes and put on a formal dress to enter the venue. Among them, Torres and Kaka were very scribbled, Kaka didn't even play the tie seriously, and was crooked when going out.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the award ceremony began, and the important international events of 2008 were displayed on the big screen: Beijing Olympics, European Cup, World Club Cup! Then there are the wonderful scenes of the final competition of five men and five women.

Ladies first, men and women interspersed, Wang Ai's picture is the last and the longest. So when the video ended, the applause originally given to everyone in the audience seemed to have been given to Wang Ai. This was also a "hint" made by FIFA for fear that the suspense in advance would be too great, and the final result would be unacceptable.

Although it is redundant.

Blatter's speech, Platini's speech, five ladies' speeches, and five men's speeches, all of which were brief speeches followed by a singing and dancing performance. After that, Beckbauer stepped onto the stage and announced that this year's Miss Football World is Brazil's Marta for three consecutive years!

Marta thanked her with tears and walked aside to take her seat.

Pele stepped onto the stage, barked his teeth, looked down at the list, and simply announced: "2008 World Footballer of the Year winner, Inter Milan, No. 10..."

The applause drowned out his subsequent words.

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