Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 538: Champions League King (8)

In the colorful comments of commentators and commentators from various countries, at 8:45 pm local time and 2:45 am China time on the 23rd, as the referee’s whistle sounded, Inter Milan was on the right, Bayern on the left, blue and black and Red and white are fighting together.

At the beginning of the game, the two sides were quite bold. These are two powerful teams committed to realizing the dream of a triple crown. Of course they will not be timid or flinching. The two attack systems created by Van Gaal and Jose are here. The midfielder started a collision.

Gradually, the opening contest between the two sides became stable, Bayern gained more ball time, and Inter Milan gained more efficient attack efficiency. It is hard to say who has the upper hand. Wang Ai, who has directly participated in the game for a few minutes, suddenly felt a bit interesting after discovering that the two sides had gradually found a rhythm. These few minutes seemed to be related to the changes in his position in the national team and deeper things, so he decided to take a good look after the game. Look, study it.

After the situation gradually stabilized, Bayern attacked mainly from the two sides, while Inter Milan was in full bloom. From the perspective of the scene, whenever Bayern attacked Inter Milan halftime, they would face a problem of lack of direct penetration means, forward and midfielder. The field line is facing a disconnect and must rely on two sides to connect, which is far not as close as Inter Milan's three lines. This situation has also attracted the attention of many football commentators. In their hearts, Inter Milan's balance is more inclined.

However, Inter Milan did not get the goal right away. Wang Ai's dribbling several times was destroyed by his opponent's brave kicks. Inter Milan's attack system, including Wang Ai, still needs to touch a strange opponent again and find one. Find loopholes.

In the 8th minute of the first half, Robben was brought down by Samuel in a breakthrough with a good chance. In the 10th minute, Wang Ai was also dragged down by Lahm. The two No. 10s on both sides were violated. Fortunately, both sides knew that it was the Champions League final, and the kicks were not black, but from the subsequent game situation, Robben's burden was heavier, and his running speed decreased linearly, and there was no chance to launch a fast break. But Wang Ai felt nothing.

To put it bluntly, Bayern's most powerful player accidentally misfired, and Inter's most powerful player has not yet started.

In the 13th minute of the game, the biggest threat to Inter Milan since the start of the game appeared. Wang Ai quickly turned and shot at the goal after receiving a direct pass from Eto'o from close range. The speed surpassed Bout's reaction speed, but finally hit the goal post.

Wang Ai, who stood up again, clearly heard a sigh of at least 40,000 out of 80,000 people, couldn't help but smiled, then ran back to the penalty area and waited for the kick.

"Little Wang'er seems to be very relaxed?" Duan Xuan now had a gossip heart again.

"Prior to this, Xiao Wanger has reached the Champions League final three times and won the championship three times." Zhang Lu concluded in two concise words.

"Oh? I really didn't pay attention to this. Want to say that, this game?"

"Anyway, Xiao Wang should be confident, eh, look at this, take a direct free kick, who will take the penalty?"

Duan Xuan also noticed the direct free kick created by Pandev when he was tipped over 40 meters away from the goal. He couldn't help but said: "This distance is a bit far, right?"

"Sneijder, Sneijder take the penalty!" Zhang Lujie said: "Sneijder is Inter Milan's set-kick penalty shooter, not to mention Bernabeu here again. Did you notice that Zanetti slipped twice in a row shortly after the opening? ? Spain's stadium is obviously more suitable for shorter, low-centered play."

Wang Ai ran to a group of defensive players behind the wall and waited for the opportunity. Sneijder kicked it out and landed in the range of the goal frame, but was firmly hugged by Bout.

A sigh rose in the hearts of all the Chinese, including Duan Xuan and Zhang Lu, but they couldn't say anything. Can't you say that Wang Ai must come for a free kick? Sneijder is not bad. More importantly, they have a very good relationship with Wang Ai, so these Wang Ai's friends will not do things to sow discord.

The game continued, and the roles of Bayern and Inter were more distinct. Bayern seemed calm, but it was weak. Inter seemed to be anti-counterfeit, but it was actually more efficient. From the 13th to the 25th minute of the game, Bayern also completed several shots. As far as threats are concerned, they are actually under the control of Inter Milan's defense line, and there is no phenomenon of detaching from control. Robben’s shot in front of the goal was turned into an anti-aircraft gun because of Samuel’s approach, Mueller’s shot in front of the goal was lost because of Lucio’s impact, and Robben’s in-cut shot was because of Sane. Di's followed closely and went out of the door.

On the contrary, Inter Milan, which has gradually adapted to Bayern's defensive system, began to show off.

In the 26th minute of the match, Julio kicked the ball with a big kick and landed on the head of Wang Ai. He pushed Sneijder to the side and turned and ran. Sneijder took control of the football and then crossed the ball in the movement. The ball passed between Demichelis and Van Boiten and was picked up by Wang Ai, who started from the side, and turned into a single shot.

With the attention of the fans in the red and white striped shirts behind the Bayern goal, Wang Ai stepped across the defense and got the football close to Bout. After Bout attacked, his right foot quickly stabbed the football. Although Bout's body was very low, even though he fell down the first time, it was still too late. Wang Ai's ball speed was too fast and his shot was too decisive.

The silent Bayern fans listened to the Italians' "ai" shouts, wanting to get angry, not getting angry, wanting to cry, without tears. They couldn't help but look at Bayern's coaching seat and bench, where there is also a Chinese, Luo Tongliang, who has gradually been abandoned by Van Gaal this season.

Following the live broadcast footage, Duan Xuan and Zhang Lu also noticed Luo Tongliang sitting on the bench at Bayern. Duan Xuan said with emotion: "It's a pity that they are not regarded as the Chinese derby in the Champions League. They are the best center defenders and center forwards of the Chinese team. The confrontation must be very interesting. Director Zhang, why don't you say that Van Gaal doesn't use Luo Tongliang?"

"Luo Tongliang is 31 this year, and is almost reaching the age of retirement. This age is more embarrassing in a rich team." Zhang Lu said deeply: "Actually, I think Ronaldinho is in good condition, mainly from the perspective of the team's replacement consider."

Speaking of the topic, this turned back to the ongoing game, because in the next step, Luo Tongliang will continue to stay in Bayern or go to other small and medium teams, no one can tell, and these two should not be in front of the national fans. Give pointers to his career.

The three swords of Tubingen had their own achievements. Luo Tongliang achieved the worst because of position, but scored the winning goal in the final of the 2008 Olympic Games. He is recognized as an underrated shooter because of the all-around shooter Wang Ai. And the star, so both the critics and the fans have a special preference for him.

In the 37th minute of the game, Inter Milan won the second direct free kick of almost the same distance. This time, it was Wang Ai's turn to take the penalty.

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