Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 469: ?Advancing through artillery fire (9)

However, there were some twists and turns in the game. In the first game after losing the Golden Globes, Wang Ai was obviously a little anxious, so that the first half frequently failed. Fortunately, after the adjustment of the intermission and the reminder of the captain Zanetti, his "unique" rhythm was finally recovered in the second half, that is, the ups and downs, the erratic movement, and the wide range of kicks supported by a wide and mental attitude. The method ultimately helped the team win 3:2.

Wang Ai scored a goal and assisted a goal, maintaining his level.

The victory of the game also gave Jose a sigh of relief and rushed to Zurich with all the main players three days later. Because Wang Ai was absent from home, Jose did not dare to take it lightly in the last UEFA Champions League tie with Marseille. Before leaving, Shi Wenjun at home also joked with Wang Ai, asking him if he would like to release water to the host city team of the FIFA awards ceremony. Wang Ai smiled after hearing this.

At 11:30 on the night of December 8th, the team left the Zurich home court, leaving a score of 4:1 to the Swiss Super giants. Wang Ai scored two goals and participated in another attack. Although the home team's defensive players conducted a close defense on him, but due to his strength, he still cannot conceal the demeanor of the current football superstar.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Ai returned to his normal state and arrived in Atlanta with the team four days later. Compared with the sluggish performance of the team, Wang Ai was still enthusiastic. He completed a hat-trick with a kick over the head and truly led the team to a 4:1 victory.

After the game, the Atlanta coach lamented: "Whenever Inter Milan is in a downturn, Wang always stands up to save his boss."

Although Wang Ai has returned to the country more often and has a lot of usual business activities, and the **** class every day makes Jose quite gritted his teeth, but perhaps it is the excitement that makes him repeatedly able to save his tired teammates and make everyone. There is nothing to say, but he can only watch him jump and jump.

After playing this game, the team did not rest but returned to Milan and flew directly to the UAE to participate in the Club World Cup. This is the first time the organizer has moved outside of Japan since the Toyota Cup was restructured. Wang Ai is also secretly grateful for this. The talk he made in Japan this summer is still deeply shocking in Japanese society. Although the superior did not tell him to shut up, he knew what was good or bad.

It’s not bad to go to the United Arab Emirates. Inter Milan enjoyed a home treatment when landing at the airport. The fans, reporters, officials and so on who picked up the plane were all the most high-end. Wang Ai was the focus of attention wherever he went, allowing his teammates to fully enjoy. Have a taste of what is called "Asian Light".

The opponent in the first game was the North American champion Mexican team Atlante. There was a significant gap between the strengths of the two sides. Inter Milan played in a non-smoky 90 minutes on the 16th and easily defeated the opponent 3:1. Black boy Balotelli played well and scored two goals in a row. Wang Ai, who came on the bench, scored a small angle in stoppage time.

The second game is the final. Inter Milan’s opponent is the University of La Plata. This is an Argentine team. Before the game, Argentine stars such as Zanetti and Cambiasso deliberately greeted them. Few people are familiar, but the opponent was not polite in the game, the action was very big, the attack was also very fierce, not only maintained the suppression of Inter Milan, but also led by 1 goal for a long time.

Jose, who had intended to complete Balotelli, finally couldn't sit still. Wang Ai, who had been fighting for many games and was slightly exhausted, appeared in the 30th minute of the second half. At this time, the score was 1:1, and Inter Milan's side is always shaky. .

In the enthusiastic cheers of the UAE fans, Wang Ai slid to the forward line. Jose asked him to play forward temporarily to complete the shot with the highest efficiency, betting on his extremely high conversion rate in front of the goal. Balotelli, who was strictly guarded and even frequently violated in this regard, lost his temper, unable to maintain a stable state of mind and state.

When the teammates saw Wang Ai coming up, they all breathed a sigh of relief. The midfielder could send the ball through difficulties or rush along the flank to the feet of Wang Ai who came back to meet him. In the end, how he becomes a goal, the teammates will take care of him. Not that much.

In the 33rd minute of the game, the captain Zanetti stumbled and forced a breakthrough in the middle. Before the fall, he sent a sharp through stop which was quite rare for him. Wang Aiming, who ran to meet the ball, knew that the players behind him were quite excited and did not dare. Doing such a dashing action with continuous stop, fearing that the opponent will play in the dark, but honestly back to take the ball and make two quick left-to-right fake moves before shaking the opponent's center of gravity before turning around and breaking through.

At this time, his position was at the front of the top arc of the penalty area. The loose tactics of the South American team created an opportunity for him to take a long shot. Facing a goalkeeper with a high degree of tension, Wang Ai kicked in the moment of the breakthrough. It hit the door and didn't give him any preparation time.

Accurate blind spots, highly concealed calf swings and huge power, even Kahn, now Buffon, Casillas will be helpless.

The white robes on the stands stood up and applauded, screaming, Wang Ai also happily celebrated with his teammates and waved to them.

When the strength gap widens to a certain extent, it is almost equivalent to an adult hitting a child. If it weren't for Inter Milan's exhaustion, it would not have been so strenuous, but Wang Ai, who has always been physically hidden, would be fine, let alone only half an hour.

Yes, it's only half an hour, but for some superstars, half an hour is enough.

Next, Wang Ai scored two goals in the 37th and 42nd minutes of the game. The second goal was a high ball sent by Sneijder. Wang Ai made a peculiar breakthrough method. He slammed into his opponent with a strong heart with his back, and slightly bent down to meet the height of about 1.5 meters. He didn't use his feet. He was afraid of being rushed away by the opponent, so he chose to use his head to face the incoming ball. Light a top.

The football fluttered over the heads of the two of them. After finishing the action, Wang Ai deliberately moved the center of gravity forward to make the opponent's feet sway next to him, and then took this opportunity to quickly turn around and receive an "assistance" from him a second ago. The goalkeeper, who was neither attacking nor staying behind, volleyed a ball close to the goal post.

The third ball was slightly ordinary. It was a tactical corner kick from Stankovic. Wang Ai stood on the outside of the penalty area and shot inward after receiving the ball. It was ordinary and efficient.

It was also relying on Wang Ai's perfect performance that Inter Milan finally won the fifth laurel of the 0809 season, further achieving an unprecedented five crown status in Serie A. And Wang Ai himself not only won the Golden Boot of this World Club Cup with 4 goals, the host also excitedly announced to the audience during the awards: the Chinese star king, with a record of 8 goals in 5 games, he has become The strongest shooter in the history of the Club World Cup. Moreover, he represented three different teams to participate!

It was Deportivo in the 0304 season, it was Chelsea in the 0506 season, and this was Inter Milan in the 0809 season!

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