Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 631: ?Millions of soldiers in my chest (1)

Watching the figure of the old leader disappear into the night, Wang Ai put his hands in his trouser pockets, lowered his head and walked slowly back to the middle of the yard to sit down again, drank a sip of half-cold tea, and looked up at the dim Galaxy in thought. .

  It has been 18 years since I was reborn in 1993. In terms of money, besides earning it myself, my family is richer, and it has been calculated to be 150 billion. In terms of fame, anyone in the country who has a TV at home has never heard of the name Wang Ai? Especially in the football industry, he is not only the "King of the Ball" in terms of performance, but also the "King of the Ball" of football ideas, youth training system, women's football system, football infrastructure, etc., which is much better than Maradona. NS.

  All aspects have reached the culmination, and have received all the honors that can be obtained. Now Mao-year-old Wang Ai, who is 25 years old, is sitting in the big yard by the sea behind his home and repositioning himself.

The omnipotent performance on the football field, the sharpest attacker in history, no defender or goalkeeper dare to say that he can defend himself, his skills and attacking power have been studied by all opponents, and it seems that he will play again next time. Only "immersed in the pure joy of football" and continued to win glory for the country in every big game.

  Personal pursuit, it seems that there is no such strong motivation as it was back then.

  What do you want to put down football and do? Do you have a business? My parents are still young and strong, and a few women have been trained for many years. It seems there is nothing to do when I suddenly join in. Do academics? Except for a few graduation thesis, all the academic work I have done in these years is actually based on the results to find academic reasons for support. I have not made a real theoretical breakthrough. Even if I have confidence, this is a difficult road. .

   Thinking of this, Wang Ai lowered his head and looked at Shi Wenjun not far away, shook his head and smiled.

  It seems that only enjoying life is the most attractive!

  It doesn’t seem to be impossible to retire at the age of 25. You can eat for a lifetime, or even several lifetimes, by relying on what you have accumulated in the past. I still have a lot of things I want to play and haven't played yet. I still have a lot of things I want to eat and haven't eaten. I still have a lot of things I want to go and haven't finished. I...

  "Why are you laughing, so rippling?" Shi Wenjun finally walked over and sat across from Wang Ai.

  Wang Ai woke up with a cry: "Ripple?"

   "Hmm." The little beauty ate a piece of peach: "It's like a silly kid marrying a wife."

  Wang Ai stood up, smiled peacefully, raised his head and sighed: "Life is like hitting an iron. You have to beat and beat."

"Although I have tried my best to be humble, but I only avoided the consequences of arrogance." Wang Ai explained when he looked at Shi Wenjun's incomprehensible eyes: "But the changes in my heart are still huge. I used to be more cunning, but Over the years, there has been an increasing tendency to'prefer straight to take'. It's not as cautious as before, and it's not as clever as before."

  Shi Wenjun stayed with his chin: "That is to say, you are strong now, too lazy to move your mind?"

"Yes." Wang Ai bent over and took Shi Wenjun's arm: "Until I met a strong, irregular opponent with no bottom line. I was worried about it, and even considered retiring, but the old leader took a deep look. , It’s nice to tell me to give gifts to my door. I’ve been reflecting on my mentality changes over the past few years, especially during this period. In fact, when our family started in the early years, I was very cautious and full of wisdom in struggle."

  Shi Wenjun was dragged by Wang Ai to move forward involuntarily, and he turned his face and said, "Just talk about it?"

"Isn't it? At that time, the family company was just afraid of harassment by hooligans, and deliberately dealt with the police and sent toilet paper to others. Although it is also delivered now, the mentality is completely different." Wang Aila continued to walk with Shi Wenjun: " But I always feel that this is not enough to be a big husband, not enough to be awesome, so when I feel that I have enough strength, I don't bother to do it."

   "Until you find out that the strength is not enough?"

"Isn't it? The ancient emperor has enough power? How powerful is that Li Shimin and Xuanwumen after the incident? The court is all his own, but Wei Zheng scolds him, he can't bear it? No matter how big he is, there is still the people. What do you think of me?"

  "Where are you going to drag me?" Shi Wenjun finally began to struggle.

"Swim with me, calm down with me, and think about how to go in the future." Wang Ai still dragged Shi Wenjun: "By the way, please help me examine the past few years, especially during this period of time. There are places where I don’t speak or behave properly. If I really do something wrong, I have to apologize to others."

  "The big picture is not bad." When Shi Wenjun heard that he was going to swim, he instinctively didn't want to go, but was attracted by Wang Ai's words, so he was awkwardly pulled out of the swimming room.

"I'm not talking about the big face, but the side that will naturally make some people feel uncomfortable after my mentality changes." Wang Ai pushed open the door of the swimming room, turned on the lights casually, and looked at the clear water: "It happens that during this period of time, the gifts I received will no longer be piled up. Who really offends me, choose a gift to give to someone, and make people feel comfortable."

  "Are you overly careful?" Shi Wenjun hugged his shoulders and watched Wang Ai turn around and close the door.

  Wang Ai took off his T-shirt and pointed to his chest: “It is for the sake of good interpersonal relationships, but also for inner peace.”

  After finishing talking, Wang Ai jumped into the water in a fierce manner.

   "Hey, haven't you taken off your pants yet?"

   "Can't wait!" Wang Ai emerged from the water, and threw his wet pants ashore in the water, and of course his shoes: "You want to take off my pants?"

  Wen Jun was stunned, and then the grinning Wang Ai turned to leave. He heard Wang Ai shouting behind him: "If you dare to go, I will go out and hug you in and throw it directly into the water!"

  When Wen Jun’s feet stiffened, he gritted his teeth and turned and pointed at Wang Ai: "Asshole."

  Wang Ai chuckled in the direction of the bathroom and changing room, Shi Wenjun glared: "You haven't gone yet, and I won't go if you don't!"

   "Go, go, go." Wang Ai climbed onto the shore wet, opened his hands and threw at Shi Wenjun.

  Wenjun, who had been prepared for a long time, turned around and ran, and rushed into the women's bathroom first and closed the door.

  It's not a big deal, Leo Ni and Huang Xin, who are also enjoying the coolness, are here. Huang Xin can't get out of the water, but the temperature in the swimming room is lower than outside. You can enjoy the cool and talk while watching several people playing in the water.

When this yard was built, Wang Ai planned to build a standard swimming pool. Later, after an calculation, it was found that 50 times 21, the surface of the water was 1,000 square meters. Although Wang Ai’s yard was very large, it was only more than 3,600 square meters. Meter. So it can only be compressed to 50 times 11, but even so, the water surface is extremely vast, especially when there are few people, there are echoes of speech.

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