Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 429: It's a cool autumn (9)

In the early morning of the next day, Leo Ni sent Wang Ai to the airport. Before leaving, she said meaningfully: "Lions have problems with lions, and tigers have problems with tigers. Although everyone strives to pursue a perfect partner, they are not perfect partners. It's perfect."

  Wang Ai nodded, and after embracing Leo Ni, he smiled brightly and disappeared into Leo Ni's field of vision. Afterwards, Zhao Dan and Zhang Guang followed up in turn, and then Kang Si waved at her and made a face.

  Leonie, wearing a sleeveless top, puts her hands in the pockets of fat pants, and a pair of sunglasses on her nose, walking back leisurely. As a well-known transcendence queen in the domestic sports industry, she inherited Shi Wenjun's charity queen title, she is like an ordinary beautiful girl at this time.

  If she is still followed by the secretary and the guard, someone may have come up to talk.

  Wang Ai flies in the blue sky. After reading the book for a while, he loses his thoughts, and slowly rises in sleepiness. He has already developed self-hypnosis ability when taking a long-distance flight to sleep. He will become drowsy when he sees the blue seat and the blue window outside.

  On the ground, watching the white plane flying across the sky towards the other side of Eurasia, Leoni took off her sunglasses and got on her Rolls Royce. Seeing the boss in a bad mood, the secretary didn't dare to ask, and gave a hint to the driver's defense. The car started slowly and finally merged into the traffic of Beijing.

  Suddenly, the words wandering appeared in Leo Ni’s heart. Having been in China for more than two years, she thought she would integrate into this great country. Indeed, this country opened her arms with enthusiasm. Whether it was the leader or the masses, whether it was Liaoning or Sichuan, she made her feel at home. Suddenly at this moment, she missed Tubingen and Dieter Ford.

   An impulse to cry loudly swelled Leonie’s chest, and she forcibly suppressed it. I thought that China would be bound to life, but suddenly felt a little strange. I think of going back to Germany, and I feel that Germany has not left its roots.

Until the car quietly returned to the door of Dongcheng District, it happened that Ai Xiaoqing returned from the morning market shopping for food. Seeing that her car had arrived, she was still sitting in the back seat in a daze, and beckoned: "Hurry up and help me get things. ."

  Leonie was shocked, then smiled and walked out of the car, helping Ai Xiaoqing carry things while acting like a coquettish: "Buy so much meat, do you want to make dumplings at night?"

   "Pack, you pack."

   "Why do I pack? I'm running out of strength, making your son toss."

   Ai Xiaoqing shone on the back of her head, and Leo Ni shrank her neck and carried things to the kitchen happily.

After putting things away, seeing Ai Xiaoqing carrying her picking up the various side dishes to be prepared in the evening, Leo Ni's eyes followed the kitchen window and looked far and near, the quiet neighborhood, the lush green trees, and the shadows. Pilasters and lazy cats. There was a thorn in the back, and the smell of green onion drifted away.

   "What the **** is your silly girl? Come and help."


  It was only during lunch that Ai Xiaoqing remembered to ask Leo Ni’s thoughts, in exchange for Leo Ni’s sweet smile.

  Where is China? China is at home. Where is my heart? My heart is thousands of miles away, on the land of China, on the man's body, and within this square inch.

  At the Milan airport in the middle of the night, people were sparsely visible. Wang Ai and his party walked outside the hall with their luggage. Liu Liang was standing beside the Iveco car and waving.

   "Everything is okay?" Before Wang Ai got into the car, he stretched hard and jumped hard.

   "Everything is fine." Liu Liang smiled: "Milan Light has made great progress and has officially entered six countries including France, Switzerland, Greece, and Romania."

  Wang Ai got in the car and finished it, and then asked: "Where is Inter? What has been reported in the newspapers recently?"

"It's still about the transfer." Liu Liang introduced to Wang Ai as he drove the car: "It is generally said in the newspapers that it is more cost-effective to exchange Ibrahimovic for Etooga's 46 million yuan. It’s hard to say whether Tooga Sneijder can be bigger than Ibrahimovic. After all, they occupy two positions and the position on the court is limited."

  Wang Ai happily listened, "Any more?"

"Yes, it is said that it is a good deal to buy Lúcio, and it is also a good thing to join Motta. Milan's midfielder is too old. Captain Zanetti sometimes has a front midfielder, sometimes a midfielder, and sometimes a midfielder. Central defender, isn’t it just that there’s no way? Inter Milan’s defense plus one hundred and thirty years old, it’s too big."

   "Is there mine?"

"Yes, Ibrahimovic has left. Are you the deserved number one star? Many people are talking about you, but you haven't spoken since you haven't come back, so they don't mean anything by themselves." Liu Liang thoughtfully said: "The most important thing is the question of whether your support and cover from Ibrahimovic are okay. If Eto'o is not as good as Ibrahimovic, the combination of the two of you may not be as lethal as Ibrahimovic and you. So on the whole, yes. Your evaluation is okay. Although you have said a lot, it is not good. Now it is Eto'o and the others who are making trouble?"

  Wang Ai nodded and said nothing.

   "It stands to reason that you guys performed so well in the Super Bowl. You shouldn't have these concerns." Liu Liang glanced at the rearview mirror: "Are you worried too?"

"Huh? Oh, don't worry." Wang Ai shook his head: "What am I worried about? In fact, last season, Ibrahimovic and I can only say that I found a way to coexist on the court and tried our best to coordinate with each other, not as expected. In fact, our positions overlap, our capabilities and functions overlap. I restrict him, and he restricts me. If we are willing to bear this kind of sacrifice for a common great goal, then in the goal After it is realized, the prerequisite for such cooperation will no longer exist.

   "What about you? If he doesn't leave, would you leave?" Conscious asked curiously.

"No, we are both here. Although he restricted me, he also helped me in the collective honor. Moreover, his personal performance cannot surpass me, which is equivalent to using him as a stepping stone to verify my two The grand prize winner’s gold content is too high." Wang Ai said with a smile: "Unless he turns my face with me and has to draw a lot of people, he can only go. If he is willing to leave me as an assistant, it would be great. , I can also take care of the national team."

  "He is also an international, and he works very hard for the Swedish team."

Wang Ai shook his head: "After all, the level is different. I am the winner of the two awards and have a higher pursuit. He is still chasing the two awards. To put it bluntly, I have now won the highest award. The next step can only be Historical status, and he is still fighting for the reputation and even money in front of him."

   "I feel that there is a successful business in your family, which has helped you a lot of things."

  Wang Ai nodded: "Yes, do you have money? Of course, you can be as noble as you like."

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