Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 595: This is the homeland of heroes (5)

The chatting stopped, the poker player covered his cards, and the music player took off his headphones; Zhang Jilong opened his eyes, Lao Gao looked away, and Li Bing turned around with interest and put his arms on the back of the chair. Going up, even Fan Zhiyi put his hands on his lower abdomen, closed his eyes and raised his ears, waiting to hear what the "little boss" had to say.

"The first thing is that this trip is considered to be a consummation of merit. From the perspective of football players, we can even be considered a consummation of life. Then when we return to China, we should eat, drink, and play, surely. We’re all like this, right? To be honest, it’s almost the same when I return to China. I also need to relax. I have been exhausted for more than a year." Wang Ai said in a leisurely tone: "But I suddenly remembered something. It’s something, last year, we came back from the Confederations Cup and we learned from the pain and decided to play a big game. At that time, I didn’t know anything about it, so I went to meet the handsome Nian with Gao Gui. The handsome Nian asked at the time. For such a thing as me, saying that your little Wanger is so skilled, have you ever thought of teaching others?"

Seeing that some people have begun to think, Wang Aicai continued: "I said at the time that some of my key technologies could not be spread for the time being. It is enough for me to have one of my skills in the Chinese team, and it would be too much for us to have one opponent. Shuai retreats, saying that your key skills are not proliferated, but what about your general skills? What about your football thinking? What about your training thinking? Is it possible? When I think about this, it seems to work. Older means old. Taking advantage of my current reputation, I should find opportunities to open a football training camp, summer camp or something. I don’t need too much time. Ten days will do. Say I can gather all the most qualified children in the country. Stars can help them improve football. Level. The original words of old age are you now, even if it is just a word of instruction, it may help them avoid detours for several years. The old age also promised me that your kid wants to really do this, no matter where the world is. , I will go with a stick to cheer you up!"

"Let's go to join us!" Zhao Xuri roared.

Wang Ai chong everyone bowed their hands: "But, this happened a year ago, maybe at that time, I didn't expect us to win the championship, so he said to me at that time. But a year later, we are really world champions. There are three of you who have been selected for this World Cup’s best team. In your position, you are not said to be the world's first, and you dare to say that you are world-class, not to mention the world-class, but also to say that the first in Asia Isn’t it right? Your current appeal will definitely exceed me a year ago, so if you think about it a year later, it’s not my business alone."

When many people heard this, Wang Ai continued: "I was tired from training a few days ago. I chatted with Director Li. He told me about the relationship between Chinese football in the past eighty years. He said. For example, who is the old age? It is the coach of Coach Xu Genbao, who is Coach Xu Genbao? He is the enlightenment coach of high guidance, and Gao Zhi is the enlightenment coach of your little Wanger, and he is also the biggest in this national team. The source is the basic coach of the 85 national youth. Where did the high coach teach us the skills, movements, and awareness back then? He has his own football career summary, and what else? His teacher taught him, that is, coach Xu Genbao A summary of the experience of football career. What coach Xu Genbao taught Gao is not only the summary of coach Xu Genbao himself, but also what the coach taught him. Where did the coach’s knowledge come from that year? There are also two parts, including his own Yes, there are also his teachers. Who is his teacher? Li Fenglou! Who is Li Fenglou? The first-generation Chinese star of the same generation as Li Huitang."

Hearing this, Zhao Xuri shook his fingers: "So, we are the fifth generation of football players in New China? I always hear what the director has for the fifth and sixth generations. It turns out that we are also the fifth generation, hehe."

Wang Ai waved his hand: "Strictly speaking, regardless of this matter, after all, a coach’s career is very long. His students may be tens of years old, but probably this is the context. In fact, if we follow the old society In terms of the teacher-inherit relationship, Fan Zhiyi and Fan will count as my uncle, Sun Jihai, and Sun Jihai, also my uncle. I have to behave a little bit when I meet, at least it’s not okay to drink alcohol like last night."

Bai Guanghai raised his hand: "What about me? How about me?"

"Roll!" Wang Ai waved his hand: "Your enlightenment coach is Zhang Yin, and that is Xu Genbao's generation, but you let Tang Yaodong take it in the Liaoqing period, and Tang Yaodong is my uncle, so you are equal to me!"

"By the time I'm the same generation!" Lao Bai mumbled unhappy.

Wang Ai ignored him and continued: "In 1951, the Bayi team went to Europe. First, the Bulgarian People’s Army kicked 9:1, then turned around and ran into the Czechoslovak People’s Army and asked them to kick 17:1. The commander is not as big as we are. What a frustration is this? Just like this, he turned his pain and tears into experience and handed it over to Guidance Xu, Guidance Xu to Guidance, and Guidance to us. We though. We are always praised as geniuses, but we have to understand that we are not geniuses, even if it is a small technical action, it is also the scientific achievement that the predecessors of the past generations have continuously summarized, and they are all the lessons of their long-term knowledge and even blood. This helps. We surpassed them in the first step of our football career. Therefore, even though we are world champions today and our results have surpassed our predecessors in the past generations, we must not be crazy. What's going to happen in the future? It's not people who forget their roots!"

Seeing Wang Ai's face serious, everyone became serious and nodded one after another.

"From Li Fenglou to Gao Hongbo, generations of top Chinese stars have been doing the same thing. Now, we are the top Chinese stars, and it is our turn to do this. I'm going to be honest, now In the Chinese football world, what we say is right, what is right, what we say is wrong, and what is wrong. Then how do we use this influence? Nonsense is fine, and it's fine to do something right."

"There is a joke that since only four steamed buns are enough to be full, don’t you need to eat the first three? We all know this is a joke, but if we forget the inheritance of Chinese football from generation to generation, then we and Guang Is there a difference between eating the fourth steamed bun?" Wang Ai's voice echoed in the quiet cabin: "This man, there is no bitterness that cannot be eaten, but there is a blessing that cannot be enjoyed. What do you mean? What do you mean when you endure hardship? When you climb the slope, you have goals, ideals, and motivation. But are you at the top? If you have no goals or ideals, you have no motivation. Yan Song, Xiao Mao?"

Wang Ai suddenly called his name. Yan Song, who was listening in the crowd, was full of spirits. Mao Jianqing raised his hand: "Boss, I'm here, I haven't slept."

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