Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 422: It's cool in autumn (2)

  In the pre-trial room, after preliminary investigation, the spy option can be removed, and the paparazzi is finally allowed to call his superiors. The police also relaxed. At this moment, Wang Ai walked in, accompanied by the deputy director.

  "Can I talk to him?" Wang Ai asked.

  The deputy director thought for a while, looked at Wang Ai, smiled and exited the pre-trial room with a few colleagues.

  Wang Ai sat opposite the paparazzi, and the more he looked at him, the more angry he became: "I heard that you were also an athlete?"

  The paparazzi nodded in favor: "I have practiced long-distance running."

   "Since you are an athlete, you should know the difference between a sports star and a literary star?"

   "I know."

   "Know that you are still doing it?" Wang Ai stood up, rolled up the state secrets archive and drew it over his head: "Is it really addictive to go with you?"

   "We athletes shed blood and sweat for a bit of honor, is it for you to exchange money?"

  Wang Ailian pumped seven or eight times before he was relieved. Before going out, he turned around and lit him and said: "You tell your colleagues, just say what Wang Ai said, and you are not allowed to shoot athletes in the future!"

  Wang Ai is gone, the paparazzi exhales. After a while, the police came in and looked at his face: "How are you? Do you want to report the crime?"

  The paparazzi shook his head repeatedly, and pointed to his face: "Has bleeding?"

   "There are two imprints."

   "Great!" The paparazzi said excitedly.

  The police had a weird look: "Are you planning to report Captain Wang's beating?"

  The paparazzi widened his eyes: "How is it possible? I asked for it."

   "Yeah, the level of awareness is so high? I figured it out after only half an hour?"

The paparazzi wore handcuffed hands and said, "Don't smash me. I just figured out that cleanliness is one thing, and there is a tacit understanding in the press. Besides, they let me go to the security bureau. "

   "So..." The paparazzi touched the head that had just been beaten: "After hitting me twice, I will be relieved, and there will be nothing behind. Otherwise, he really wants to punish us..."

  Speaking of this, the paparazzi was so frightened that he applied to the police: "Can you lend me a piece of paper?"

  The police tore a piece of paper to him: "What are you doing?"

"Captain Wang told me just now, let me pass a word to my colleagues." The paparazzi lowered his head and quickly recorded: "Let us not harm athletes anymore. Just say that he said it. I have to remember it quickly and forget it. , I really have to tell this for him when I look back."

  The policeman looked at such a well-behaved guy and smiled: "As for?"

"As for." The paparazzi nodded seriously: "We are a dog, otherwise we can't keep an eye on him. He really doesn't care and it's okay. He has to care about it and follow us for real, such as submitting a report to the top of us. This business causes troubles for athletes, affects competition results, and affects the glory of the country. Special treatment must be organized immediately. Our business has a lot of problems, and we usually don't take care of us."

   "Okay, good attitude."

   "Then when do you see me leaving?"

"Go?" The police turned over the file in front of him: "Your suspicion of stealing state secrets can be ruled out, but chasing others in public is always there, right? According to our country's laws and regulations, it is a quarrel, but because of your minor behavior, the victim I don’t want to investigate too much, so..."

  In the paparazzi's hopeless hope, the police said, "Is there any comments on administrative detention for two days? Would you like to...see a lawyer?"

  "Don't be kidding." The paparazzi smiled bitterly and thought for a while: "I think it's fair, I have no objection."

  "Look at the transcript, and sign it if you have no problem."

  At the same time, Wang Ai was saying goodbye to the deputy director at the door of the police station: "I didn't control it just now, it caused you trouble."

The deputy director smiled and shook his head: "It is inevitable that the two parties involved will have some physical contact during the mediation process. As long as no harm is caused, they will not be held accountable. What's more, his career has indeed been damaged. Three years ago, Dou Wei did that. This is our policeman, but there is no way to know who the **** is. By the way, how did you just say to protect the athletes?"

  Wang Ai laughed and said: “Some stars collude with them for exposure, but our athletes are different. There are so many famous competitions. There is almost no leisure and no need to join forces with them. They are pure victims.”

   After a few more chats, Wang Aicai said goodbye to others. At this time, the paparazzi's superior arrived in a hurry, and wanted to get magnets with Wang Ai, but Wang Ai ignored him and left the house.

   "It's rare to see you being so rude." In an Audi car, Conse had a lively atmosphere.

  "Keep them a little pressure." Wang Ai smiled: "By the way, how about my approach?"

   "High!" Zhang Guang happily gave a thumbs up while driving, "I'm all ready to punch someone. It's better for you, there is no smoke."

  Wang Ai still had a place to rush in the afternoon, so a few people didn’t talk much, and immediately went to the next event location.

  At eight o’clock in the evening, I had a quiet meal at Houhai’s house. Wang Ai took Zhao Dan out for a walk. Zhang Guang followed from a distance. Leo Ni and Kang Si were also behind with a lot of people. Women are easily distracted by things like shopping, and they have to take a look at everything.

   "Are there any loopholes in my daytime business?" Wang Ai asked as he walked with his hands behind his back.

   "No, Zhou Xiang was considered very much." At this point, Zhao Dan couldn't help laughing out: "This is the trick, I didn't expect it at all."

  Wang Ai also chuckled and said, “It’s a bit direct, but deterrence should be okay. Otherwise, I can’t always find someone to handle them. By the way, you know that policeman?”

"I don't know it, but I can see that it is a demobilized soldier." Zhao Dan raised his head to face the evening breeze: "There are many soldiers around Beijing, and the proportion of professional staff is not low, especially such powerful units as the public security bureau. "

Wang Ai nodded, passing by a small skewers stall, drooling while smelling the aroma, and hurriedly looked for words: "By the way, I have always had a question, and I almost forgot it in my heart all these years. You and Brother Yan, Why are you two coming to me? You are not many, are you?"

   "In a sense, Brother Yan and I were both unsuccessful, just not suitable for this job."

   "It's the first time I heard that you are the defective products inside?"

  Zhao Dan haha ​​and happy: "Defective products are also right, but it’s not business capability, but industry characteristics. For example, me, do you know why I can’t? It’s not business capability, but..."

  Speaking of this, Zhao Dan shook his head in disappointment: "The leader said I was too handsome."

Facing the incredible Wang Ai, Zhao Dan said seriously: "I'm not joking, it's true. For the defense industry, rejection is not an advantage, but a disadvantage. For example, if you have a mission, you must have news photos? As a result, the common people took a look, hey! It's up to you!"

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