Reborn on Top of Football

: 439th Milan Hunting Competition (9)

"I didn't say anything about our game hunting!" Eto'o raised his chin and said triumphantly: "Everyone said I can't control my mouth, am I!"

A few days later, on the training ground of the Appiano Base in the afternoon, Eto'o and Wang Ai showed off. Wang Ai smiled and nodded, but said psychologically: Don't doubt, you are!

"That's the next time you make a joke with me and other black people." Eto'o approached Wang Ai and whispered: "The other day you said you wanted to compete with me for hunting, and I thought you were taunting me for a moment."

"What do you mean?" Wang Ai said in surprise.

"Have the monkey called you? Have you heard it? I remember you heard it when you were at Chelsea, and many of them were made by us in Barcelona."

Seeing Wang Ai nodded, Eto'o said angrily: "Africa is backward, so people often refer to us black people as primitives. Whether it is watermelon eating, cotton picking in the United States or monkeys in Europe, it is all in this respect. Hint. Although hunting is not obvious, you know that there are still many primitive tribes living on hunting in Africa."

Wang Ai exhaled and solemnly said: "Samuel, you know I can’t do that kind of thing. I thank you very much for your trust, I just think it’s more interesting. By the way, you have a nickname, Chinese fans. You are called the Cheetah, and there is also the Black Panther, and there used to be the Black Pearl. Yes, it is the same nickname as the ship in the Pirates of the Caribbean and the American woman Harry Berry."

Eto'o widened his eyes in disbelief, and then blew his whistle: "Really?"

Wang Ai shrugged, "Of course, they like you very much. After all, your speed, breakthrough, and skills are really natural, just like natural. Maybe only the cheetahs hunted on the grassland have such instincts."

"So, you think of hunting from my nickname?"


"But you are the emperor. The emperor uses guns to hunt. Cheetahs use claws to hunt." Eto'o shook his head: "I think I'm still at a disadvantage. I was hinted by you."

Wang Aihaha smiled up to the sky, a black, a yellow race galloping in the white world, and still discriminate against each other? At least it does not exist among proud football stars.

After more than ten days of adjustment in early September, the league restarted. The opponents of this round are the veteran team Parma. The hunting game between Wang Ai and Eto'o is still going on, but Wang Ai accidentally suffered a minor injury and only played for half the game, so Eto'o and Wang Ai tied and each scored a goal to help the team 4: 0 wins.

Immediately afterwards, it was the first match of the Champions League group stage of the 0910 season. Inter Milan, who is in the third group with Real Madrid, Marseille and Zurich, has already set the goal of defending the championship, hoping to become the second defending team in the Champions League after the reform. Second only to Real Madrid in the same group.

And Real Madrid's ambitions for Jose and Wang Ai are well known to everyone, but it's just the recent lack of strength.

When the second day after finishing the third round, the Inter Milan team went west to Marseille, France, and Wang Ai was the first time to come to this city. When the plane landed at the Provence airport, Wang Ai looked around curiously. He has no impression of Marseille, but he has a very good impression of the majestic "Marseille".

It's a pity that I don't have time to go around, and I don't know if I can play in Ligue 1 in the future, because there are too many places to go.

Thinking of this, Wang Ai suddenly turned his head to look at Conse, who was following him: "It seems that I haven't been to the base town except for the base town in Italy? Haven't I been to the next town?"

Kang Si rarely flew his eyes to Wang Ai: "Other star assistants can follow the big stars to play everywhere, what about me? If you don't go to the website to work part-time, you will become a peasant woman!"

Wang Ai's gaze scanned her slender figure with her excitement, and said without thinking, "Are you also a woman?"

Having said that, the two were embarrassed at the same time! Kang Si turned her face away, and Wang Ai also turned her head to wait for the queue to get off the plane. The emotions between the two are very complicated. There are stars and fans, brothers and sisters, and of course lovers and sisters. In short, it is not simple, it is a composite product of various good feelings.

Therefore, the matter between the two men and women has never been torn apart, even if Leoni forcibly intervened, Wang Ai did not express his position.

Recently, it should be suffocating!

Wang Ai scratched his face and looked at the gloomy sky of France, who would he go to? When I think of this, I feel annoyed.

The match against Marseille went smoothly. At the Velodrome Stadium at 8:45 pm on September 15th, the tightly organized international team did not give the Marseille team any chance. Instead, he created it because of his unfamiliarity with the international team, especially Wang Ai. Several opportunities.

Wang Ai grabbed 50% of them and finally turned into his 2 goals, and continued to lead the Champions League's historical goalscorer with 75 total goals, and this trend is likely to continue to be staged in the next ten years, and even maintained. Longer, longer!

Wang Ai scratched his face and looked at the gloomy sky of France, who would he go to? When I think of this, I feel annoyed.

The match against Marseille went smoothly. At the Velodrome Stadium at 8:45 pm on September 15th, the tightly organized international team did not give the Marseille team any chance. Instead, he created it because of his unfamiliarity with the international team, especially Wang Ai. Several opportunities.

Wang Ai grabbed 50% of them and finally turned into his 2 goals, and continued to lead the Champions League's historical goalscorer with 75 total goals, and this trend is likely to continue to be staged in the next ten years, and even maintained. Longer, longer!

Unless the Champions League is no longer playing!

Inter Milan, who won 3:1, returned to Italy the next day. After a one-day holiday, Wang Ai also picked up his books and went to the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Milan to continue his undergraduate courses in agricultural environmental sciences. I was crazy for a summer, and I picked up the books again and found out that many hard-to-make up classes were missing again.

During this time, being busy is the best way to avoid problems.

Wang Ai is still waiting quietly for Xu Qinglian who is sleeping on the second floor. The downside is that Xu Qinglian never talks with him. The upside is that the situation has not deteriorated for the time being.

Wang Ai believes that she will always figure it out and tell herself. Even if strangers have been together for such a long time, a spark of love will germinate, let alone them?

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