Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 300: Call me Xiao Wanger (10)

"So, scientists are far more important than me, and education is very important."

"So, you donated a lot of money to education?"

"Eh, don't mention this." Wang Ai waved his hand: "I remember that our country's education funding last year seemed to be more than 150 billion yuan. My point is not a small amount. It seems like I have done a lot of things. It’s actually my personal pursuit."

Bai Yansong nodded and faced the camera: "Okay, let's watch a piece of news below."

When the screen is switched, a simple middle-aged man smiles at his son while facing the camera: "They say that my son is Xiao Wang Ai. I hope he can make a lot of money like Wang Ai!"

Then the picture changed again, the middle-aged man’s face changed a lot, and he pulled his son lonely and said: "After three years of practice, I have to go back to school, and I don’t know if I can catch up. I think you should underreport him. , Otherwise I wouldn't let my son practice ball, practice a fart!"

At this point, Wang Ai's family looked a little heavy. Wang Ai quickly comforted his parents and said: "This is one of the sections. I answered well, so it will be broadcasted. Don't worry, CCTV can't cheat me."

The expressions of the parents improved, and then Bai Yansong's face appeared: "This is a footage from a news program of our local station. What do you think of Wang Ai?"

In the picture, Wang Ai frowned and thought about facing the camera: "I have to talk to parents and friends all over the country, especially parents who think their children are talented in football, that is, the sports industry, ah, can make a lot of money. Ah, it’s a small circle. Let me take Germany as an example. There are 18 teams in the Bundesliga, with a team of more than 20 people, plus more than 400 people, but the number of registered players in Germany is 7 million! Pick one out of 10,000."

Speaking of this, Wang Ai shook his head, "Let me put it another way, out of 10,000, there are nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine out of them. Are you sure your child is the other one? If you really think so, I can tell you. Almost every parent thinks so."

"Is it so low?" Bai Yansong asked knowingly.

Wang Ai shook his head: "I have to explain it to everyone theoretically. This cultural and sports industry has a special feature that its products are spiritual and cultural products, which can be spread infinitely. For example, a game or a game. The movie is particularly exciting, so you can watch it, your colleagues can watch it, your friends can watch it, and even the people of the whole country can watch it together. But can everyone eat a bowl of rice? Fans’ leisure time is so small every day. There are only one or two games. What about the others? Nobody watched it, the broadcast fee is gone, and the advertising fee is gone, so where do you get the money? The cinema is only 24 hours a day, just those screens. Who doesn’t watch the best movie? What about those movies that can’t be screened without going to work? Lost money! What about actors? Unemployed! So no matter how many people want to enter the sports industry, the ones that can stand up in the end are always Few people."

Bai Yansong and Duan Xuan nod their heads frequently when they hear this. It's good to interview Wang Ai. As long as you can stimulate him in place, he will be able to tell you clearly and clearly. This is also the reason why CCTV's editors and directors have selected many stimulating themes.

"If you spend two yuan to buy a lottery ticket, the chance of going to blog will make you smile. But if you want to use your child's future to go to blog, I really don't recommend it." Wang Ai looked at Bai Yansong and Duan Xuan. "In the past, we said that college entrance examinations were a single-plank bridge, but now it’s not anymore. I remember that our college admission rate was close to 60% last year! This is a Yangguan road!"

Bai Yansong smiled: "Your football star recommends that everyone not practice football. This does not seem to be in line with your position?"

Wang Ai also happily said: "Who said that? The football population is going to increase, and you can't rely on this desperate move. Think about it, how many complaints we have to lose if 9999 are eliminated? So I always have an idea, that is The trainer must pay attention to compulsory education, walk on two legs, and leave a way for the child to retreat. This parent is willing to send the child to try it. If it becomes better, it will be exercised if it is not, it will not delay people's return. Go to school and take the road. You said you want to learn from me. Did you just think that I was a football star? Did you forget that I was still a college student? I am still in school."

"Is it still a way out for you to go to school? Or have you been trying to guide parents across the country in your own way?"

"I can't talk about it." Wang Ai shook his head: "Going to school is an interest for me now. I didn't want to do any guidance at all in the early days. I didn't think so much."

"Then do you worry about someone surpassing you in the future?"

"Why am I worried about this?" Wang Ai said with a smile: "Will the senior director worry about me surpassing him? He didn't get the Asian Footballer once. I got six. I didn't look at him or me impatiently. ."

"But you said that football is a small circle. If China will have a lot of talents in the future, will your squeezed national team have no place?" Duan Xuan asked happily.

"Then I have nothing to worry about." Wang Ai waved his hands: "Can they take away my Asia's first world football player? I can't be hungry for a lifetime, so I will retire tomorrow and I will go to five sets. Can a football commentator work?"

Duan Xuan shook his head: "Don't come, we can't do it anymore if you come."

Bai Yansong raised his head and smiled. Today's show is completely "abandoned", and one piece is connected to one piece.

Wang Ai smiled and waved his hand: "Don't tease me, I mean, that Maradona, he went to watch a World Cup, FIFA gave him 20,000 yuan, and I can earn that money, so I’m not worried. I think that a healthy way of football development must be closely related to the progress of the motherland and the happiness of the people. It is not a zero-sum game where you are more and less, but it is common progress and mutual promotion. I don’t Supporting the kind of quick success is to get the good kids back to practice without having to go to school. That is a pitfall, and in the end it pits the parents of their hearts. No one is here, and they pit themselves."

"Xiao Wanger, you are considered to be a two-shot in style and sports. I remember that you were still the top student in the college entrance examination? Then do you have any suggestions for our ordinary parents?"

Wang Ai shook his head: "The college entrance examination is a long time ago for me, and I have forgotten any experience."

"Long time? You were only 22, right?"

"Yes, I'm only 22, but I took the college entrance examination when I was 11 years old? In my limited life, that was the first half of my life."

When Wang Ai talked about this, not only did the people in the picture laugh together, but the TV screen was a bit trembling. Wang Ai, who was sitting at home, pointed to the TV and pointed at his parents: "The cameraman is amused by me!"

I wrote these two chapters from 12 o'clock in the middle of the night yesterday to 7 o'clock this morning.

I remember I wrote very fast before, why is it so slow now?

It's much slower than writing my thesis.

Maybe the story is like memory, the more you write, the more the CPU gets stuck

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