Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 698: White Knight (8)

The family belief that shrouded Conse's body is a curse of fate, both to Conse's and Francisco.

After this year of training, Kang Si's ability to deal with interpersonal relations and management has greatly improved. Originally planned to return to the comfort of Wang Ai at the end of the spring and summer of this year, and Wang Ai just trusted her. The vision of choosing a house. It is a pity that Queen Sophia called before she came, so she had to stay in the palace for a few days.

It was not until the afternoon of April 12 that Kang Si returned to Milan. Wang Ai was not there, Shi Wenjun went to work, and Leo Ni, who had a belly at home, was leading a group of guards on the platform on the second floor. Shi Wen was screened for the third time. Jun brought back photos from Munich. Conse put down her backpack, then bent over and hugged the lady who had kissed her extremely lightly and came to Leonie.

Leonie raised her eyes and looked at Kang Si, whose fluffy flaxen hair was combed and leaned to one side, and smiled: "Looks like an adult."

Conse smiled: "Or they always want to lie to me."

After finishing talking, I walked to the couch where Leo Ni was sitting and squatted down, gently leaning in front of Leo Ni's knitted wool coat belly, and carefully touched: "Does it hurt so much?"

"It doesn't hurt." Leo Ni played with Conse's still fluffy braids with interest: "You will have this day too, don't be afraid. Come, pick the house, and he will believe in your eyes."

As he said, put a lot of photos in front of Kang Si: "You don't have to go there often in the future, right?"

Kang Si took the photo and looked down and said, "Well, it can be considered a break."

Leonie smiled silently, and said to her heart that you still want to rest? As long as you have no children and are okay, you may be rotated where you are.

In the evening, Wang Ai came back to look at Kang Si's portrait of a shopping mall elite, frowning: "Why do you dress like this? Are you free?"

"Don't you like it?" Cons fiddled with the skirt of her skirt.

"At home." Wang Ai stepped forward and patted Kang Si on the head: "Be comfortable."

After a while, Kang Si put on a casual outfit again, just like the crazy girl who used to run up and down at home. Wang Ai smiled: "What do you want to eat? I'll catch the wind for you tonight."

She took off her work clothes and ate dinner again. After being cautious and cautious about her work experience, Kang Si slowly dissipated. She sat on the sofa in the living room on the first floor holding the dog and drinking tea: "Do you have any ideas for the game the day after tomorrow?" "

"They." Wang Ai casually pointed at the people in the room: "There are also people in the team who are studying together, of course, it is mainly them."

"Can you win?" Constance asked: "Now Spain is spreading that you are going to leave next season. The person who said you are going to leave is still working so hard for the international team. It's a white knight."

Wang Ailuo stunned and laughed: "It's not good whether we can win or not. Anyway, there is a way. The game depends on a little luck. With Jose, we all know each other too well, but because of the cards on both sides, we can play out. There are only a few tricks."

With that said, Wang Ai retracted his legs on the coffee table and prepared to get up and go out to practice at night, while Kang Si also subconsciously stood up and prepared to check the sneakers. Unexpectedly, Li Jun came over with the football, and the two looked at each other.

Wang Aihaha happily slapped Kang Si on the shoulder: "You are not my assistant, let him do it. You take a good break, and then we will study your next job."

Amidst the ridicule of Shi Wenjun and Leo Ni, Kang Si smirked and sat down, and when Wang Ai left, she said distressedly to the two of them: "It's not an assistant. From now on, I can't work just two hours a day. Have fun?"

Shi Wenjun glanced at Kang Si contemptuously, and Leo Ni smiled and said, "Yes, you can get pregnant too."

That night, Wang Ai went upstairs warmly from the gym. After passing by the second floor, he thought about walking to the door of Kang Si's room. Seeing that the door was hidden, he pushed her hand. Kang Si was sitting in front of the window sill and looking out the window in a daze. Wang Ai Without saying anything, he walked to the chair opposite Conse and took a seat: "Are you okay?"

"I..." Kang Si turned her head: "Before I came back, I thought about coming back every day, and after I came back, I couldn't help thinking about that side."

"Yeah? Really grown up?" Wang Ai said with a smile: "This is professionalism."

"I don't know if this is considered a good thing, as if I will be much less happy from now on." Kang Si said awkwardly.

"Difficulties and hardships, Yuru Yucheng." Wang Ai thought for a while: "We Chinese people talk about this. Only in this way can a person's personality be tempered and tempered, and will adapt to the arduous challenge without shrinking, and will be patient. Stay with the uneasiness in your heart and overcome the difficulties little by little. But in fact, you don’t need it. Your family mission and your childhood experience have allowed you to get this training early. So, you can be more comfortable, Just do what you like. I don’t ask you to be like others, to hold on to something, to develop something, I can afford you, and you will always find what you like."

Kang Si lowered her head and raised her head again, smiling: "Bring me, what do I have to pay?"

Wang Ai smiled at Kang Si, shook his head and stood up: "Pay whatever you are willing to pay."

Wang Ai, who had just turned around, felt that his arm was being grasped. Wang Ai turned around and was thrown into his arms by the soft Kang Si, still lowering his head and holding him tightly. Just listen to Conse, who was buried in her chest, asked dullly: "It's been so long, don't you believe me?"

"You know the secrets of my house." Wang Ai put his arms around Kang Si's small, but also bumpy body in a low voice.

"Do you hate my blood?" Kang Si raised her head and looked at Wang Ai's face with gurgling eyes under the light.

Wang Ai laughed and stroked Kang Si's hair: "No, you have committed no crime, otherwise I would not support you."

Kang Si looked at Wang Ai for a while, lowered her head again and said quietly, "Do you want to expand the scope of the assistant's work?"

Wang Ai didn’t understand for a while, but he immediately noticed the bodies of the two closely leaning on. He let go of Kang Si with a laugh, slightly bent over and sprayed her face with both hands, staring at her brave eyes, and straightened up again. After thinking about it, he bent down and looked at Kang Si again: "You went out for a year, saw the outside world, and chose to come back. I am very happy. But I don't want you to make a hasty decision. I want you to settle down at home for a while. Time, then tell me."

Kang Si sullen, and Wang Ai laughed again: "I know, you want to say that you made a decision a long time ago? But, when you were young, you were hiding from your family mission by my side. You treat me Dependence is formed. The decision made in this situation...I don't want to keep you closed like this, I need a complete Lucia to tell me."

Consi smoked her nose: "Perfectly? Do you want to play princess?"

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