Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 463: ?Advance in the artillery fire (3)

When Wang Ai told the girls at the dinner table that he had lost the Golden Globes, he was in an uproar.

They were busy in the light of the Apennines and did not know the news at all. Before leaving, Wang Ai vowed to deceive them, so that they thought that Wang Ai had hosted the Golden Globe film crew in Beijing.

Wang Ai didn't dare to be too specific, but he also briefly talked about the club level media raids, diverting votes, political discrimination and political changes at the national level. Some defenders may not understand well, but this is Wang Ai's purpose: those who understand will naturally know the weight and will not talk nonsense, and those who do not understand will have less trouble listening to them.

Zhao Dan, who stayed behind this time, heard clearly, but said nothing. Consi expressed his indignation through twittering. Of course, this didn't delay her eating. Shi Wenjun frowned while eating while wondering what to do.

It is rare for Liu Dingxiang to speak and participate: "Our work in France went smoothly and did not feel any political obstruction. Even if it did, it was the delay caused by the pride and laziness that French people are accustomed to."

Shi Wenjun, who had been silent on the side, laughed: "That's the French who are making money from us, why can't you get along with the money?"

Everyone nodded: "Yes."

"The two awards will be merged next year? How long do you think this situation will last?" Shi Wenjun asked Wang Ai.

Wang Ai took a bun and put it in his mouth. After eating, he didn’t say anything, and then he said: “The situation is too complicated for a while. It’s not clear for a while, but the relationship between China and France does not depend on the personal will of a certain leader The transfer is due to the long-term strategic needs of both parties. Therefore, in the long run, it will not pose a threat to my award, and that is not justified. Look at it, and when the selection results come out, I won’t say anything, it’s bound to be noisy. stand up."

Wang Ai took a sip of soup: "There are all kinds of unfavorable factors, but all the unfavorable factors cannot be achieved alone. Last year, France and China were not so good, but I still won the Golden Globe Award. So Barcelona The little action that the side does to me is still very important. Fortunately, after eating and learning, no one will be able to do this to me next time."

"Sponsors are okay, right?"

Wang Ai shook his head: "No problem, Messi and I are both spokespersons for Adi, but there are many spokespersons for Adi, and I am the most influential. Although this year is regarded as a civil war in the Adi system, for example, it is also a 20% increase in value and put it on me. The absolute amount is different from putting it on Messi. So Adi still suffered a loss, and it should have been unexpected. Just like me, it was careless."

"What did you say about France? What did Sarkozy do?" Shi Wenjun put down his chopsticks: "The nuclear test was resumed a few years ago. The ambition of this big country is very obvious."

Wang Ai shook his head: "It should be the United States, maybe France is going to do something in North Africa, maybe it's because I can't figure it out..."

Speaking of this, an electric light flashed in Wang Ai's mind, and he looked up at Shi Wenjun: "It may be Libya."

Everyone looked at a loss, and they didn't want to understand for a while. Prophet Wang Ai shook his fingers like: "France is not the United Kingdom with North Sea oil fields, so it has always controlled North Africa and West Africa very tightly. But I heard that Libya is considering replacing the West African franc with the gold dinar. The economy, crude oil, and possibly other Political factors, Sarkozy's domestic approval rate is not high."

Shi Wenjun frowned: "You mean, Sarkozy's return to NATO did not really give up his ambitions as a great power, but intends to use NATO's power to integrate North Africa?"

Wang Ai nodded: "There must be consideration in this respect."

The opposite Zhao Dan was slow to eat steamed buns. After listening to Wang Ai's words, he slowly said: "But there is still a problem here. France must use military power to integrate North Africa. And an unprovoked invasion is inevitable. There has been a lot of opposition, which runs counter to the goal of integration."

Wang Ai nodded thoughtfully, and after a while, suddenly said: "Brother Yan, how much has our monthly expenditure increased? Since the subprime mortgage crisis?"

Yan Zhu froze for a moment: "According to the headcount, it has risen by about 30%."

Wang Ai nodded when he heard this and sighed: "Our family is rich, and rising is nothing. European agriculture is developed and per capita income is high, so it is nothing. But the development is average, the contradictions are sharp, and the energy is scarce. In particular, countries that are not self-sufficient in food are in trouble, such as Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, and Libya. After privatization, the gap between the rich and the poor is huge, but the population has grown rapidly. A large number of people are already on the poverty line. If they go up, they are going to starve. It's strange if nothing happens."

Zhao Dan squinted: "If France wins in chaos and fights Libya at this time, no one will object?"

Wang Ai nodded: "If you hold on to the United States, who else can oppose it? Gaddafi has offended the five major countries once and again. In fact, after the subprime mortgage crisis, this happened. The United States crazily printed money to pass on the crisis. These banknotes have gone to the futures markets of grain and crude oil. Under the soaring prices, there will definitely be troubles in poor countries where agriculture is not guaranteed, so there is no time to care about Libya. In fact, the former Soviet Union has also suffered from economic pressure during some years of soaring food prices. It’s huge, otherwise it would not use gold reserves to buy food."

Zhao Dan thought for a while and nodded. Instead, Yan Zhu said: "I want to clean up Libya and catch up with such a wave of black swan incidents. There are some partisan and political interest considerations, right?"

Wang Ai nodded, but Zhao Dan didn't say a word, as if he was reciting silently.

Wang Ai glanced at him, turned his head and chatted with Shi Wenjun, pretending not to see it.

In fact, over the years, Wang Ai, the two big defenders of Yan Zhu and Zhao Dan, have already understood the mission: At first, of course, it was to keep a hope for Chinese football, but later he became more interested in his thinking. Especially after Wang Ai's letter to the Treasury Department three years ago pointed out that the danger of the US economic crisis was later confirmed, Wang Ai is also regarded as such a crooked talent in the field of economics.

People who engage in philosophy have this kind of ability. They don't seem to be tuned at ordinary times, but they may startle you at some point. Domestic economists hardly gave warnings about the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States. Instead, they kept clamoring to learn financial innovation from the United States. On the contrary, a philosopher from the Academy of Social Sciences raised the warning almost at the same time as Wang Ai.

So whenever Wang Ai put forward a new point of view, Zhao Dan would write it down and hand it in, especially this kind of warning that involved war and even a large country of problems.

Of course, Wang Ai doesn't care. Anyway, it has little to do with China. Anyway, he can't control how his superiors use his predictions. The superiors won't tell him, and he won't take the initiative to ask.

His main task is to fix the situation and fix the next World Footballer Selection.

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