Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 396: ? Being Young (6)

"Don't look at Japanese and Japanese society with Chinese habits and thinking." Ambassador Cui said with a clear-eyed introduction: "Japanese society respects the strong. Only if you are strong, they will listen to you seriously. If the Chinese team is tied the day after tomorrow, If you lose or lose, you, as the captain of the Chinese team, will be regarded as a weak person in a certain sense. At that time, your situation in the interview will be several times more difficult. The Japanese will even think that for whatever reason, you did not win, you Not strong, the value of your words is compromised."

After Wang Ai heard this, his subconscious thinking shifted to academics: "Is this related to the national system? In capitalism, the proletariat is divided very finely by various regions, classes, races, ethnicities, and cultures. The strong will hold the thighs of the strong? And China is a socialist country, the strong have to bear the huge responsibility and moral pressure that the exploiting society does not have? So in an exploiting society, the strong can act recklessly, but in a fair society, they must be more modest and prudent? "

Ambassador Cui smiled and didn't talk about this ideological aspect.

Suddenly, Wang Ai smiled apologetically. The cafeteria was also a public occasion. Ambassador Cui couldn't speak up for sharp conversations like Wang Ai's.

"I have seen your previous interviews and your articles. By the way, I have seen less in the past two years."

"Uh... I am in a more complicated situation now, so some things are inconvenient to say." Wang Ai sighed, "It's really uncomfortable to shut up."

"Hahaha, did your superiors ask you?"

"No, superior... I'm quite used to me, hehe, the big deal is just a few words, mainly..." Wang Ai said bitterly, and pointed his finger in the direction of the back chef: "Have a good mouth, hurt your wallet. what."

At this moment, even the cadres who came to accompany laughed in unison. As a foreign affairs cadre, they know more about celebrities, politics, and the rules of speaking. They don't need to say all the subtexts of Wang Ai to understand what is going on.

"I'll give you the bottom line first. In the interview the day after tomorrow, we won't draw you, and we won't make specific requirements for you." Ambassador Cui said frankly: "One is that you have enough abilities. You often face sharp problems in Europe. , The response is very decent. Of course, what I said decent is not a foreign affairs work standard, nor a pure star standard, but a Chinese, iconic star standard."

An accompanying cadre added: "The ambassador meant that the major issues were unambiguous and at the same time tactful and flexible."

"Second, you are accustomed to free play, and your fans are used to it. Once you are restricted by us and lose your characteristics, it will be detrimental to all aspects. Besides, we can’t control foreign journalists’ questions. What are you. So, in the final analysis, you still have to grasp it yourself."

Wang Ai took out the interview outline again: "Leader, you should help me see it."

Ambassador Cui took the interview outline, stroked it again from the beginning, then put it down, and the other leaders took it. He looked up and thought: "How do you plan to answer Japan's revision of the textbook to beautify its aggression? And the Yasukuni Shrine? The Japanese right? The Nanjing Massacre?"

"Essentially this is a problem." Wang Ai Surong said: "A question of how to look at the war of aggression against China, or how to look at the current Sino-Japanese relations and the future Sino-Japanese relations."

"Oh? Tell me." Several leaders showed interest.

"If a Japanese reporter asks me this, I will directly ask: If Japan does not want to invade China again, why should it beautify the last aggression? Why should it deny the crime of aggression? Is Japan almost so much compensation? As a developed country, Chinese survivors claim compensation. It’s just a fake of a few buildings. Many of your houses in the suburbs of Japan are unoccupied. You are not short of money, why? Have you committed a crime? Your people may be confused, but the decision maker must not be confused, he must There are more specific materials than Chinese museums."

Wang Ai looked at several leaders: "Strictly speaking, Japan’s revision of textbooks and visits to the Yasukuni Shrine are indeed Japan’s internal affairs, and China should not interfere. But the problem is that these are all related to the last war, and this has to make us Chinese. I wonder if the direction of Japan’s national policy development is still secretly aiming at aggression against China? Japan needs to give China an explanation to reassure the Chinese, including ordinary Chinese. Otherwise, they know that their neighbors are malicious and will not interfere. Without precaution, that is an idiot."

"Suppose, suppose Japan really intends to invade China again in the future, what do you do? Do you think there is a chance?" Ambassador Cui played a reporter on the spot and asked questions.

"If Japan invades China again, what I probably want to do is... laugh out loud." Wang Ai looked at Ambassador Cui and nodded: "I really want to answer that, and I do."


"The last time the invasion of China was successful was because China was in a downward stage of history. Fundamentally speaking, it was the reorganization of production relations after the development of productive forces to a certain stage. Therefore, political divisions, warlords fighting, and the people’s lack of livelihood. I don’t love the people. So I hit it right away. And now? Why? How can there be a chance for Japan? So Japan’s attempts to invade China today or in the future are destined to be idiotic dreams and meaningless."

Ambassador Cui met the other leaders and nodded: "Your answer is very novel, and you also said a lot of things that are inconvenient for people to say, because you are a star, so there is no problem, you can."

At this time, the fat chef and the waiter served the dishes, and everyone started to work together. There are mostly middle-aged people here. So a few huge portions of steamed pork, pork with pickled vegetables, and pork slices are actually prepared for Wang Ai. Working in Japan will inevitably suffer from the Japanese love of seafood and small appetite, Wang Ai will not eat those.

Everyone was hungry, so the topic stopped naturally and started to eat.

As he ate, Ambassador Cui put down his chopsticks and looked at Wang Ai who was madly eating and didn’t look up. “Are you okay with eating like this?”

Wang Ai shook his head: "I still have to train at night, at least half a marathon. I can't eat less."

"What? Half a marathon? That's more than 20 kilometers, right?"

Wang Ai raised his head and wiped the hot sauce on his lips. This is the soothing noodles that the chef made specially for him. He was in a bad mood knowing that he had lost the game...

"Twenty kilometers is scary, but it's actually 20,000 meters. It's nothing." Wang Ai lowered his head and ate the noodles again: "Don't feel distressed. I'll pay for it later."

Several leaders laughed and watched Wang Ai eating wildly there. The last few meat dishes Wang Ai was not polite and ate all of them. Fortunately, although he eats a lot, it is mainly because of the high calories, not the bulk, so within five minutes of the leader holding the chopsticks, Wang Ai also finished eating.

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