Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 350: Two Towers (10)

Upright Chelsea people will eventually understand the reason why chess pieces can't do chess players, and even chess players will not bother to explain to them. This is also the price for Chelsea to grow from grassroots to rich.

After watching the game, Wang Ai's phone rang, and it turned out to be Drogba's. His voice was heavy and tired: "If you are me, wiwi, kill them!"

Wang Ai couldn't comfort his old friend, so he simply replied: "Okay."

This night, the people at Stamford Bridge finally began to miss the omnipotent Wang Ai. Although he is also a chess piece, he is one of the very few chess pieces that can jump out of the board and give a chess player a punch in the nose.

Until this heart-wrenching night, Chelsea really understood what Wang Ai means in the Champions League.

No one dares to hack him in the first place in history and five consecutive Champions League golden boots.

Because of his business interests, UEFA wants to protect him; because of his strong offensive power, penalty kicks are dispensable.

As a result, he can not only protect himself, but also cover the team.

After agreeing to Drogba, Wang Ai quickly let go. He is already an Inter player, and he is not ready to use his influence to justify Chelsea.

Now that you have eaten this bowl of rice, you have to obey the rules here. Wang Ai is already the biggest beneficiary of this set of rules in all of China and all of Asia, and being able to express support in private is already his limit.

Of course, this set of rules is not absolutely justice. However, Wang Ai, Chinese football, and China can all benefit from it, so they can each get their own way, and cooperation will benefit both. Today, Wang Ai has passed through the age of innocence in football and has become like a businessman or even a politician to think about problems.

The original sin of Chelsea is not weakness, but not enough "star power". Lampard's influence is not beyond the British Isles, Drogba's face is fierce and there is no star fan, and Barack's influence is also declining. Compared to the Universe Team, which can blow, noisy and do, it's far worse.

The same bonus is issued to Chelsea, it is a loss, and to Barcelona is blood.

Love and hate are born from this.

While the outside world was still arguing about this game, on May 13, the Coppa Italia final came, the Olympic Stadium in Rome, Inter Milan met Lazio with full players, Wang Ai played 45 minutes, contributed 1 goal and A 1 assist was replaced by Balotelli.

Lazio obviously knew that Wang Ai was going to play the Champions League final next, so he was a bit cruel. Jose protested several times and resolutely acknowledged his counsel, but he was already ahead anyway.

Here Jose also played a trick, deliberately letting the team doctor and assistant carry Wang Ai into the locker room, pretending that Wang Ai was seriously injured...

Moreover, in this game, Ibrahimovic is a single forward, Wang Ai is the left winger, and the "two towers tactics" of the slashing gunmen disappeared...

All this is a trap set by the cunning Portuguese for Barcelona.

In order to complete the task arranged by the coach, Wang Ai missed the championship ceremony after the game. Inter Milan claimed that Wang Ai went to Germany for treatment. The current condition is not clear, but he may not be able to play in the Champions League final.

I don’t know if Guardiola was deceived to Wang Ai, but Wang Ai’s phone calls were mad.

In fact, he is at home, but there is no way. This is a part of strategic deception, and he must obey orders. Although he really wants to fight Guardiola's Infinite Exile and fight with the invincible Messi, he can eat food and listen to others.

Besides, he also found it very interesting, even this way he inspired Jose.

"Mingxiu plank road, dark Chencang", this is the art of war that Wang Ai and Jose have used to popularize science!

In the half-month from winning the Coppa Italia to the Champions League final, Wang Ai secretly arrived in Tubingen in order to avoid the prying eyes of the media, and only returned to Milan three days before the game. During this time, Wang Ai also "drove" Fan Zhiyi and Li Bing, including Gao Hongbo and senior sisters, who had been around him all day, to the "Island of Kings" in the Maldives.

The women pooled their money to buy it, tens of acres in size, which is considered a medium-sized island in the Maldives. There is no native fresh water on the island, but rainwater can be collected, and there is a large vegetable plot. When Lao Gao and the others went, it was in the rainy season, and all constructions stopped. The main building of the manor, the three-story flat-top villa, had not yet been completed, but the ten small villas attached to it were already available for occupancy.

In the rainy season, the Maldives is often overcast and low clouds, but the sea is as vast and magnificent as ever, and the climate is still warm like spring, without delaying relaxation and enjoyment. A middle-aged couple from Shenyang, a middle-aged couple from Shenyang, specially invited the family members of Beyond Sports to watch. After it is completely built, there will be people here all year round.

It was said that Wang Ai was private. In fact, after the stingy women bought it, after they settled their accounts, they found that this group of people could go there for at most ten days a year, and the rest of the time was too wasteful. So I discussed with my family, okay, the Northeast people's yearning for the tropics broke out.

Wang Ai's island is also the home island. The Transcendence Department, the Northern Department, the Finance Department, and the Charity Department all report on the four major systems, requesting that model workers be sent on vacation! The hardworking couple Wang Bin and Ai Xiaoqing didn't need to ask what they thought, they naturally approved with a stroke of a pen. It's like the business jet that Leoni was crying and buying, but in the end she used it less than a quarter of the time.

After Wang Ai returned to Milan, Inter Milan announced that Wang Ai could play in rehabilitation. It is an "answer" for the Barcelona spies who have been staring at Inter Milan's training ground for the past half month. At the same time, Inter Milan’s spies also squatted at the Nou Camp for half a month. According to a comprehensive judgment of various signs, Guardiola was probably affected by Jose’s tricks and did not really focus on the twin towers tactics. Still persistently build his perfect team, in order to remain unchanged and respond to changes.

This let the Inter coaching staff breathe a sigh of relief.

On May 26, Barcelona arrived in Rome. Later, Inter Milan also arrived in the Italian capital. Following the Coppa Italia final half a month ago, the Olympic Stadium in Rome will host the second game, which is half of Inter Milan's home stadium.

Compared with the Barcelona people who really adapt to the venue, Inter Milan's performance is a bit half-hearted, especially Wang Ai, who only ran back to the hotel after a few laps on the stadium, which made the Barcelona people suspicious and strengthened Guardio. Pull the belief in "being yourself".

Jose decided not to lie to Guardiola and never give up.

Wang Ai was helpless. He had known that he would not open the Chinese tree of wisdom for Jose. Fortunately, the club specially rented him a stadium in the suburbs of Rome to keep him in shape. Fan Zhiyi and Li Bing made a division of labor, one serving him as a sparring partner and the other as a personal coach, intermittently and really found some minor problems.

At the pre-match conference on the evening of the 28th, Jose announced the starting list. Wang Ai and Ibrahimovic started with a double striker of 442.

Looking at the triumphant smile on the corner of the Portuguese's mouth, Guardiola stroked his head.

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