Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 691: ? White Knight (1)

Wang Ai glanced at Brother Erbao and of course Erbao's daughter-in-law. Seeing that they were serious, he said angrily: "What about trouble? I have to spend how much money to get my brother's property, and I have to be scolded. . Co-work with me to tinker with your business, and finally lose money, I will pick up the ready-made ones?"


"Don't tell me." Wang Ai raised a finger: "What do you think and how I think is not important. What is important is what others think when I did this. My wallet now is equivalent to a face, and my face is getting dirty. , The wallet is deflated, this is not possible."

Brother Er Bao called Wang Ai a bit embarrassed. Fortunately, he has been a maverick in recent years, and his skin has grown old, so he hehe: "Actually, letting you buy is just a joke. The main reason is to ask you to buy shares. Tell you the truth. Wanger, our buddies have studied you privately, from the youth of Tübingen, to the Liao football, the Liao basketball, the Liao female, the Liao young man, and of course Milan, which has been transformed from the plains of you, oh the light of the Apennines. We found you... Nima is a business wizard!"

Brother Erbao heavily patted Wang Ai on the shoulder: "You can do anything, and you can earn money! Our three brothers thought that we could do too, so he was bloodied! So I thought about it and let you continue to take us. You can go ahead. You pointed out this path. You have the foresight. You must take us to go faster. The Apennines are only a few years old? It started at the same time as us, right? Now the output value is 1 billion. We are only 7 million."

"That's different." Wang Ai shook his head: "I invested almost 1 billion on this website, and I haven't paid back yet."

"That's right, what we're worse may be capital. If we don’t form a scale, we won’t be able to gain momentum. This brand with a personality can't always go out. So if you come, you don’t need to do anything, you just invest money. That’s fine. We’ll do all the specific things."

Wang Ai frowned: "...I, never partner, my business is sole proprietorship. If I opened this door for you today, I would be able to open dozens of partnership companies in a year. You wouldn't think it was just you. A few have noticed my business affairs, right?"

Brother Erbao thought for a while and found it reasonable. Today, he asked Wang Ai to play three poles with dates and no dates. After more than two years of costumes, he also understood. Regardless of the fact that the three of them did not make a lot of money, they survived. Faced with the scary elimination rate in the ready-to-wear brand market, the three newbies are pretty good.

Moreover, these three people have earned enough in their careers. The success or failure of the business does not affect the quality of life. They are not born in a business family, but they also have a little advantage. Very divided.

Otherwise, the total investment will not be less than 10 million, and the annual income of Guang Lao Bai is not less than 20 million. So since I can't convince Wang Ai, I'll study it later. In short, I'm not persistent.

Instead, Wang Ai’s words called Brother Erbao messed up his mind—"You pointed out this way." Although Wang Ai was sure that Brother Erbao said this was to admit that he was taking the right path and didn’t mean to blame. .

But after all, it was Wang Ai who pointed out that he really couldn't keep going and went bankrupt. It hurts Wang Ai's prestige and I'm sorry buddies. So before leaving the next morning, Wang Ai said something like this to Brother Erbao: "I really don't have the energy to deal with these things. To tell you the truth, I also pointed out the light of the Apennines at the beginning. , And then it was all done by others. However, there happens to be an idler in my family right now, I will let her figure it out for you, right?"

Wang Ai didn't say who it was, and Brother Erbao didn't ask who it was, and immediately nodded happily.

Wang Ai rarely makes promises, but promises nothing if he does.

It is said that there are fewer daughters, Wang Ai decided to donate to the Hope Project in 2008, 950 million yuan in 3 years! How much is "a daughter"? It is only a little more than 100 million yuan if it is actually exchanged for renminbi.

It happened that Leo Ni had nothing to do during her pregnancy, and she didn't even need the website. The three giants of CY Sports, Li Jue, Anika, and Shen Xiangfu, are stable. Apart from the network and strategic advice, she doesn't need to spend any energy, so it was just right to let her help.

The scale of the three "oceans" sales is so small, making Wang Ai a waste of time. Wang Ai's contacts, influence, and even the price of time far exceed what is needed for such a small business. Let Leonie do it, it's all condescending, but she's okay with her pregnancy. Just relying on Leo Ni's experience, contacts, and vision, just sprinkle a little, and it will be enough to break through.

For example, the relationship between Leonie and Beyond Sports, let any of its clubs give their brother three a sponsored discount, which is a matter of one sentence.

Although the buddies are still good buddies, and the feelings are still good feelings, after all, the level of doing business and doing things is different, and the brothers have to settle accounts.

When I returned home and talked to the big white fish, Leoni was really interested, and even the little white fish showed interest. It's just that Xiao Baiyu still can't get out of her body, she is gradually handing it over to Liu Dingxiang about the light of the Apennines, and she can't let it go right away. Even if Liu Dingxiang is an entrepreneurial veteran, she has only been in contact with management for less than three years. It is too shallow, even she herself is not at ease.

So Xiaobaiyu and Wang Ai said that after she became pregnant this year, they would study something based on their own personality. According to the "production plan", Leo Ni had followed after she gave birth in September. Leo Ni will return to China to serve the child. It is estimated that she will not have much energy for a year or a half. Although Huang Xin will come to Europe at that time, but the child is not old, it is estimated that she will be free at that time.

Wang Ai dealt with this humming haha, but the other way around: Little Beauty has been on the go all these years, from stupid food to stupid fund, from broker to website CEO, more than ten years have passed so busy. NS. Known as an executive, not only didn't make much money, he finally got himself involved.

Little Beauty has never complained, but Wang Ai sometimes puts himself in the position and thinks: It seems that my Nima is not human, this is even the belt bones. Let people work during the day and warm the bed at night. From the mind to the body, I want it all!

Definitely a dark-hearted capitalist!

Therefore, Wang Ai, who has lost her heart, intends to make up for it. She plans to give her a three-year holiday after she is pregnant. She will not give her any work. She looks like a long-time worker in the Wang family, and she also lives out a new-age female self.

Although Wang Ai is somewhat shivering towards this "self", people have to be worthy of their conscience, right? Anyway, Wang Ai is ready to let Little Beauty be a mad pregnant woman.

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