Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 338: Side by side with the sun (8)

The carefree childhood is gone forever. When the age is over, I will come to my door for some things. Besides, when I was young, I wanted to grow up. Isn't it just to take on these responsibilities?

Originally, Wang Ai didn't think much about marriage. He thought about getting married any time, or even not getting married. In short, wouldn't it be good for people who love to grow old together? But years ago, the parents said that Huang Xin was too old and could not delay any longer, and the reality that Chen Yang retired, a group of 84 countries and young people reached 25, and the best age of the World Cup is about to arrive and will pass. Wang Ai began to "force marriage."

Huang Xin said that if she doesn't marry Xu Qinglian, she won't be with Wang Ai. And Huang Xin's age determines that she can't delay having children. As for whether Xu Qinglian is willing to get married, Wang Ai did not consider.

Just to get a certificate, Wang Ai believed that Xu Qinglian would not care about these things.

After talking in the ward that day, Wang Ai didn't say much, and gave the two people some time to think about it. Compared with Xu Qinglian, Wang Ai is actually more worried about Leo Ni. Her broken family made her a pure non-marriage, and previous exchanges also revealed a lack of confidence in raising children.

Although most girls have this idea when they are young, they may change suddenly when they are young. Women are always changeable. Leo Ni is 26. It's not early. It's almost time to pass the naivety of teenage years. .

In addition to these things that need to be considered in the ward these two days, Wang Ai actually had a very happy time. He lives in high-end wards and suites, which are also surrounded by base camps. So Leo Ni and Xu Qinglian accompany him, playing games that children can't play.

The old goddesses, bright girls, or took turns on horses, or bloomed together, anyway, how to play is cool. These happiness washed away those "growth troubles" before.

Before leaving on April 1, Leo Ni and Wang Ai said: "I want to have a baby next year. Next year, the dumb company will be sorted out. I should also transfer to the northern paper to study. I should have time to get pregnant by then. we'll talk about it then."

Wang Ai was amused: "Don't you worry about not being pregnant?"

Leonie chuckled, "I have confidence in myself."

Wang Ai also said, "I mean me."

Leonie chuckled again: "What do you think I did yesterday morning? I took your things and sent them for inspection, the result, perfect!"

Looking at Leo Ni’s smiling face, Wang Ai darkened his face: "Thief!"

Leoni rushed to kiss Wang Ai: "You are the perfect lover, and so are you."

With that, he kissed Xu Qinglian again. Watching the two beauties playing with each other, Wang Ai almost had to refund his ticket and stay for another two days.

"Since you said yours, then I also said mine." After Leoni released Xu Qinglian, Xu Qinglian looked at the two of them and said: "I haven't figured it out yet, I am a little bit unable to let go of the light of Milan... I know Sister Shi and the others can both pick it up. But I still didn't think about it."

"I didn't think about anything?" Leo Ni asked.

"I didn't think about anything." Xu Qinglian shook her head.

"What about you? What do you think? She has no idea." Leo Ni asked Wang Ai.

"I don't want to do a big deal. No matter how big it is, the bigger it is, the more people will hate it. So it's better to do it small, just let the two families get together for a meal." Wang Ai exhaled, "Of course this is my initial idea. It can be discussed. And besides this, I can do anything else, where to play, what to buy, where to live, or whatever, you have the final say."

"...I will think about it again." Xu Qinglian smiled reluctantly.

"Okay, first." Wang Ai nodded, "Lion, I'm leaving. Now we are both young and busy starting a business. After waiting for ten years, I will be free and stay with you all day."

Leonie smiled: "Okay."

As the plane took off, Leoni sat in the van and looked at the blue sky that was the same as home for a while. Her expression returned to her calmness. After knocking on the window, the driver and the guard got on the car. She has to think slowly about the troubles of the child, and the sense of accomplishment represented by the current job is dominating her preferences. Draw a blueprint of a big country and a field with her own hands. This is something she could not imagine in previous years, but it is happening all the time now.

In contrast, even the love of children has become indifferent.

Of course, it may be that she was full in the past few days, and she also entered the sage moment.

Ten hours later, Wang Ai and his party came out of Milan Airport. Wang Ai called the oncoming cold wind to blow, and suddenly felt something, and turned to approach Xu Qinglian: "Am I missing a sense of ritual?"

"What?" Xu Qinglian opened her eyes wide.

"I mean, propose? Maybe I should carefully arrange a ceremony? Are you unhappy about this?"

Xu Qinglian laughed: "No."

"I thought."

"Think about it with the mind of two doctors. That kind of person is natural, and it's not time to be compulsive."

"Let me just say it." Wang Ai didn't understand or didn't understand, rubbing his head: "I think that set is boring, I say you promise and it's over, the new era, socialist women should have this kind of confidence."

As he was talking, he got a kick on his calf and Wang Ai asked puzzledly: "You think I was right, why kick me?"

"I, I just want to kick!" Xu Qinglian sneered directly.

"Hey!" Wang Ai glanced contemptuously: "Poor."

"What's the pity? What kind of look do you have?" Xu Qinglian jumped her feet rare.

"The original healthy and upward independent women who are poisoned by all kinds of false, hypocritical, and fundamentally unequal gender relations." Wang Ai added a long list of titles to Xu Qinglian.

Xu Qinglian finished listening silently: "...what about you?"

"I'm not a woman!" Wang Ai also jumped and sneered.

On the spacious Iveco, Wang Ai put his luggage in the back seat, stretched out his hand, Xu Qinglian leaned over, and the two cuddled up on the chairs and quietly looked at Milan in the sunset.

"That's right." Wang Ai said to Xu Qinglian when he got off the car in front of his house: "I asked you to return home with me to calm down. The expansion of Milan Light is too fast and the foundation is unstable. The original plan is enough. Bold, but you still feel slow."

Xu Qinglian looked at Wang Ai in surprise: "So that's the way it is?"

Wang Ai nodded: "The current expansion rate is the limit we can grasp, and we still have to be stable."

Xu Qinglian sat in the car again when she heard the sound, Wang Ai thoughtfully unscrewed a bottle of juice for her, and drank two sips: "If the development is slow, the opponent will catch up, and if the development is fast, the attack cannot be blocked. In the final analysis, it is our strength. Inadequate. Then do you think it will work? This year we will eat Italy first, and then initially contact France, Germany and Romania in our self-operated fields with large-scale specialty agricultural and sideline products. At the same time, we will do some advertising in the entrusted operation?"

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