Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 487: ?Blizzard (7)

Most of the national teams are here, and a small ten-day training camp must be held without organization and management. Lao Shen is at most a staff role, and he is not in his position and does not seek political affairs. After all, this is Gao Hongbo's team. So before the dissolution of Christmas Day, Wang Ai entrusted all this to Zhao Xuri.

In another 7 or 8 years, it will be time to retire. The little friends who grew up together have a general plan for their retirement life because of their personality, hobbies, and talents. For example, Wang Ai said in the team that after he retired, he would be at ease to be a national mascot, a face that flashes in the camera every major festival. Take Chen Tao, for example. He is very envious of pastoral life. He wants to buy a piece of land, build a house, raise chickens, ducks, dogs, cats and fish... Zhou Haibin’s ideas are more traditional or conservative. He hopes to continue to work in football. Coach or work in the club.

Zhao Xuri has a big heart. His plan is to own a club of his own, and like Lao Gao led them to dig out a team from an early age. Simply put, he just wants to be the boss, team leader and coach...

Regardless of how many things can be achieved in the future, Wang Ai will create opportunities for him to exercise. In the past, the captain of this national team was Chen Tao, who was fully responsible for the daily management of the team and the implementation of the coaching staff's will. But because Chen Tao yearns for a rural life, Wang Ai never ignores these trivial things, so the power of team management has gradually shifted to the hands of the two captains Zhao Xuri and Zhou Haibin.

However, this is the first time that Zhao Xuri independently presides over team affairs.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Ai left the Tubingen Youth Hotel, and when he called Huang Xin and learned that she would not be home at around 6 o'clock, he had made plans. Then I went to a sports souvenir store run by Kugel for half an hour, leaving a few photos and taking Liu Liang to a supermarket that he was familiar with back then.

After some shopping, the two wandered back with a lot of things. Today's weather is okay, it's relatively sunny, but it's very cold. The cold wind blowing from the North Sea carried a large amount of water vapor across northern and central Germany, all the way to the foot of the Alps, ascending, while sprinkling snowflakes. After crossing the sky over Switzerland, it pounced on the Milan area of ​​Italy, and it became dry and warm.

"Come and help." At home, Wang Ai greeted Liu Liang and a guard who stayed behind to go to the kitchen to help him.

"Today I will show you something." Wang Ai cut the vegetables.

When it got dark, when Huang Xin walked to the door with the three guards, he was surprised to smell the strong fragrance wafting out of the room. As a person who often exchanges dietary experience with nearby "Chinese neighbors", Huang Xin knew from the knowledge that these are not one or two delicious foods, but a lot of delicious foods.

A little unexpected and anxious, Huang Xin stopped at the door and happened to hear someone in the living room say: "Why haven't you come back? Isn't it six o'clock? Then you can call and ask, it won't be delicious anymore."

Huang Xin took a deep breath and stepped forward. One of her guards pushed open the door first: "Sister Huang is back, what is delicious?"

When the door was opened, the light of the bright living room immediately flooded the three people in front of the door. Wang Ai, who was wearing only a thermal underwear, had tired and gratified faces after his busy life, but his temper was still jumping off: "Come on. Come on, I sent a pot to Director Shen just now, this is the last pot!"

"One pot..." Huang Xin shook his head and laughed.

The scent of food can really dilute people's fatigue. Huang Xin put down her bag and coat, revealing her slim figure, and walked two steps to the dining table. Because of the large number of people, today the dining table was moved from the kitchen to the middle of the hall. The one with green and white background and black and red should be roasted sea cucumber with green onion, and the red fish with sour taste should be sweet and sour carp, and one with dark red and bright red. The light yellow and emerald green stacks seem to be stir-fried kidneys, but should it be duck legs that are fried in a pan? There is also a big one with the lid on. Next to the main course, there are four vegetarian dishes including steamed cabbage with garlic vermicelli, stir-fried mushrooms with chestnut and green beans, mixed cauliflower and white radish dipping sauce.

"So grand?" Huang Xin smiled and sat down: "Where is the staple food?"

"Oh, I'll get it now!" Wang Ai got up and ran into the kitchen with a gust of wind.

"Dr. Wang said that today is the festival of foreigners, the way of Chinese people. We follow the customs in the countryside and retain our own characteristics."

"The staple food, today is Yangzhou fried rice and fresh meat chaos, which one would you like?" Wang Ai asked Huang Xin as he handed out a few plates.

Huang Xin suddenly became embarrassed. She had been busy all day, and she still had Wang Ai in her heart, so she didn't eat much at noon. At this moment, she was seduced by Caixiang and became hungry again. So a compromise said: "I will try both to see if your craftsmanship has regressed all these years after you left Germany?"

Chaos stuffing stumbled too much. Fortunately, after being reminded, only half a pot was cooked, which was enough for one person and one small bowl. It was definitely not enough to eat. But I was afraid of monotony, so I temporarily processed Yangzhou fried rice. Diced carrots, sausages, shrimps, and eggs were readily available, and the processing was easy.

Wang Ai put a few bowls out again. He and Huang Xin were sitting next to each other. There was a plate of fried rice between them, and one small bowl of chaos: "Sister, can you say something?"

"Hmm..." Huang Xin looked at a table of dishes and a table of people, and pondered for a moment: "Is there another dish that hasn't been opened yet?"

Several guards who were very close to her laughed, and Wang Ai patted his head: "Busy forget, this is the main course!"

As he said, stood up and rubbed his hands, lifted the buckle of the small pot in the middle, and a faint mist rose. Huang Xin saw the clear soup, a few curved green onions, and seven or eight plump chicken nuggets.

"Chicken soup." Huang Xin sat down again: "My glutton was hooked up. I tell you Wang Ai, if it doesn't taste good, it's not the taste in my memory, today your thoughts will be wasted."

Wang Ai covered her mouth exaggeratedly, and Huang Xin smiled and shook her head to look at everyone: "Everyone has worked hard. We are all alone away from home. Fortunately, we still have each other. Come on, eat."

Huang Xin lowered her head and ate a chaos, full of fragrant taste, a long-lost sense of satisfaction came to her heart, even the coriander leaves in the wonton soup looked charming and lovely.

After everyone had tasted the chicken soup, she stretched out the public spoon to scoop a spoon into the small bowl in front of her, and tasted it briefly. It was the taste of a distant childhood wrapped in heat. No wonder it just came out on the dinner table. A strange sound.

Huang Xin's gaze subconsciously found Wang Ai, but saw that he was looking at herself with a smirk.

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