Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 673: New Realm (3)

In the small meeting room on the third floor of the quaint and solemn Beijing Hotel, Adi’s Chairman Herbert and Greater China General Manager Gao Jiali led Adi’s negotiating team on one side, while Wang Ai, Leoni, and Schlapner sat on the opposite side. Waiting for the Chinese negotiating team.

The negotiating team of both parties is very interesting. Herbert's deputy is a Chinese, and Wang Ai's "deputy" is a German. On both sides, there is me in you and you in me, and no one can lie to anyone. The contract to be signed is the largest in Wang Ai's history, and in fact, it is also the largest in Adi's history. Unlike Nike, Adi has always been cautious in choosing spokespersons, preferring to spread resources instead of spending a lot of money on an NBA star like Nike.

This is probably the reason why Europeans have a higher moral standard than Americans.

The big contract given to Wang Ai is directly related to Wang Ai’s good performance in the past five years. In the past five years, Wang Ai has set great records one after another. From the Premier League to Serie A, from Germany to South Africa, Adidas The cost of a young star has gained an explosive growth, constant appreciation, and a spokesperson who is approaching the achievement of the world's king, making a lot of money! Herbert’s reason for persuading the board of directors for the super high endorsement fee of 320 million euros for five years is: "He is the perfect spokesperson."

At this time, Wang Ai, who was sitting across from Herbert looking down at the terms of the contract, was an invisible hand driving performance growth in the eyes of Chairman Adi.

To show the solemnity, today Wang Ai specially put on his iconic formal wear-a youth uniform with a small stand-up collar. After he arrived today, he temporarily renegotiated the issue of bonuses for major events and increased by 30%. Of course, the price is that Wang Ai will also pay 30% more "labor". As for other terms, Wang Ai almost swept away.

I only watched it carefully when the additional clauses were attached, and I also took the German contract and checked it.

Additional Clause 6: Clause 1 of the contract termination clause: When Party B has the following major scandals, Party A will consider reducing endorsement fees by 10%, 20%, 50%, or even terminate the contract, including but not limited to drug abuse, fighting, and public racial discrimination. , Discriminatory remarks by country, and other serious scandals, even violations of the law, and criminal punishments.

There is nothing new to the previous one. Wang Ai turned this page. The second page is the second paragraph of the contract termination clause: When there are major scandals in Party A’s senior officials and other spokespersons, especially when there is a public insult to Chinese politics, culture, and nationality. , Or when making statements in support of secession, Party B is free to terminate the contract.

Wang Ai only felt relieved after seeing this. The intense negotiations over the past few days are also one of the main points. Gao Jiali accused Wang Ai of this: “As Adi’s global corporate identity, it’s impossible to do such irrational behavior that is equivalent to giving up the 1.3 billion people market. Adi will not accept a spokesperson’s initiative to terminate the contract. Adi has enough respect."

Schrappner, who represents Wang Ai, retorted: "I remind you Mr. Gao, my boss is not a regional manager with an annual salary of several hundred thousand, but a partner with an'annual salary' of tens of millions. If If you can’t get the respect that matches your salary, I’ll call Nike.”

After several quarrels, this clause was included in Schlapner's insistence.

Seeing this, Wang Ai turned his head and glanced at Klaus approvingly, then turned his face to look at the Adi team opposite: "Mr. Herbert, Mr. Gao Jiali, our cooperation in the past five years has been very happy, I I hope that in the next five years, our cooperation will be more enjoyable."

Before Wang Ai's words fell, the applause of the Adi team rang out. The applause of the teams from both sides also made the reporters waiting outside the conference room to catch the big news scratch their heads.

Wang Ai kept smiling and sat in the same position without moving, nor writing. After a while, he continued: "This additional contract termination clause is what I require my agent to add, so I think it is necessary to explain to you gentlemen a little bit. Vision."

Herbert looked at Wang Ai seriously, and Gao Jiali was also full of curiosity. He heard Wang Ai say: "I have lived in Germany for many years, and I know what German society is like. Frankly speaking, not only Germany, but many European countries are because of China. People’s gentleness, I mistakenly thought that it would be no big deal to attack China, and Germany has a deep-rooted theory of yellow peril. I think if I use Roman history to say that today’s Germans are all barbarians, you will definitely not accept it, then Conversely, when you insult China, I will also be very upset."

Wang Ai glanced at the Adi team opposite, speaking slowly: "Once the phenomenon stipulated in the termination clause occurs, Adi will lose the Chinese market but still be a global enterprise, but what about me? China is my home, I am Can't leave China, so..."

Wang Ai opened his eyes wide and his expression was very serious: "I must remind you gentlemen that my reaction will be very fierce. In terms of China's core interests and national honor, I have nothing to do with ordinary Chinese. The difference is that I must stand with them. Even if my counterattack will not do anything to you, I will definitely do it."

"Some things can talk about interests, and some things must talk about standpoint."

Wang Ai's warning sounded very unexpected to the Adi team, and it was also very harsh.

Herbert thought for a moment, and sincerely said to Wang Ai: "We have huge interests in China. We are businessmen, we are not politicians. Interests will drive us and determine our words and deeds. After all, no merchant will do anything to harm him. About the wallet. Regarding the bad voices in German society you mentioned, I am willing to apologize for them. Please believe that Adi will not do such a thing. Even if there are some individuals, such as our grass-roots employees, we will try our best to make up for it. Let him become the rift that destroys the good relationship between us and, more importantly, between us and the Chinese market."

Wang Ai nodded and said sincerely: "Mr. Herbert, please believe me. I said this not as a means of negotiation, but as a sincere warning. I am very satisfied with the cooperation with Adi. I am very satisfied. I don’t want anything that would disrupt our cooperation. I will not do things that harm Adi, and I also hope that Adi will not do things that harm me. Only in this way can our cooperation proceed happily.”

"So..." Herbert stood up and stretched out his hand: "Are we talking?"

Wang Ai smiled: "Wait a minute."

After finishing speaking, he happily signed the three contracts quickly, and then stood up and held Herbert's hand suspended in the air. In an instant, louder applause flooded the conference room, and even whistles sounded.

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