Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 326: Serie A new record (6)

"What else can I think?" Wang Ai took a bite of the chicken leg: "It's just that the chief referee's law enforcement is too strict. Also, he should know the reputation of some Chinese referees in China, so he must have hinted that the chief referee chose to enforce the law. Yes, or why is our golden whistle in a hurry?"

"Of course, there is another possibility." Wang Ai lowered his head and took a sip of vegetable soup: "He treated Koreans as Chinese, or used the wrong words. Look at the fact that there is no Korean foreign player in Serie A now. I have always hated the 02 World Cup. Until today."

"What he explained seems to lack logic?" Kang Si, who is also watching TV, said: "What do you think he said he likes China, China is great, Chinese referees are a model of strict law enforcement. What also said that Serie A referees have recently moved closer to the Premier League, and law enforcement has been loose , It’s not conducive to protecting the players. Is it that the angry accusation that the referee was Chinese that day, or is it a kind of praise? We can all see that the referee on duty is not good for Juventus, can this be praised?"

Wang Ai laughed and said, "He also has no choice. He dare not carry the flag of racism."

"You said why Europeans love to discriminate against each other so much?" Xu Qinglian suddenly became interested.


"Explain in detail?"

"Monotheism is like this, except me are all demons, hehe." Wang Ai said with a smile: "It's okay if it's just one religion, but three or four monotheisms are mixed together, and there are different factions inside. You say, all are gods. In the name, are the people of God superior to others? Doesn't that come to discrimination? I am a people of God, you are not, you are a heresy, you are inherently shorter than me, you should be guided by me... …Look at this psychological motivation?"

"Then we seem to usually..."

Wang Ai shook his head: "There are similarities. For example, I think you are asking too much, so you are an Italian. This is completely different from their motives. We...we just talked happily, and we were overwhelmed. "

Speaking of this, Wang Ai thought about it again and added: “Of course we are not without problems in this area. Accepting Western culture will naturally bring about some deep-seated value problems. For example, thinking that blacks have low IQs. This internal judgment and action motivation are different from our traditional ones. It is not easy to distinguish, but it must be distinguished."

"Why is it necessary?"

"Because after all, we are different from their roots, and the leaves cannot be the same. Philosophy is the root, and culture is the leaf." Wang Aisi said: "If you don't distinguish clearly what is racial discrimination and what is daily ridicule, it will appear. The proliferation of discrimination means that you can’t make jokes about anyone. It’s all discrimination. You can’t even make jokes about yourself. For example, if Guo Degang talks about what's wrong with him on stage, there will always be people like him, right? Guo Degang uses himself as an example, but what if he discriminates against this type of people?

"Well, if you want to do this, you won’t be able to make jokes in the end?" Shi Wenjun analyzed: "On the contrary, it has played down what should be opposed. Because the people always make jokes. If you make jokes casually, you will be discriminated against. It was not a joke that was defeated, but the concept of discrimination, or even anti-discrimination views?"

"Yes." Wang Ai nodded: "So we have to make a distinction, eh, this is the collision between Chinese and foreign philosophical roots and cultural thinking. It will be chaotic for a while, and it will not necessarily be over for ten or eight years. "

"Hey, if you are to be regarded as the target, how can it be regarded as discrimination? How can it be regarded as ridicule?" Shi Wenjun came with interest.

"Uh..." Wang Ai frowned and pondered, and suddenly said, "Why take me as a target? Don't you know that I am a cadre within the system? Are you planning to discredit the government?"

"Don't come to you!" Shi Wenjun rolled his eyes: "Hurry up, Qinglian urges him."

"Eh, eh." Wang Ai blocked his girlfriend's paws, "In this way, uh, you will remember a principle. Those with high judgments inside and behaviors that demand you outside are discrimination. No, It's a ridicule... Suppose someone tells me, aren't you just a football player? Oh, this is a bit discriminatory, although it's just a sentence. But he defaults to you low-level, then you can't learn from him? As for ridicule... My grandma played better than you! This, this is a curse, but it's not discrimination."

Because the Italian Football Association and Juventus were helping to put out the fire, and Wang Ai's attitude was relatively mild, Ranieri finally managed to cope with it. As a result, the league continued. On March 7, Inter moved to Genoa for the 27th round.

In this game, Wang Ai, Ibrahimovic and Balotelli formed the front court trident, and Wang Ai served as the midfielder.

When the game ended at 7:50 p.m. and the scoreboard on the sidelines showed that the home team lost 0:4. Suddenly, I didn’t know who led it. In the Ferraris stadium, the fans suddenly clapped together, and there was no home fan blockbuster. The phenomenon of exit.

"35!" Zanetti ran over to hug Wang Ai: "You tied the Serie A goal record!"

In the embrace of his teammates, Wang Ai saw that many away fans also stood up and applauded him, and the applause lasted as long as three minutes.

After 59 years, in the land of Apennines, another football player finally pushed the number of goals scored in a single season to 35. In fact, as early as the beginning of the season, the Italian media generally predicted that this dusty record was about to regain its glory, but it was impossible to determine when and where.

Since the start of the season, Wang Ai has played 19 league games and has scored 35 goals. It has ushered in the applause of all Italy. This is not only the glory of his but also the glory of Serie A, but also the glory of this generation of fans.

The forwards of the Great International era failed to do so, neither did the German Troika and the Dutch Three Musketeers, nor did Maradona and Platini.

With 11 rounds left in the league, but Inter Milan's record of 24 wins, 1 loss and 1 tie, leading the second Juventus by 20 points, the league almost lost its suspense. Whether Wang Ai can break this record has become the most concerned topic.

Betting companies even launched products before the start of Serie A this season, and as the league progressed, with Wang Ai's goal, and even Wang Ai's truce in late February, the odds have been constantly adjusted. Now only need to score one more goal, all aspects of the carnival can begin.

Under this kind of public attention, his euphemistic criticism of Ranieri is just a wave that no one cares about. For this game, Inter Milan not only wore a centennial jersey, but also a lot of Italian public figures, acting stars and even Moratti himself in the home stands of Genoa.

Witness the rise of a generation of world champions and the birth of a great record with my own eyes, but now we are only one step away from breaking the record.

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