Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 434: ?Milan Hunting Competition (4)

After running for a few steps, Wang Ai felt: Eto'o is very hard. It's not like playing with me. Then, I have to hurry up!

Coincidentally, Eto'o thought so too!

As a result, the two of them laughed when they first started, but after running a few steps, their expressions became serious, and they both worked hard!

Sports is like this, good friends turn their faces, say yes to not admit the account, and get angry with them. It's almost because of this. In the final analysis, this group of people who practice sports, no matter how humble, they are also proud and conceited.

Needless to say, Eto'o, the worst time in Guardiola's coaching career came from him. What about Wang Ai? The surface is grinning, and when it comes to professionalism, it is also doing my part. He was the youngest among the 84 juniors, and everyone called him the boss. If anyone wants to be his boss in football, he will feel uncomfortable and have to get you down.

This does not involve much economic benefits, mainly because Wang Ai stays comfortable in the position of the boss!

After a few breaths, the two reached the finish line indiscriminately in the eyes of the teammates behind them. Jose held up the stopwatch on the sidelines: "10 seconds 51!"

"Who won?" Balotelli shouted.

"I!" Eto'o raised his hand and came back and said happily: "I lost, I am short of a position."

Wang Ai said nothing. In fact, Angelo Massimo, who was standing in the office building all the way, clearly saw that when he reached the finish line, Wang Ai was at least 8 meters ahead of Eto'o.

And this track itself is not standard, and football players don’t need this much, so it’s probably a few meters longer than the ordinary one. In this way, Angelo made a random conversion in his heart in the silent office building corridor, and was shocked. Eto'o was okay, probably about the same speed as his previous test, but Wang Ai would be terrible. It is a standard starting position, a better track, a more serious attitude and corresponding training, and a proper run for ten seconds.

Unexpectedly, we Inter Milan really hide a trapeze!

When he arrived on the field to start group training, Jose took the lead to let Eto'o and Wang Ai team up. In the second half of last season, Wang Ai and Ibrahimovic partnered. While helping each other to stretch, Eto'o still asked in a low voice: "How fast are you running? My record is 10 seconds and 65."

"The coach may not be accurate."

"Oh." Eto'o promised to continue stretching, and after a long time he recalled: "No, I am not asking about his work attitude, but your true speed."

"I don't know either." Wang Ai said with a grin.

Eto'o looked at Wang Ai, his expression a little unhappy, but he couldn't get it, so he became bored. Wang Ai is funny in his heart, is he so upright? So when the training was about to end, no one next to him whispered in his ear: "I tested it three years ago, 9 seconds 9."

Eto'o widened his eyes, and covered his mouth subconsciously, just like a little girl who saw an old gangster: "Within ten seconds? You were only 20 years old three years ago, right? The peak of a sprinter should be around 30. , What about you now?"

"I didn't test it again later, I was afraid of being distracted." Wang Ai shook his head and said, "Unless Bolt is a sprinter, he won't make much money. I heard that he is going to play football. ?"

Seeing that Eto'o still had a shocked expression, Wang Ai put his arms around his shoulders and continued to whisper: "Our country's track and field team has looked for me, I did not go. After all, it is not a training system. Both training may be different. They don’t even practice well."

Eto'o thought for a while and nodded: "I can understand that we don't run a lot of sprints. Most of them are variable speed runs, dribbling runs, and acceleration runs. If you want to follow them, the sense of training may be bad.

After this contest, the new foreign aid, the African cheetah Eto'o officially ranked second in the Inter Milan speed rankings, becoming the second only to the Chinese emperor Ai, because he won a lot of applause. People with old arms and legs like Zanetti can only applaud in addition to lamenting the cruelty of time. Of course, his speed was the same when he was young, that is, his temperament was sometimes fierce.

As for the only "young man" Balotelli, let alone a heavy... tractor!

Speed ​​has never been his strong suit.

At the end of the day's training, Wang Ai can feel that Eto'o, Sneijder and others have been integrated into the team very smoothly. He is probably more modest and cautious because he joined the giant team that has just created a great cause. I just don't know how long the humility of these two personality stars can last.

As for himself, Wang Ai feels that there are still many problems with his new teammates. This summer he worked too long on the national team affairs, and he did not spend almost any distraction on the club, nor did he participate in the summer training camp. It is estimated that this is also the reason why Jose was upset after arriving in Beijing, but hehe.

He couldn't help it if he was upset.

After years of cooperation, Wang Ai has figured out the temper of the Portuguese. No matter how much he emphasizes on the process, he is still a realist, a realist who values ​​results. No matter how bad your performance is in the process, as long as you can help him with the result, he will pinch his nose to recognize it. On the contrary, no matter how hard you work in the process, the result will not be as expected, and it will destroy you.

And, never compromise.

For example Quaresma, once stunning Meazza's right instep, played in Inter Milan for half a season.

This Jose’s child soldier, a pathfinder who was willing to open up Inter Milan’s work situation, was serious in training, but he was much worse than the opponent team in the game. Jose finally had to loan him to Stanford. Bridge, made the first loss-making deal after taking office.

Half a season later, he has just returned now, but he is a little bit disappointed, and he no longer has the spirits he had when he first put on the blue and black jersey.

Even the media don't care much about him anymore, the time he stayed at Inter Milan has entered the countdown.

Unintentionally feeling the sinking of his teammates, Wang Ai, who has been training hard for an afternoon and trying to catch up with his teammates, finally got to the end of Jose's whistle. He took off his wet jersey, took off a pair of sneakers and put on slippers on the sidelines. Waved at the teammates who rushed to the bathhouse.

Everyone knew that his home belonged to the "base annex", so they rushed to grab the nozzles.

The afternoon sun was still shining in the sky. Wang Ai was shirtless, wearing a jersey, and carrying sneakers. Sweat was still flowing from his naked face and chest. In fact, the **** were all wet, but Can't take it off.

"Wang!" Jose's voice came from behind.

Wang Ai turned around, and the westward sun shone on Wang Ai's upper body, making him seem to be shining in Jose's eyes. Of course the main luminous body is the empty suitcase dragged by Zhang Guang behind Wang Ai...

"It's the new season, how do you feel?" Jose walked slowly beside Wang Ai.

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