Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 561: ?Thousands of Waters and Thousands of Mountains (1)

   A good night’s sleep. After waking up, everyone had a full meal. On behalf of the national team, Wang Ai had a friendly conversation with the representatives of the Chinese-funded enterprises who helped rent the manor. After that, he waved goodbye and went to the airport with the team. The next city for the competition is Port Elizabeth, also called Mandela.

  After landing at the airport, under the leadership of Ma Dong, the Chinese team came to the second short-term rental suburban manor with curiosity.

  This is the mountain north of Port Elizabeth and the west side of the city. The manor is provided by a local black chief. The only requirement is Wang Ai's signature football.

After    settled in, Gao Hongbo announced a holiday during the day and resumed training at night. Although the next game will be four days later, everyone still needs to relax. Yesterday’s game was too tired.

  It's not exciting, but it consumes a lot of money.

  After lunch, everyone went back to the room for a nap, and they came to the small theater in the afternoon to watch a movie.

  Today is playing "The Wind", which is in response to the mood of yesterday's hard competition.

  After dinner, everyone went to a nearby elementary school. They simply trained for two hours and then returned. Then, as long as they wanted to do in the manor, Wang Ai was called to Yan Shiduo’s team leader’s room because the domestic newspaper published today was delivered.

Let’s first look at the evaluations of this game by various sports media published in Europe today. It is roughly four-six-six, with more than half of them boasting Spain, and less than half of them saying that the Chinese team is good. The major sports newspapers in Asia are just the opposite. What's interesting is that a domestic media that is famous for independent thinking reprinted an article that is said to be a small Eastern European country. It said that the Spanish team actively sought to break the goal in this game, while the Chinese team's tactics were dull and unflexible and completely lost the king. Ai's great pleasure as a super striker turned the game into a rugby game.

  The most interesting thing is that in the translation process, the editor used a Chinese idiom: dumb as a wooden chicken.

  Wang Ai believes that the original text of the Western media will never use such a vocabulary that Western readers cannot understand. This can only be added by domestic editors to strengthen the persuasiveness of the report or express their hatred.

   "Say that the Spanish team is a competitive cockfighting team with brave performance, and that the Chinese team is a group of slow-reacting and slow-moving wooden chickens?" Wang Ai put down the newspaper: "Isn't the leader enough?"

  Yan Shiduo also put down the newspaper he had in hand: “The leader has something to say, but he doesn’t let anyone spread rumors and slanders, but he didn’t say not to let anyone reprint it. In the past, we played the World Cup and the messy news was flying all over the sky.

  Wang Ai curled his lips. No matter what you do in China these days, there are people who sing the opposite. Last year was the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Wang Ai posted a "Happy Birthday to China" on Weibo, and there were people who left comments and scolded his mother.

"I guess they are still afraid of our fans. They want us to be more civilized. They really annoyed the fans and smashed their newspaper. They didn't have any reason to go." Wang Ai opened another newspaper: "Oh! Yeah, they like democracy the most."

  Yan Shiduo was indifferent to Wang Ai’s acrimony. Wang Ai looked at others, and then at his sudden frustration: "My mouth, improper government is definitely the right choice."

Yan Shiduo couldn’t help himself. He laughed and said, “If you are a member of the system, you must be cautious when you speak, because if you are willing or not, others will interpret your speech as an organizational speech. In fact, you belong to a public institution. It's also a person in the system."

  Wang Ai shrugged and opened his laptop to browse the major Chinese communities. The reaction of the fans was much milder than that of the media.

In fact, even if it is applauded, there is no shortage of changes to the Chinese team's style of play, especially the doubt that his good forward Wang Ai does not play in the midfield, but after all, it is not easy to tie Spain, so it is not harsh, and the result is the majority. All posts start with "I don't understand", not "Gao Hongbo is crazy".

   "If you don't score that goal, I'm afraid it will be a different story." Zhang Jilong pointed to the Weibo that Wang Ai had read.

  Wang Ai pondered for a moment, then looked at the computer screen and said: "It depends on the situation, you still have to persist."

  After reading the newspaper, Yan Shiduo still informed Wang Ai of the “congratulatory message” sent by Director Vidi yesterday: The leader who originally used to observe the game against the Spanish team to determine when to start work has nodded.

After hearing the news, Wang Ai rubbed his hands, overjoyed. The leader understands it and it's easy to handle. As for ordinary fans, they won't ask for more. Anyway, the set goal of the Chinese team remains unchanged, and the rest of the game must go all the way to victory.

  So what else can I say?

Since there was nothing worth paying attention to in the media circle, Wang Ai put down the newspaper and prepared to go out. But when he walked to the door, he heard the noise outside. He felt strange when he pushed the door and found out that it was a member of the Chinese star football team. A large group of film and television singers, and of course comedians.

  Okay, it's very lively.

  Zhao Benshan saw Wang Ai stepping up: "Let's find it easily! This place is nice, quiet!"

  In recent years, at least the national name of Chinese football has shown a relatively sharp upward curve. Therefore, the Chinese star football team has not disbanded or ceased activities, but the popularity of the league among the people has decreased slightly, and their activity frequency has also decreased.

  The two sides are old friends. After so many years, the national team will not accept others and must accept these people. In fact, there is not much to say. On this occasion, these big stars with countless fans really came to chase stars.

  While chatting, Wang Ai looked around and found that some people should have not come, probably because they are busy with work, after all, the World Cup is half a month away, of course, there are also some new faces, most of whom are women, um...

During the preparations for the 2007 Asian Cup, many pretty girls from the entertainment industry went to Beijing to visit the class. Wang Aigang 20, whether it is for a good relationship, or want to get some resources from Beyond Entertainment, or even more daring, anyway. It is human nature.

  But after that time, Mr. Zhang Xiuyun, who is in charge of the film and television of Beyond Entertainment, said: Our little Wanger has a girlfriend, don't think about it. Sure enough, it was said in the circle that no one received a call from Wang Ai after so many beautiful girls.

  The combination of the two, the people in the circle know it in their hearts, and it is ugly, people don't want to happen to the girls in this circle now. But on the other hand, people will not force you to do something because of what they want to happen to you, just like going beyond the culture of entertainment.

  You can say that it is beyond the conservative and old-fashioned of entertainment, but everyone admits that it is beyond the decent of entertainment.

  After the same thing as Wang Ai, people know where the ethos of transcending entertainment comes from.

  So these new female stars who are here today are much purer. After chatting happily, Lao Gao moved out of the karaoke house.

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