Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 627: Ray (7)

Chaoyue Entertainment is not the boss or second in the domestic entertainment circle. It belongs to mid-tier and medium-sized creative companies. However, because it has its own literary website, its own production company, and its own theater line, it is compared with the above and below. More than. In terms of style, it belongs to the kind of particularly honest production company that wins with products. For example, the actor array is full of "powerful guys" with crooked melons and jujubes. The director's lineup is the most stable but rarely exploded over the years. Zhang Yimou, the art director invited the decent Chen Daoming.

With the success of "Demeanor" centered on Rong Zhi's behavior, and with Wang Ai calling on football players to write memoirs, more and more sports books have been received in the past few years. The second sports film "Changchun" is a story about Liu Changchun.

Therefore, Chaoyue Entertainment is a bit of a professional film company.

But no matter what, he was in this circle. Even if Wang Ai didn't care too much, he couldn't hide things in this circle. Correspondingly, he also heard about the entertainment circles in the next few countries or regions.

Hearing such a proposal while half drunk and half awake, Wang Ai immediately became alert, but on the surface, he still had a drink with Shunsuke Nakamura on the opposite side, and then turned his head to ask the interpreter as if he realized it later, and the interpreter repeated. Again.

Wang Ai turned to look at the smiling Japanese Football Association senior named Oda: "Can I? Can you?"

Oda chuckled twice, nodding awkwardly, but couldn't help but peek at the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"Then let me think about it, ah, do I like that female star?" Wang Ai looked down and searched his stomach. The translator sent from the embassy was nervous. He reminded Oda, who was afraid to upset him, that he was unhappy. Of course, he was also afraid that Wang Ai would drink too much. .

After waiting like this for about a minute, Wang Ai suddenly looked up: "Ah, I remember!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Ai turned to Oda and said sincerely: "Please arrange for me to meet her!"

The translator kept staring at Wang Ai, but still translated the words awkwardly.

The thankful Oda nodded after hearing the sound: "Wang Jun, please say, we will not let you down."

"Ah!" Wang Ai folded his hands together: "She is so brilliant, so perfect, and her melody always haunts my mind. How I wish to see her and talk to her."

Oda got closer: "Wang Jun, please say her name."

"...Miyuki Nakajima." Wang Ai's face was a little red, and after speaking, he looked at the other side carefully: "Okay?"

The Chinese translator stiffly translated Wang Ai's words to the dazed Oda.

"Wang Jun, are you sure it is Miyuki Nakajima? The Song of Parting, Miyuki Nakajima from Sapporo?"

After getting the affirmative reply from Wang Ai, Oda's expression changed again and again, a little surprised, a little shameful, and a little angry: "Wang Jun, Nakajima is our legendary musician in Japan!"

"Yes." Wang Ai said seriously as if she didn't understand the other party's mentality at all: "I have liked her work for many years. I only learned a lot of popular songs in mainland China when I grew up. The original author was her."

Speaking of this, Wang Ai sighed and grabbed Oda’s wrist: “Oda-san, if I remember correctly, Nakajima is 58 years old, right? I’m 24 years old this year. If I meet again for another 24 years, then Will she be there by then? Although life is as brilliant as cherry blossoms, it is also as short as cherry blossoms."

Oda looked up and down Wang Ai very seriously this time: "Wang Jun, do you mean to visit her officially?"

"Otherwise?" Wang Ai asked suspiciously.

"Cough cough." Oda coughed twice and bowed his head solemnly: "Please don't worry, Wang Jun, we will arrange this. I believe Nakajima is very willing to meet with you."

"Then please."

Looking at Oda's relief, disappointed, and relieved with satisfaction, he quietly left, Wang Ai chuckled lightly and gave a toast to Nakata, who was not far away.

At eleven o'clock in the night, the stars of the two countries who were drinking straight were separated in front of the izakaya. Although reporters were not brought to the dinner party, the players of both sides were not prohibited from taking photos by themselves. I believe that after the appearance of a large number of naive photos of the players on the Japanese Internet, ordinary Japanese people will have a better impression of China.

In the large suite of Shinagawa Prince Hotel, Shi Wenjun, who returned to the inside after bringing two cups of tea, saw Wang Aizheng and Zhang Jilong, who were not drunk at all, laughed at the last moment when the door closed.

"Wang Ai, how did you think of this trick?" Zhang Jilong pointed to Wang Ai and couldn't help but: "I was worried that something would go wrong. Who would have thought that you actually offered to meet an old lady.",

"Before I came, I knew some of the bad customs in the Japanese entertainment industry. I guess I have similar problems with my current influence and status." Wang Ai picked up his teacup and took a sip and laughed: "The so-called guest, whatever the host is. If I don’t agree, they will inevitably make them guess that the Chinese delegation’s management is too strict and inhumane. But if I agree, even if I just meet and chat casually, I’m afraid the right-wing media will clamor about right and wrong. So good. Well, I'm going to meet an old lady, people can't say what can happen to me and her, right?"

Zhang Jilong smiled and shook his head: "You, it's always so unexpected, are you really going?"

Wang Ai nodded: "Yes, one is that I really admire Nakajima, you think, she is almost 60 years old, she still has strong creative power, which is amazing. Think about our musicians until they are 60 years old. What are you doing? Frankly speaking, Vice Chairman Zhang, I am a little tired of football now. I really hope I can learn some ways to keep my interest from her. The other thing is... As far as I know, many songs of Nakajima especially are In recent years, it has been inspirational songs that sing the middle and lower classes of society. From the political spectrum, it is considered to be a left wing. I visited her without any political hidden dangers. At the same time, personally, my visit expressed my respect for Japanese culture. Love and affection must have a huge positive effect on my influence and image in Japanese society. Of course, it is good for her. The Japanese side can brag that she has won the adoration of a cross-border and transnational super star. "

After listening, Zhang Jilong nodded: "Since you are so thorough in your thoughts, let's see how Japan arranges it. If you can, you can go there. This is a good story for the people of the two countries."

Zhang Jilong left in peace. Wang Ai and the guards of the outer room joked and went back to the back room. After tidying up and lying on the bed, the little beauty asked: "Will the Japanese give you a condom?"

"Almost." Wang Ai said hehe: "I mean to eat the icing, and the cannonball will hit him back."

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