Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 353: ?The wind is always blown away by the rain and wind (3)

Wang Ai monoclonal antibody Puyol grabbed the first point, Ibuzumab Pique completed the shot, the super physical fitness of the two strikers of Inter Milan is undoubtedly revealed. This seems to make the Barcelona people have some scruples. In the next few minutes, Inter Milan's offensive increased. Balotelli completed a long shot under the support of Wang Ai, but it was a pity that Yayatoure was blocked by Yaya Toure as soon as he shot. . Looking back, Zanetti, who grabbed the first point, went straight back to Wang Ai's feet. Wang Ai turned and knocked on Stankovic. Stankovic volleyed from a small angle and went wide.

The stands exclaimed, Balotelli and Stankovic, who missed a hit, also regretted that the ball finally returned to the Barcelona people.

The pleasing style of play appeared again. Guardiola thought that Inter Milan had the idea of ​​using the advantage of the home court, so he made a gesture to ask his disciples to control the game and control the rhythm, just like the crazy bull, with a little bit of strength to lure it , Consumes his blood, and then kills with one more blow.

He instinctively felt that Jose would not only have this ability, there must be something hidden by him.

Sure enough, slowly, from the 7th minute to the 15th minute of the match, Guardiola saw the gift that Jose had prepared for him: the two fronts of Inter Milan standing in parallel and relatively behind each other, playing the idea of ​​regional defense. . That's all, the key is that in the area defense, it is not pure defense, but offensive defense.

Specifically, whenever Barcelonas pass in front of these "stakes", they will often attack suddenly, taking a few steps from their position to steal or force. Of course it's good if you succeed. If you don't succeed, you will immediately retreat to your position.

Just like this point by point to attack, either against people or against the ball.

The smooth organization of Barcelona people became stagnant.

Tao Wei also noticed this phenomenon in the commentary: "It seems that Jose’s Inter Milan line is no longer the Chelsea’s steel line of defense, but the sponge line of defense. This seems to be called a countercharge militarily, and the purpose is to oppress the Barcelona people to stretch out. Space interferes with the smooth transmission. Compared to the four big men Stankovic, Balotelli, Zanetti, and Cambiasso, Harvey, Iniesta, and Messi are too small Now. Even Eto'o and Henry are not strong."

He Wei followed: "Even if they passed them through dribbling, teammates caught in physical confrontation would not be able to provide timely support. To change this situation, only retreat to open space, and then retreat to open space, Inter Milan seems to No interest in going out...Is Inter Milan really going to play a long pass?"

As he said, Messi broke through the middle and brought it to the right side of the penalty area. Zanetti, who was following closely, did not give Messi a chance to shoot. Messi could only move to Eto'o's feet, and Eto'o turned around flexibly. Bourdiso, who fell to the opposite position, was shoveled from the side by Cambiasso who was driven back before the kick.

"Very targeted." This is a whisper from Beckbauer and Blatter high in the stands.

"I just don't know how long Inter's physical fitness can last like this. There are too many veterans." This is a commentary by He Wei.

"But Inter Milan has been repairing it for half a month before." This is Tao Wei's unspoken evaluation.

At this moment in the game, the coaches of both sides have fully demonstrated their tactical ideas for this game. Guardiola insists that the Universe team's self-play is unchanged, while Inter Milan focuses on the area from the front of the penalty area to the middle circle, launching regional defense and counter-attack.

In addition to substitution cards and some small tricks, such as set-piece tactics, etc. have not yet been shown, the theme of the organizational confrontation between the two famous coaches and the two giants has become clear. Barcelona organized oppression, Inter Milan counterattacked defensively.

In the first 15 minutes, the two sides still have certain reservations, and they have to test the other's tactical purpose. At this moment, when the coaches of both sides understand each other's tactical assumptions, there is no need to keep their hands.

In the 16th minute of the game, Harvey cleverly shook Balotelli and dropped the ball to the right of Inter’s penalty area. Cheetah Eto'o followed with lightning, and before Qi Wu arrived, he turned around and shot at a speed close to the goal. Send the ball straight to the middle.

Henry, Messi, and Iniesta made all three arrows. With Eto'o's coming speed, anyone would have a high probability of hitting. At the critical moment, a player of Inter Milan rushed to catch up, and turned to face the sideline halfway and kicked the ball back! This made the Pamen Sangui sigh with a sigh, and then they took another look...

Ok? Number 10? Why is he here?

Inter played a defensive counterattack and was pressed to the front of the penalty area. The two frontcourt centers had nothing to do. Ibrahimovic's speed is slow, and Wang Ai is physically fit, won't he come back?

The Barcelona team Eto'o is the fastest, and the Inter Milan team's Wang Ai is the fastest. Wang Ai knew that his defensive ability to deal with Iniesta, Messi and even Henry was blind, and would waste the opportunity of his teammates, so after he moved back, he subconsciously stared at Eto'o, so he had this time against the Cheetah. Precise interception and perfect blocking after the sudden killer.

Football is like being sent back and forth by two forwards with the power of a shot.

Barcelona corner kick, Busquets seems to have had a bit of unpleasantness with Balotelli just now, so the referee went to mediate. Taking this opportunity, Wang Ai approached Zanetti and the two whispered a few words. When the referee verbally warned the two sides to come back, Wang Ai had already stood in the penalty area and prepared to deal with the corner kick as a tall guard and good at header guard.

In the face of a big man in the water, the Barcelona man wisely gave up the attempt to top the goal and instead sent it to the outside of the penalty area. Iniesta's corner kick went to Messi, and Zanetti also went to Messi. After Messi received the ball, he swiped it horizontally, and his left foot was going to pass to Henry who was returning diagonally.

Unexpectedly, Zanetti, who was on the move, simply moved his right foot that was about to land 20 centimeters horizontally, and knocked the ball away as soon as Messi kicked the ball.

Cambiasso was right in front of him. He caught the ball and turned around, carrying Henry who was punting, with a light push under his feet. On Henry's side, Wang Ai rushed out and made a trip, five or six meters, directly past Busquets.

Busquets turned around and stretched out his arms to try to intercept. He felt that his right arm was slammed, and the back of his hand made a slap, which seemed to hit a person's abdominal muscles. Then a hot sensation came. That terrible Chinese has already rushed towards Harvey with the ball!

Puyol, Pique, Yaya Touré, Silvinho, retreat like a tide!

Wide-eyed, well-defined muscles, Wang Ai, who rushed towards Busquets, looked like a heavy truck in Harvey's eyes. He knew that it was a foul to hit someone with the ball, and he knew that the Chinese would not be so rough, but he still subconsciously turned his body sideways.

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