Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 344: Two Towers (4)

At 8:30 the next evening, Wang Ai came out of the gym in full heat and saw the TV in the living room turned on and mute. Xu Qinglian was holding the phone and talking with someone in Italian. Wang Ai looked at the time, and it was okay, so he walked to the backyard, and a fierce boy jumped into the swimming pool and swam back and forth several times, letting the heat dissipate from his body before he landed ashore.

After wiping her body hastily, she returned to the living room. Xu Qinglian's phone was hung up, and the TV sound came back. Wang Ai sat down beside Xu Qinglian, "I still have work so late?"

"Yeah." Xu Qinglian crooked in Wang Ai's arms: "I plan to go to Sicily tomorrow. The agricultural products there are very characteristic."

"Sicily, mafia." Wang Ai fussed: "I will let Brother Yan accompany you for a while, safety comes first. By the way, your company does not have security personnel yet, right?"

"Not for the time being. The company's money is on the account, and we are not much famous."

Wang Ai frowned: "I have read some internal information of the consulate, but I still can't take it lightly. I remember that our company's monthly profit was... last month? More than three million? That's a lot! Especially pay attention to our Chinese."

"Chinese?" Xu Qinglian asked in surprise.

Wang Ai shook his head: "When the fellow sees the fellow and shoots in the back, you are pure ridicule? Some of our unpromising Chinese like to cheat the fellow in a foreign country by relying on the face of the Chinese. It's not bad to slaughter you. There are also forced buying and selling, as well as kidnapping. The Italians have the impression that as long as the Chinese get together, they will engage in the underworld. This is not pure discrimination, it has a foothold."

"To say that..." Xu Qinglian straightened up and frowned: "In recent times, there are indeed a few Chinese who are very enthusiastic about us, which is a little bit more enthusiastic than the average fellow."

Wang Ai squinted his eyes: "Name?"

"I don't remember." Xu Qinglian shook her head.

"Where do you come from? Who introduced it? What's the accent?" Wang Ai asked.

Xu Qinglian finally remembered something, and Wang Ai fumbled out the phone and called the consulate. The Italian police may not know what these Chinese people do, but the consulate must know. Sure enough, once Wang Ai said and described it, he immediately became vigilant and told Wang Ai directly: "Don't contact these people. They don't have formal occupations, and they protect many smugglers. There will be no overlap with your company's business. ."

Wang Ai said indifferently while holding the phone, "Then please help me to make a rough and quiet investigation."

"you think……"

"Prevent trouble before it happens, you can't guard against thieves for a thousand days."

"...Okay, I will report to the leader tomorrow."

"Okay, I never hide from the leader."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Qinglian looked at Wang Ai's face worriedly: "I, am I rash?"

Wang Ai smiled: "It's okay. There is only this sign now, and it is still impossible to confirm that others are malicious. I can be considered as a precaution in advance. In fact, you are very alert. Think about how long it has been between you and me to give yourself to yourself. Me? Still pushing three and four? It's the same for me, and even more so for others. Also, Tang Mudan and Liu Dingxiang have no problem dealing with general situations, but you have become less sensitive recently."

"Yeah." Xu Qinglian leaned back on Wang Ai's shoulder: "What are you going to do next?"

"Several aspects." Wang Ai looked straight at the TV: "Immediately transfer people from the country. Domestic security is good. A few female guards are enough, but not abroad. You and Shi Wenjun's guard team will have to add people. Add a man. I tuned from Li Lin's side. Many of his defenders have been working for many years, and his character has already been figured out. Then the company needs to recruit more men, locals, and college students to change the whole thing. It’s a woman’s employee structure. Also, tell Huang Xin that some people from the labor service company over there are invited to do labor services. They have all experienced selection and their family members are still in the country, which is more trustworthy than the local Chinese. Finally, wait for the consulate. Make a preliminary investigation."

"After that? If it were the bad guys, would you ask the killer to kill them?" Xu Qinglian made Wang Ai happy.

Wang Ai smiled: "I will hire a private investigator and hand it over to the police after investigating the evidence. I think the police in Milan will help me, won't they?"

"... But, does this make the local Chinese think that we are colluding with outsiders? I heard that everything they like is solved internally."

"Who cares about their set of breaking rules?" Wang Ai Boran said: "I am the raptor of the river, I am still afraid of this group of local snakes? I don't care about the gains or losses for the sake of the fellow, but if you use me as a soft persimmon, then Don't blame me for turning my face and not acknowledging people."

"Yeah." Xu Qinglian nodded fiercely and thought for a while and said in a low voice: "Actually, you don't have to come forward. With our ability to pay tens of millions of taxes every year, and the friendship we have helped so many small and medium businesses forge, I Going to the police station will also go smoothly."

Wang Ai lifted his girlfriend's chin and said coldly, "Have my wings stiff?"

"Ah? No, no." Xu Qinglian "panic" got into Wang Ai's arms, her eyes flickering: "I'm still a bird with yellow hair."

Wang Ai snorted triumphantly, and fumbled out the phone, regardless of whether Chelsea had been playing with Barcelona for a long time on TV, or whether it was late at night in China, he called Li Lin directly. After thinking for a while, he decided not to engage in fighting for the time being, and first transferred Liu Liang and Zhang Guang.

If you work in an office building in Milan, there is no security problem. There are police officers everywhere. Only going to other places may use male security, so it is enough to temporarily transfer two people.

Li Lin was very happy: "I will personally take them there tomorrow, and also take a look at the security work of Milan Light. Although Coach Yan is a professional, I am more familiar with the ways of those city foxes."

After taking care of these things, Wang Ai still felt uneasy, so he talked with Xu Qinglian: "We Milan Light is a formal enterprise, we must be generous. If our security force is not enough, please hire an Italian professional company. Don't be afraid to spend money. . Please hire five or six people, the most high-end is only 300,000 yuan a month, I hire a private investigator, it also costs one hundred and eighty thousand yuan, how does this compare with our income? You have to adapt to your wealth status The growth of China also has to adapt to the safe environment of foreign countries. You cannot be regarded as a student or as China..."

Xu Qinglian lay quietly on Wang Ai's lap and listened quietly.

I have been abroad for more than 3 years and have seen those cruel underground movies. What else do you not know? She has been at Wang Ai's house since she was about 10 years old, and her safety awareness is no worse than Wang Ai's. So what Wang Ai said, she was a little annoyed.

However, today's boyfriend doesn't seem to be the way he used to want to pull on the bed when he saw her.

This feeling is a bit novel and a bit sweet.

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