Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 686: The approach of the two giants (6)

Li Jun's face was expressionless, his mind turned quickly: Why can't I even understand Chinese?

"What about our principles?" Wang Ai asked.

"There is no problem in principle." Schrappner showed his honest smile: "I am also the first time to help a star at your level do things. If it weren't for your insistence, I would not be able to say it."

Leoni frowned and thought deeply, Wang Ai smiled calmly, Li Jue's eyes were shining, Schlappner sighed, Li Jun... looked around: Does anyone explain to me?

Li Jue looked at Li Jun interesting, so he asked Wang Ai, "Can I say it?"

Wang Ai nodded and picked up a bunch of grapes to share with Leo Ni. Just as Li Jue was about to speak, footsteps came from outside. Dad Yan Zhu held the baby: "Hungry, right?"

Li Jue got up and took a look and waved his hand: "Take it, go and clean it up."

Yan Zhu turned away, and Li Jue sat down calmly and said: "Our principle is very simple, who belongs to whom. Unlike ordinary players, the transfer of star players is usually only part of the competitive value, and more importantly, the commercial value. You can think of the cooperation of the two companies as a merger of two companies, um, a temporary merger."

Li Jun said unexpectedly: "Is it so complicated?"

"Of course." Li Jue nodded seriously: "The Bayern club had a revenue of 100 million U.S. dollars last year. My boss, of course, is your boss. His income is 150 million U.S. dollars. This year, it may increase to 300 million U.S. dollars. How can the two parties come together? Regardless of their respective incomes?"

Li Jun opened his eyes wide. Although they weren't big, they showed the shock of the protagonist: "If you want to say that, Wang Er can earn more than Bayern?"

Li Jue and Lei Aoni looked at Wang Ai together: Wang Er?

Wang Ai peeled a grape from Cereone’s mouth and gave Li Jun a vicious look. Li Jun knew he had made a mistake and quickly said: “I always thought that the star was working at the club because of the relationship between the boss and the boss.”

Li Jue shrugged his shoulders: "Generally speaking, our boss was also at the beginning, but he is not anymore. He is a living legend recognized throughout Asia. He has a fairly solid market fundamentals, whether he goes to the rich or the rich. To general teams, brands that need the support of top stars in Asia will not be left behind. So although he seems to be a wage earner when he goes to the club, he is actually a partner. His income does not depend on the club’s tickets, broadcast or even the club itself. The advertisements he pulled depended on him, and the club provided nothing more than a platform."

Li Jun frowned: "You mean that Wang Er's advertising revenue belongs to him, Bayern's advertising revenue belongs to Bayern, and the two sides are clearly divided. Then, why does Bayern want him? I remember hearing Sister Huang say After that, the first year I came to Inter Milan brought tens of millions of income growth to Inter Milan?"

"At that time, it was a high-level hitman, Chelsea was not a giant, but Inter Milan was." Schlappner took the conversation: "At that time, Dr. Wang needed the encouragement of the giants to open a part of the market through the giants. Today, he uses double golden boots, The five-time champion, six-time champion, and the World Cup champion have eaten up this part of the market. In addition to Inter Milan’s own problems, he has to go to the new giants to exchange markets with each other. For example, Bayern’s world market, Dr. Wang joined Later it will get a part, and Bayern will get a market that China and Asia have not cared about Bayern in the past."

Li Jun had a headache when he heard it, but he knew that this was something that Wang Ai's assistant had to understand. Several people specifically called him to talk about this, just to help him make up lessons.

After a long time, Li Juncai said: "According to the initial cooperation model formed on Inter Milan, Bayern should not want all the increased revenue after Dr. Wang joins to enter Dr. Wang's pockets through various means, and there is no growth by itself."

"Of course." Schrappner nodded: "No one is afraid of a lot of money, so the initial cooperation terms proposed by Bayern are very greedy, such as 50% portrait rights, haha."

Several people in the back hall laughed together, and Li Jun frowned: "It seems, this is the common pattern, right?"

"That's why there is a huge gap in salary." Li Jue reopened: "Previous star players, such as Beckham, are the most typical. Why did he reject Real Madrid's ten million euro one-year contract extension and went to Los Angeles Galaxy to accept 3 million? His annual salary? Because the sharing agreement between the two parties is different. He is 50% of Real Madrid, and Real Madrid distributes some of his income to him, so he has an annual salary of tens of millions. And he is in Los Angeles Galaxy, although the annual salary is only 3 million, but belongs to him The club does not share any personal advertising revenue. Therefore, he actually earns more."

Schlappner said with emotion: "When I was young, players were really hitters. Only a few players, such as Platini and Cruyff, can barely be regarded as senior hitters. I often take time off for external activities. , And then reached an agreement with the club through various methods, or communicated. But modern football, especially the promotion of live TV, the influence of the stars has been greatly improved, and the right to speak has also been greatly improved. The Beckham mentioned by Xiao Li just now Mu is an example. If he stays at Real Madrid, his position is close to that of a partner. It’s just that he is old at that time, far from what Dr. Wang is now. There has never been a player like Dr. Wang in the world of football, with a huge , A star with a huge market that he almost carries with him. So his appearance is enough to change the rules of cooperation between the star and the club, at least for him."

Li Jun's eyes turned: "Workers, pay for their work, get paid, and accept exploitation. The partners share the benefits, and each is divided according to their strengths. If it is a temporary cooperation, not only will each have to retain their original customers, but also strive to amplify their benefits. Each increase in income. So, what can both Dr. Wang and Bayern provide?"

"Bayern provides platforms, one is the exposure platform of the giants themselves, and the other is the UEFA Champions League qualification platform. What Dr. Wang provides is Bayern's expansion of influence in China and Asia, increase in jersey souvenir sales and broadcast fees, as well as his competitive ability." Pune replied: "So, what we want is partner status, not worker status. Only when Bayern accepts this, we will continue to talk about it and talk about specific Asia, China, and outside Asia. The problem of the market’s advertising sharing, of course, is the salary problem. Today we will no longer accept the model of dividing tens of millions of personal advertising revenue to contribute to the club. If Bayern does not accept this condition, we can change to another club."

Li Jun took a deep breath and looked at Wang Ai: "Are you doing this now?"

Wang Ai discarded a bunch of grape skins in his palms and said concisely: "Any terms of cooperation are the product of the comparison of strength between the two sides."

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