Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 432: ?Milan Hunting Competition (2)

"Our small family members are less courageous. I always feel that short-selling financial gadgets are too dangerous, and the visible and tangible manufacturing industry is more at ease." Wang Ai also relaxed and drank tea and said to the two: "Don't laugh at me."

Several people smiled and shook their heads. Shi Wenjun spoke quickly: "We have all accepted your opinion. The most important thing for us now is to make good use of the resources in our hands and combine them into what the country and people need."

Speaking of this, Shi Wenjun made a gesture: "Follow the will of the country and the needs of the people."

Wang Ai nodded and looked at Kang Si, who blinked: "According to my understanding, when the cost is small, it is suitable for taking risks, but when the cost is large, it should be conservative and safe."

Wang Ai nodded again to look at Xu Qinglian, and Xu Qinglian said: "The financial industry is changing rapidly and has a wide range of implications. From the experience of the United States, once a company of our size transfers its energy to the financial industry, it will affect the economic stability of the entire country. It has a big impact...This should not be something we touch. Even if we do, we must control the scale, both in our hands and in the hands of the country. Only in this way can we, the country, and society achieve harmony."

The room calmed down, and Wang Ai pondered for a while: "Do you have any money for yourself?"

The three were taken aback, looked at each other, Kang Si tentatively asked, "You want to invite me to dinner?"

Wang Ai smiled and shook his head. Shi Wenjun's eyes rolled: "My salary in China is still hundreds of thousands. In Italy, I haven't used a salary card."

Xu Qinglian smiled lightly and said nothing.

"I have a hunch that our website will become a very powerful financial entity in the future." Wang Ai put down his teacup: "Operating the financial industry and huge capital flow, it is easy to be interfered with by the impulse of capital's unlimited proliferation. So I want to ask you all. With regard to money, it depends on whether you have any dissatisfaction. If there is, I will solve it. No matter what you need or fancy, I will buy it for you."

Xu Qinglian's expression was stable, Shi Wenjun smiled silently, Kang Si's eyes were gleaming, and Wang Ai continued: "There is only one core purpose. We must solve this problem at the beginning stage, and we must have a correct attitude in terms of ideas and thoughts. Keep in mind the master-slave relationship between our website and the financial activities carried out."

"I don't want me to criticize you violently, or rudely abolish your strenuous development plan one day." Wang Ai said this and smiled comfortably: "This is a stage where you can show your talents to your fullest. You will be in the future. You will become a guest of high-level guests in many countries and involve many stakeholders. You have to hold yourself under control. Don’t forget where we come from, don’t forget what our original purpose is. It cannot and should not change."

"And me." Wang Ai pointed to his nose: "I, an investor, will always stare at you."

After listening to this big set, Shi Wenjun shrugged: "I'm so scared."

Kang Si laughed, Xu Qinglian hid her mouth and smiled. When Wang Ai pointed, Wenjun shook his head and smiled and stood up: "If I am annoying, just say it, let me go!"

As for buying things for them, there is no need to mention it except that Kang Si may be shaken for a moment. Since the "Light of the Apennines" went online, it has handled more than 100 million euros, but if these people think a little bit, they can make a fortune from anywhere.

However, since Xu Qinglian claimed to borrow money to start her own business, but began to mark the ownership of the enterprise under Wang Ai, money is not a problem between them, and of course their problem cannot be solved by money.

Shi Wenjun's situation was similar. After she went to work at the idiot, she heard that she had mixed up with a senior, and many relatives came to her door. Later, when she took charge of the "Stupid Fund" and became a famous charity queen, many people naturally moved their minds. After going through a process similar to that of Wang's early years, she almost became a lonely family among relatives. In the end, she was the only one who could be brought to work by the idiot, who was an honest cousin, and he was still the team leader who was a thousand miles away from her.

In order to reduce the trouble, Shi Wenjun and Huang Xin, who were in similar situations, moved in unison. Huang Xin bought a villa for her father in the outskirts of Liaoyang, but Huang An didn't live very much. He had already retired from the Liaoyang Institute of Foreign Languages. He spent his time with his wife and son, and went out to travel when he was fine. His low-key makes many people confused about his relationship with Huang Xin, so the trouble for relatives and friends to come to the door is really not much. Even if it did, Huang An said that I broke off father-daughter relations with her, and everything was cleared.

Shi Wenjun's family is relatively large, so she has more troubles. For this reason, after falling out with her relatives, she took her parents to Shenyang. Although her parents still communicated with those relatives privately, and they did not lose money, as long as they did not interfere with Shi Wenjun's work, she pretended not to know.

In this case, her problem with Wang Ai can only be a problem of philosophy, and has nothing to do with money.

Kang Si is the youngest and a bit charming. After half a year on her part-time website, her official status has changed from Wang Ai's personal assistant to a cadre in the Wang family system, and she has begun to enjoy certain benefits. The ambitions deposited in her blood also made money in the general sense lose its value.

After vaccinating the three of them, Wang Ai left happily, preparing to return to the team for training in the afternoon. He still entrusts three people to deal with this situation. It is of course good to do a good job. The individual gets tempered and the country can solve some problems. It’s okay if you don’t do it well. After all, the basic business of a company is in the country, so it’s the same if you go to other places to exercise. If the domestic affairs are done well, it is equally useful to the country.

If it weren't for keeping Xu Qinglian by his side, Wang Ai would never remember to engage in this. Whose star is in such a troublesome business of importing and exporting small commodities?

In the afternoon, the Appiano base was sunny, Wang Ai dragged the large suitcase and walked into the courtyard with a grin, and said to the guard: "Is it all here?"

The guard nodded with a smile, and pointed in the direction of the conference room.

When I went upstairs, I noticed that the various private cars of the teammates had been parked in the small parking lot. Pushing open the door of the meeting room, the teammates in twos and threes were sitting idle, and they hurriedly greeted Wang Ai coming in. Zanetti helped put the suitcase on the table. Wang Ai smiled and took out the small key. Ning unlocked the lock, and things came out.

All kinds of snacks, all kinds of souvenirs, all kinds of small gifts, some of them are wrapped in English, and some are not at all. They have to be explained like Wang Ai. With joy, when the door opened, Jose and Eto'o walked in together, followed by Sneijder, Lucio and others.

"I heard that you are fast?" Eto'o rushed straight to Wang Ai and asked bluntly.

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