Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 418: ? Thunderbolt Means, Bodhisattva Heart (8)

On the evening of August 11, the one-month military training of the national team officially ended in the canteen of the National Defense University. Relevant leaders of the Chinese Football Association and National Defense University attended the speeches, and the two sides finished after a feast.

The canteen was brightly lit, and Wang Ai was walking with Zhang Zhaozhong outside the canteen.

"Oh, it's not satisfactory." Zhang Zhaozhong sighed: "Only research has discovered that football is not that simple. Starting from our military thinking, it will take time to become a specific theoretical result in the field of sports."

Wang Ai smiled with his hands behind his back: "Professor Zhang, how many years have you been in the academic field? Isn’t this what we are doing? The first results can be turned into practical results immediately, the natural sciences immediately produce products, and the social sciences immediately produce products. The way, your military science is to immediately improve combat effectiveness; the second-class results are a little worse. I can’t tell whether there is a 5% promotion or a 50% promotion for practice. I feel that the general direction is right, but we can’t see the earth-shaking effect right away. This is actually the general state of most academic research; the third-class result is that it has nothing to do with practice. The logic can be self-consistent, but it cannot be verified for the time being. It belongs to the hypothesis. Ah, the big players in all walks of life are generally like this. We are better than this."

Zhang Zhaozhong smiled: "Yes, I still look at football simple. Well, I have committed the arrogance of scholars and despised the people."

Wang Ai shook his head: "It's better to interlace like a mountain."

"Yes." Zhang Zhaozhong faced the evening breeze with his hands on his back, and turned his head to look at the crescent just rising from behind Dongshan: "For so many years and so many people doing this, no one is stupid, there is a gap between the fans' expectations. It can only be said to be historical limitations."

Wang Ai also looked at the moon with his back and followed Zhang Zhaozhong’s footsteps: “I’m a strong man. The chance of winning is metaphysics. It’s interfered by too many factors, but I forcefully hope that we can improve it through artificial efforts , Even sure. You and your small team clearly felt our urgency, so they are not satisfied with the academic achievements that can now pass the test."

Zhang Zhaozhong smiled and listened to the tall young man beside him continuing: "I now doubt whether I, as the player leader of this national team, should stay steady. It is right to drive everyone up, but it is always true. If you don’t stop, everyone may be very tired with you, even you."

Zhang Zhaozhong laughed heartily: "It's nothing. After such an incident, I am considered a senior fan. The general host may not be able to talk about me. When I retire and stop me from talking about military affairs, I will go to the central government. Five sets of mixed meals."

The military training has ended, but this research is not over yet. From the establishment of the project on July 11 this year to the end of the World Cup next year, it is a whole systematic research that includes follow-up investigations. In this year, as long as the Chinese team has a game, the National Defense University will send someone to follow up. Of course, it’s not impossible to write a thesis now. After all, there are some results, but in the end it is more convincing to rely on the results.

It's okay to be able to continue the quarterfinals of the previous session. The new formulation of the paper is always a good paper. And once the World Cup results are broken, it is done, and the results are reversed, and this research stands still.

Football field, winners and losers, academic research, and so on.

During the day, everyone dressed in camouflage uniforms took a group photo at the entrance of the National Defense University. After the photo was taken, everyone’s mobile phones were sent back. The photos were not distributed by person, but the negatives were kept for ten years. So after a simple dinner in the evening, everyone hurriedly left the National Defense University to go their separate ways.

This summer is so busy, everyone has accumulated a lot of things, and the new season is about to begin. Domestic players are okay, running around to do something is not too late, but overseas players are in trouble.

The same is true for Wang Ai. Some of his sponsors couldn't reach him last month, so they cried. This time, Wang Ai was finally released, and he was constrained by the big bosses from all walks of life. He went to work at 7 o'clock in the morning and ate his own lunch at noon. His Audi car had a refrigerator. The evening usually ends at 7 or 8 o'clock, taking various photos, videos, and occasionally attending two public events.

In this way, the idea of ​​wanting to take Leo Ni to run around is also yellow, he flew up busy, one by one, Leo Ni is also busy, it is not easy to spend a few days with him, let her do Waiting is too wasteful. So Wang Ai and Zhao Dan, Zhang Guang, and Kang Si who rushed back to accompany them all day.

On the evening of August 13, Wang Ai, who had eaten with a few bosses and had a relationship, swayed back to his home in Houhai. It was not that Dongcheng District's parents refused to let him live, but that he was panicked. I spent 100 million to buy it, and another 10 million to renovate it. As a result, I didn't live for a week in a year, and I was in trouble.

So, you have to come back for a while!

Leo Ni was on the phone in the yard. When Wang Ai came back, she just waved her hand and made a "work" lipstick. Wang Ai nodded clearly. After listening to him in the past two days, someone has been eyeing the idiot food base, specifically Haidilao... to acquire.

How can Wang Ai do? Stupid Food is not intended to make money, as long as it does not lose money, it will continue to operate for a long time.

In recent years, it has not only acquired several fishery processing plants in Coruña to enrich the product line, but also acquired a ranch in Germany. Last year, due to the melamine storm, idiot milk bucked the trend. It is the only well-known domestic reputation that has no taint. Milk brand!

When the public went to Hong Kong to snap up purchases, and they were unable to supply them to Australia, the sales volume of Stupid Milk increased by more than 30 times a year! Among them, the pre-reserved productivity accounted for 5 times, the German pasture accounted for 3 times, and the remaining 20 times were filled by governments at all levels!

No way, milk farmers everywhere have to be alive, but other people's milk powder can't be sold, so naturally they can't buy fresh milk. What should I do? What if foreign brands can't afford to provoke them? As a Chinese company, do you have to take on a little social responsibility? At any rate, help the farmers top for a while, right?

At that time, it was the tempered Leo Ni who was in charge of Stupid Food. She once wanted to expand production but was held by Wang Ai. This time no one pressed her. Fresh milk chartered cars in Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou, Yunnan, and Shaanxi Sent from the Sichuan base. While the idiot milk expanded, there were also some bad things. For example, some foreign milk brands mobilized the navy to spread rumors. For example, some local government officials' white gloves were looking at the idiot food to talk, and they took the opportunity to ask for shares, and some farmers “I’m poor, I’m reasonable” and slapped with high prices.

It's a pity that what they came across was foolish food that was invincible! Even if it is not Leo Ni, Shi Wenjun is not used to bringing children!

Haidilao's intention to acquire this time is still a normal commercial cooperation, but it is a bit sticky.

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