Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 563: Thousands of Waters and Thousands of Mountains (3)

Two middle-aged men in their early 40s called a young man in their early 20s to shock and couldn't sleep.

"Then you said, he didn't learn this set? The country would like it? The country can't keep him far away? Keep all the good land?"

Lao Gao nodded: "To tell you the truth, I have also pondered this matter. Once I asked an old leader to report to the work, I mentioned it. Unexpectedly, my old leader admired him very and very much."

Seeing that Li Bing waited eagerly, Lao Gao stopped selling his own products and continued: "He said that the Development and Reform Commission has studied this matter specifically, and the final conclusion is: First, the procedures for people to buy land are legal, reasonable prices, and compliant. The superiors had no reason to intervene; secondly, after the local government sold the land to his family, with the help of his reputation and the increasing number of fans over the years, the popularity of the place rose, and a small business district was formed, which is conducive to driving. The surrounding land prices have appreciated; third, since they are sold as cultural and sports land, which is relatively cheap, the purchase price is not high, about 30% higher, and the local government has no economic pressure; fourth, after they receive the land transfer payment , Will continue to select suitable sites to continue to build the stadium, and it will continue to develop. Although the initial investment is large, it is not expected to pay back for the time being. The above estimate is that they are exploring and waiting for the maturity of the timing of stadium fees, and the other is that 50 years have really arrived. They have priority to renew contracts, which means that after 50 years, China’s real estate will have been cold, and this stadium has really become a stadium. The local government will not deprive them of their right to renew contracts for no reason. At most they are profitable. If there are more, local governments have more points, and earn less points. Our national policy encourages and supports the development of private enterprises; fifth, the most important thing is this fifth. After listening to it, I suddenly realized that I admire the five-body investment."

Li Bing unscrewed a bottle of drink and handed it to Lao Gao.

"Fifth." Lao Gao pointed his finger up: "People bought land in a worthless place on the edge of the city a few years in advance, and it was a large-scale purchase of land across the country, and it cost tens of billions. What does this prove?"

Lao Gao sighed: "This proves that people are optimistic about the country's development!"

Lao Gao shook his head: "This is equivalent to signing a risk-sharing agreement with the country. If the country develops well, their family will be able to drink soup. If the country develops poorly, they will lose money! Hey, talk about Lao Li, Is there a deeper expression of patriotism than this? Ah? I'm only now. What is "deep love"!"

Seeing Li Bing stunned, Lao Gao said with a complicated expression: "Have you heard of a lot of wealthy people emigrating? What about people? I won’t talk about my junior’s earning money from a foreign country to support education. Their company makes money and does not invest in foreign countries or diversify risks. Instead, they all invest back. They don’t go to grab real estate development with the princes, just do this hard work, just do what the country wants to do, and pay back for a while. I can’t do it. Hey Lao Li, think about it, if you are a leader, do you like this? For example, you are a patriarch. Your boss makes money and doesn’t buy clothes, don’t brag, don’t Please have a meal, and you will be honest and come back to repair the broken house at home. You are the parent, do you like it?"

Li Bing's hands rubbed the armrest of the chair unconsciously, his face flushed with excitement: "If I were a parent, I would give this child what he wants!"

"What if they don't want it?"

"Then, I have to promise him a happy life!"

Lao Gao said twice before he continued: "My old leader said that there is no point in discussing how their family can calculate. Once the calculation reaches this level, it is no longer a question of calculation, but a question of "Tao". In other words, People have firmly tied their own destiny to the country. Therefore, if the country develops well, they will succeed in everything and do everything. People may not have calculated these at all, or they may have calculated it for a while, and then just do it. But because their interests are too deeply tied to the country, even if they are stupidly following the car, they have also mixed up with one of the country's largest real estate developers! And... is he not his main business!"

"Grass!" Li Bing was also amused: "Fate is too good."

Lao Gao shook his head: "It's okay to say it's fate, or it's okay to say it's the way. People mainly have vision and see clearly. Do you remember what he said on Bai Yansong's show in 2006? "

"Changed to another government?" Li Bing was extremely impressed: "I was shocked when I saw this. He dared to say anything."

"Like you, I was so scared that I couldn't sleep in the middle of the night." Lao Gao said with deep feelings: "But from my observation, he is sincere. You have also taken our national conditions class. Since childhood, he has always It’s all this point of view, and it’s never changed. That time when he said these words, it was equivalent to using his folk influence to set things right in the field of thought. Anyway... Hey, the more I think about it, the less it’s unpleasant, you Take a look at what they are doing! Look at us again, what did we do? We had millions of fans back then? What did we do? They are all in vain! Nothing! Compared to others, what did we do? Didn't do it either!"

Li Bingpin: "Brother Gao, I'm telling you the truth, I'm a bit...cough, I can't understand Xiao Wang'er. You said he has the money and the achievements, so why bother to say those nasty things? What can't you order? Those beautiful girls who came here today, I looked at them all with the meaning of jumping up. Isn't there such a thing in life? He is really...that..."

When Li Bing said this, he shook his head, not knowing what words to use.

Lao Gao shook his head and waved his hands: "Don't ask me, I can't figure it out. But I think my old husband may understand it better. Last year, the old man said this sentence during the Chinese New Year. Go home and look up what is the three immortality."

"What?" Li Bing didn't understand.

"Immortality, immortality, that immortality."

Li Bing opened his hand with a rich expression.

"I really checked. The book in "Turn Left"... is the book that Guan Gong always read." Lao Gao reminded him, and then said: "There are three immortals in it. Helping the poor and helping the poor, benefiting the vast majority, is called Lide. Making meritorious service is similar to what we mean now, and then Liyan, which means that what people say, hits the key, can be passed on for a long time."

"Needless to say, what about meritorious deeds? For the first time since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the National Museum has opened up a personal exhibition area for an active athlete...more than four years! You taste the taste here? Lide, what I can tell you now is, He will soon become the number one philanthropist in the entire Greater China region, and it is real money, nothing is vain... Can you now know what my younger brother thinks?"

"...He wants to be a saint?"

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