Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 639: There are a million soldiers in his chest (9)

  After a week of pre-season training, the relationship between Wang Ai and Benitez has become more harmonious.

   Benitez found that Wang Ai is not as annoying as Gerrard. Although he is sometimes disobedient, at least his attitude is very good. Especially... he can always score! In other words, if Steven did the same back then, I can't bow my head, can I?

Wang Ai found that although Benitez’s tactical vision was completely different from Jose’s and his position requirements were very fixed, but when he broke through his “turret” positioning, he ran to other places or even the side he didn’t like very much. On the road, he is not angry, and even applauds himself after a brilliant performance.

  Everyone understands that Bennister is running the "superstar rule" with Wang Ai, but everyone does not object, Wang Ai silently accepts it.

  Now what he fears most is not a stubborn coach, but a rigid and stubborn tactical coach, which means that no matter how comprehensive he is, he will be constrained in one position. What Wang Ai is most proud of is his versatility, at least the frontcourt versatility, which is his label and one of his football positioning.

  If this is torn off, Wang Ai is a simple super-efficient shooter, and will inevitably consume professional life quickly with high-intensity physical confrontation.

   Fortunately, Benitez is just proud and characteristic, not arrogant.

  Maybe Benitez will be very aggrieved if he listens to Wang Ai’s heartfelt voice: He, who dares to ignore you now?

After another week, the whole team will go to the Louis II Stadium in Monaco to compete with the UEFA Champions League last season for the UEFA Super Cup. Wang Ai called Shi Wenjun after the plane landed and listened to a lot of work. After the report, he suddenly smiled: "You just hide from me."

Shi Wenjun was speechless, and he was supposed to stay in China for at most a week, but every time she was about to leave, she always found that she still needed a job. She has been so dull and sluggish to this day until she was caught by Wang Ai. A sentence pierced.

   "Where else can you go?" Wang Ai said lightly: "It's just something that hurts, so scared?"

   "You bastard!" Shi Wenjun gritted his teeth and said: "My old lady is looking for someone in Beijing, and I will go after the pain!"

  Wang Ai laughed a few times, and suddenly said sternly: "Stop talking nonsense, you come here quickly!"

  Wen Jun dullly listened to the busy tone of the mobile phone, and it took a while to react, angrily patted the mobile phone on the sofa, and then stood up and turned around twice. Then I thought about sitting on the bed with my face in my hands suddenly depressed, and fell back.

  Beijing afternoon sun shines through the window lattice and shines on her slim and beautiful figure.

  After a while, Wenjun sat up again, and while packing up his things, he shouted at the door: "Book a ticket for me now."

  When she came out of the room with the suitcase, she saw Huang Xin, accompanied by the guard, sitting under a tree in the backyard to enjoy the cool, and her pace couldn't help but slow down.

  Huang Xin beckoned: "Are you leaving?"

   "Well, the little **** urges me to come." Shi Wenjun bowed his head and walked forward.

  Huang Xin chuckled and grabbed Shi Wenjun’s hand: "Go, watch our man."

   "Leonie is still there." Shi Wenjun twisted slightly.

   "She can't hold it by herself, and she can't do everything she can." Huang Xin covered her mouth and smiled: "It's really not good, I have tried it all, and you will try it soon."

  When Wenjun called Huang Xin, his face flushed, and he took the suitcase and ran away.

  When Wenjun’s footsteps passed the backyard, Huang Xin’s mobile phone on the stone table lit up, and Yang Jun took it over and looked at the display: “Liaoyang Tubao, it’s still fast.”

  "Hang up for me." Huang Xin waved lightly.

  Such as three.

  After a while, Yan Zhu's phone called, and Huang Xin heard Wang Ai's teeth gritted as soon as Huang Xin got through: "You can be crazy Huang Xin for two months at most!"

  Huang Xin laughed constantly: "There is still a year of breastfeeding. If you dare to bully me, I will starve your son."

   "...Oh, I miss you."

   "Can it be more hypocritical? If it is hard, come soft?"

   "...Always talk about a bit of struggle strategy." Before Huang Xin gets angry, Wang Ai adds: "And now it's hard, hehe... After two months, you are satisfied."

  Huang Xin's anger only passed: "Dare to make me dissatisfied, I will let you take Pfizer's endorsement!"

  Wang Ai said slowly, "Seriously, I didn’t think it before, but now it’s a bit hard to tell."

   "The little beauty walked by my side as soon as she left."

"I know, I can guess that she must be with you. You are both good girls... I promise you that my relationship with you is true, unique, and unique. I mean my feelings for you and No one is the same. It belongs to both of us. Of course, I also have a feeling for other people that belongs to me and her, but I take every one seriously."

   "Hmm." Huang Xin smiled affirmatively: "It just sounds shameless."

"...I have also reflected on it recently. Although I was born at the end of the 80s, although I wanted to make progress, I was influenced by the times and polluted emotionally. Although I enjoyed the process, I didn’t miss it. I have corrected it. But when I really made up my mind to correct it, I found out, alas, Leo Ni has been waiting for me for 8 years... In fact, Huang Xin, you can be regarded as delayed by me. If I want to be cruel, I will be transparent. But Leo Ni can hate me for the rest of my life... It's all wrong anyway." Wang Ai has arrived in the Monaco hotel room at this time, put down his suitcase and walked to the balcony to look at the sea in the distance: "From the perspective of stop loss Considering that forcibly correcting errors is a greater loss for all of us. It is better to make mistakes. Let us all work together to find a way that we are all comfortable with, and work together to find the best result."

Huang Xin listened gently and earnestly, and waited until Wang Ai's voice fell, "Sounds very sincere, but after going wrong along the way, are you sure that your thoughts have been corrected? Are you sure you are not in the name of making mistakes and making mistakes," What's wrong with wrongdoing?"

  Wang Ai listened to music over there: "Well, I apologize, I shouldn’t say that you were silly for three years. You did not say anything, but enhanced your logical analysis ability."

   "Haha." Huang Xin smiled cheerfully: "Well, I won't tell you that I want to go to the bathroom, don't worry about me, I'm fine."

  The two chatted for a few more words before they hung up the phone. Huang Xin’s defender, tomboy Yang Jun, came up to help Huang Xin go to the bathroom, and walked to the door, but couldn’t help asking: "Are you really not angry? Can you figure it out?"

Huang Xin heard the sound and stopped: "Life is our own life. Don't pay too much attention to the opinions of others, let alone immerse yourself in the world of books. You have to observe with your own eyes, feel with your heart, and feel comfortable. "

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