Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 401: Red flowers and green leaves (1)

After resting at home for a whole night, there was no Xu Qinglian and Leo Ni on this night, and it was rare to be clean. Tomorrow's schedule is already full. Wang Ai will attend the Chinese Football Association Cup Summary Meeting in Beijing in the morning, eat near the Water Cube at noon, and then attend the advertising endorsement of the Chinese Football Association as the captain of the national team in the afternoon.

The day after tomorrow, it was the wedding of Yan Zhu and Li Jue. Wang Ai was eager to give Yan Zhu a good look.

I slept very heavily that night, and in the early morning of the next morning accompanied by Zhang Guang, I went out and wandered around, buckled a big straw hat, and bought a lot of newspapers. When I came back to eat and watched, from all aspects, Wang Ai's conversation on TV Asahi in Japan was not transmitted back to China. The turmoil he caused in Japan, across the vast East China Sea, has become a topic in a very small circle in China.

The common people are at a loss.

This is also very good, save the tongue.

After a busy day, Yan Zhu wrote to inform the wedding location: Shangdianzi Village, Gaoling Town, Miyun County...

Not to mention, apart from the locality, it's pretty good, at least Wang Ai doesn't have to worry about being watched. Even if you are onlookers, you won't have three layers inside and outside three layers. It's just one head and two hands, just like that.

On July 6, Wang Ai got up early. The wedding was at 8 o'clock in the morning. It took more than an hour to drive from Dongcheng District to their home. Wang Ai didn't want to step on the spot as a leader, so he set off from home in advance at six o'clock.

Zhao Dan wore a T-shirt, trousers, rare red and blue clothes, and yellow-brown trousers. They were very fresh. Zhang Guang put on a big red old sweater and a pair of loose trousers. He is considered middle-aged. It's okay for Kang Si, an ordinary Chinese girl dressed up, but no matter what, she wore a foreigner's face. Wang Ai is wearing a straw hat, a white waistcoat with a cloth button, a pair of cropped trousers, and a pair of plastic sandals on his feet...

Had it not been for Ai Xiaoqing's fierce opposition, Wang Ai would have planned to wear a pair of big pants and pull the board.

At least in terms of image, Wang Ai is still willing to appear as a friend.

At 7:30 in the morning, after going up and down, the Audi A8 finally drove into the mountain, outside the mountain village of Shangdianzi. With a big eye, you can know who is hosting the wedding. The car drives in. Of course, in Beijing, in Wang Ai's house, Wang Ai's car is of course low-key, but in mountain villages, it is still very attractive.

The driving Zhang Guang smiled and moved slowly, and finally drove to the gate of Yan Zhu's house. He was immediately surrounded by the crowd, a lot of old people and children.

Of course, Yan Zhu's house is much better than ordinary villagers. He has a surplus of four to five million a year, and of course his home is not badly repaired.

Outsiders can’t see who is sitting in the matt glass windows, even if they hold the window, they can’t see it until the door opens and a pair of big feet stick out, and a young boy who obviously shouldn’t ride this kind of car smiles and walks. When you come out, you will bow your hand when you see someone.

The crowd was visibly stunned, and then the expected turbulent sentiment did not appear. Instead, people whispered and whispered. A man who looked like a village cadre came out of the courtyard and looked up in front of Wang Ai: "You, you are..."

Wang Ai took off his small reflective silver-faced round glasses: "Don't know me?"

"Hey, it's really you? Come, come, Wang Ai! The big stars are here. Old Yan, Old Yan, come out!"

Wang Ai really felt the treatment of a handful of giant pandas, and all three, old and four young people surrounded them like foreigners. Of course, Kang Si is a pure foreigner, with his flaxen hair.

There has never been such a big star in this village! It was always on TV and shook hands with leaders, several times!

Old Yan was able to handle it, and he was just an ordinary farmer, but he was a lot richer. But Wang Ai called "Uncle" and broke his skills immediately, and he didn't know what to say with a smile.

Yan Zhu’s old lady was still pungent enough, and she greeted Wang Ai to the back room. The three-story building was already overcrowded. Wang Ai just sat casually among a group of children and smiled to the two old people: “Don’t be polite to me, I’m The delicious food is here, you two are busy with you."

There were many things about marriage, and Yan Zhu had told them in advance, so the two old men went to receive others. Wang Ai looked at him from side to side, and the round-headed children looked at him with bright eyes, and did not dare to speak.

"What's wrong? Don't you know me?" Wang Ai lifted his chin.

"Acknowledge, know." A girl plucked up the courage to stand in front of Wang Ai, who looked like the third or fourth grade of elementary school: "You, can you sign me?"

Wang Ai smiled and shook his head: "No!"

"Oh." The girl was disappointed and ready to go back, halfway up to give Wang Ai a grimace: "Stingy."

Wang Ai sat on the kang and clapped his legs with both hands. Others followed Haha Le. Wang Ai waved, "Come back."

The girl stood in front of Wang Ai with her neck, with the simplicity and bravery of a rural girl, Wang Ai waved: "Turn around and look ahead."

Zhang Guang had already prepared the camera in front, and he clicked and gave one.

The girl screamed: "I closed my eyes!"

When Yan Zhu's wedding car returned, Wang Ai had already taken a photo with the whole house, young and old. The little one, Wang Ai is sitting, and they are beside Wang Ai. For the old man, Wang Ai stood up. The wedding hadn't started, and there was no sugar, so Wang Ai posted it first.

Li Jue is radiant today, and her white wedding dress and her tall figure are a bit holy.

The place where the wedding is held is in my own yard, with a large open-air stove, a very pure rural wedding. In the crowd, Yan Zhu and Li Jue saw Wang Ai who stood out in the crowd at a glance, and felt helpless for him, just like Luffy in "One Piece".

After a set of procedures came down, Wang Ai watched happily, and then waited for the opening of the table before Yan Zhu had time to come over and say a few words with Wang Ai. Since he can keep secrets in a low-key manner, and he has already been discharged from the army, there is no one from the army, except for the village chief, Wang Ai.

Wang Ai patted his trouser pocket: "Where do I give the gift?"

"Over there, forget I'll lead you."

"Why are you leading me to do, supervisor? You send me out if you don't."

Yan Zhu, who was so busy, shook his head and laughed.

In the account room on the second floor, Wang Ai took the bag from Kang Si: "You go first."

People like Zhao Dan don't care how much to give, he is the real big boss on this occasion today, with official status. So, he ordered 800 yuan, Zhang Guang took Liu Liang, and the two of them totaled 1,000, and Kang Si also got 800.

Wang Ai rubbed his hands: "It's mine!"

Mr. Accountant is probably a relative of Mrs. Yan Zhu. He looked at Yan Zhu's uncle. He shook his hand and said with a smile: "I'm accepting gifts, but I'm not afraid of you too much."

"Really?" Wang Ai nodded, opened his shoulder bag, piling up! A pile, pawn!

For a total of nine stacks, Wang Ai drew out two bundles from the last stack. The red and bright ticket bundles were full of small accounting tables.

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